Ch 28: Trouble's in Trouble. Again.

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I wake up with the sun hitting my face and remember I had a dream last night. I look over at my nightstand to read my journal to jog my memory of what it was about. I squint my eyes and look closer only to find out that I didn't write legibly. I can't read a single thing on the page! It's all lines, boxes and scribbles; it looks like chicken scratch. And now I don't even remember the dream!


Later that day during Japanese class, Luke walks into our classroom with a pink note and hands it to Dr. Green.

I'm looking up from my worksheet and Luke gives me a wink. Dr. Green turns towards my desk, "Miss Sang, you're wanted in the office."

Why would the office be calling me? I gather my things and head out the door with Luke. We are walking quietly, but once we get farther down the hallway he starts laughing!

"I can't believe that worked!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I just got you out of class!!"

I stare at him wide eyed. "We're ditching class? No one wants me in the office? We have to go back." I start to turn around, but Luke grabs me by the elbow.

"Sang, hold up. I swiped the office passes last week and forged the secretary's signature to get us out of class. You can't go back now they'll know it was fake!"

"Fine, but what are we going to do?"

"We're going to the office."

"But you just said I wasn't called to the office!"

"Just follow me Sang and don't worry your pretty little head."

We continue walking to the office and once we get there. I glance over at the Principal's office. The door is closed and I have yet to see her. I know this is her first year since they needed to replace the one who got fired. I wonder what she looks like? We make a turn and head down a narrow hallway to an unmarked door.

Luke pulls out his wallet and takes out some tools to start opening the door.

"Luke! You can't break into this office, someone could be in there."

"This is Dr. Green's and Mr. Blackbourne's office. Dr. Green is teaching your class right now and Mr. Blackbourne is at a faculty meeting on the other side of campus."

He gets the lock to open and we hurry inside. My heart is beating a million miles a minute and I just know we are going to get caught!

"Okay. Look for keys. We need his keys."

"We're going to steal his car??? Luke I'm leaving, I can't steal a car."

"Sang, sweetie. Calm down we are not stealing a car. We just need the keys to move it."

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