Ch 51: Happily Never After

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"Little Bird, scoot closer!!" Uncle tells me as he aims his camera towards us.

Luke and I are at the Diner where we had an early dinner with North, Silas and his dates. The food was amazing! Uncle made a special entree for us and set up a secluded table towards the back.

We've been posing for pictures for what feels like an hour. Currently, Luke has his arm around my waist and is holding my corsage hand in his other. The typical pose for all high schoolers everywhere. Luke starts tickling my side and it causes me to squirm. I'm giggling and trying to get away, but he just pulls me closer.

I take a glance towards Silas and he's laughing too, but North isn't. He's shooting daggers at his brother and I feel bad knowing he has to watch me go to the dance with Luke when he thinks I'm his girlfriend or something. I'm going to have to talk to him about that!

I finally get myself under control to take the picture with Luke. Next, Uncle insists on a group shot. We all gather together including Silas and his cousins.

Uncle prepares the camera and when he asks if we're ready Luke chimes in, "Say syphilis!!"

The picture comes out great. Silas and his cousins are laughing at Luke's prompt creating what look like genuine smiles. I'm beet red, but still smiling like a crazy girl. Luke is also smiling despite the smack he got upside the head from North which was captured at the very moment the picture was taken.

We finally leave the Diner and make our way to school. Gabriel did an amazing job and he even did great with the costumes he made for the waiters. The capes are simple red velvet with hoods draped over their regular serving uniforms. Each worker also wears a mask covering half their face. I can tell Gabriel spent a lot of time with the details. Each one hand painted with a different design. They look gorgeous.

While Silas' cousins run off mumbling about finding cute Ashley Waters boys to dance with Karen bounds up to me, "Sang!! I'm guessing Hilary Duff?"

I laugh at Karen's spot on guess. With my white poofy dress, and pink converse I'm Hilary Duff from Another Cinderella Story. Originally, Luke suggested I wear light blue like the cartoon Cinderella, but he hesitated saying I would look too sophisticated all dressed up. He mentioned the pink shoes will be cute like I always dress and it made me blush.

Karen is a stunner herself with her Little Red Riding Hood inspired dress. My friends also arrive and since there's not much boys can dress up as they pretty much all look the same. I will mention they look gorgeous! I can tell North is uncomfortable though. He keeps pulling at his tie. I'm afraid it might rip with the force he's using. Even the chaperones look nice. The females wearing nice dresses while the males wore suits. Or in Mr. Blackbourne's case he wore his 'uniform' as I now call it. Dr. Green went all out though. I don't know what fairy tale he's from, but he's got a bow and arrow attached to his back.

Luke takes me out on the dance floor and we spend a good amount of time having fun. We head over to the food tables and I give a small wave to Cody who is replacing the trays of appetizers.

"I'm so glad I get you all to myself for the night. Having fun?" Luke whispers in my ear.

"Yes." The reply gets caught in my throat because just as I look towards the entrance of the gym I see Victor.

Victor and his date.

She's tall with a flawless face and long brown hair tied up in a half up-do. She wears a gold gown with a full skirt and fitted bodice. Diamonds adorn her wrists; at least I think they're diamonds. With the way she carries herself I think she could own the school or something.

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