Ch 52: En Prise

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The new school week has started and all the fun of Homecoming is over. All throughout the day I've been handing out invitations to my birthday sleepover. Although October 6th brings back bad memories, I know this year's birthday will be different. All my friends will join me for a sleepover; I just hope the fun lasts long enough before my dads find out I only invited boys.

I shake those scary thoughts away and focus on the here and now. Tonight is my date with North and I'm kind of nervous. I'm nervous because I've never really spent alone time with him, but also because I need to talk to him about what he said the other day.

I don't mind being his girlfriend, but I think there are a few things to get out of the way first. Like a couple dates, a first kiss and actually talking to me about it!!

I give a deep sigh and it was loud enough for Victor to hear.

"Everything okay?" He asks me.

I turn around in my seat to face him. We're in Japanese class translating sentences. Luckily Dr. Green is too busy helping other students to notice Victor and I chatting.

"I'm just thinking."

"Sounds like your thinking about some deep stuff. Anything you want to talk about?"

Should I tell Victor about my date? He's never expressed any interest. Before I get a chance to continue our conversation Mr. Blackbourne bursts through the classroom door.

"Afternoon Dr. Green."

"Owen!" Dr. Green says in a shocked tone, "This is unexpected."

"Yes, well I have an announcement to make to the class if you don't mind."

"Sure. Go ahead." Dr. Green turns to the class, "Okay guys listen up, Mr. Blackbourne has an announcement."

Mr. Blackbourne steps forward to the center of the class, he has a stack of papers in his hands and he gives a bunch to each row to pass back.

"Good afternoon everyone. I'm here to make an announcement about the upcoming talent show. New school rules indicate everyone must participate in some sort of after school function. If you haven't signed up for clubs or joined sports teams this is your chance to participate and earn your credit. Dr. Green here will be offering extra credit to those who participate."

"I will?" Dr. Green asks.

Mr. Blackbourne gives him a look, "Yes, you will. I will also be offering extra credit to those in the medical magnet classes. Signups are posted to the bulletin board in the front office. Thank you."

He nods to the class and Dr. Green and leaves. Just like that he creates a whirlwind of disruption throughout the class. No one is focusing on translating sentences. Everyone is talking about the talent show and the extra credit they will get. Victor and I are the only students with A's in the class so far and I know plenty will be jumping at the chance to earn more points to boost their grades.

"Sang, what were you telling me earlier?"

"Huh? Oh I just had some stuff on my mind. I'm going on a date tonight, I'm a little nervous." I tell him timidly.

His fire eyes scorch a path straight through me and I think my earlier thought that I shouldn't tell Victor about my date was the right one.

"Who are you going with?"

"North Taylor. How are you and Samantha?"  I ask just to try and change the subject.

"Samantha? Why do you want to know about her?"

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