Ch 32: Spy Girl Sang

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It's early the next morning. I didn't get any sleep trying to finish reading my childhood journal and plotting my plan to catch Volto. I'm inside our storage shed digging through packed boxes trying to find some old Academy equipment my parents don't use anymore. I have to hurry because my parents are always up at dawn. They'll notice I'm out here with all the noise I'm making.

"Sang, what are you doing out there?" Lily calls from inside the house.

"Nothing, Mom. Just looking for some old stuff.'

"Doodlebug, you're going to wake the neighbors." John leans casually against the frame of the door. It's rare that I get to see him. He's the one who takes the most Academy assignments. His usually involve a lot of travel, while on the other hand my dad Liam can do a lot of assignments from home on his computer.

"Oh, hey Dad. Did I wake you?"

"No. What are looking for?"

Wire taps, bugs, cellphone jammers, GPS trackers, key loggers, surveillance equipment, spy glasses, pens that write in invisible ink! Anything I can use to catch Mr. Blackbourne in the act, but I can't tell him this because he will ask me why and I don't want to tell them just yet. Not until I have proof.

"Umm, I have a school project. I need like cameras and stuff."


"I need photography equipment and I remembered you had stuff out here that you guys don't use anymore."

"Oh! For art class. Are they going to display the work? Like a gallery, you know we would love to see your stuff."

"No not art class." I'm not even taking art. He stares at me waiting to elaborate on which class I have this project in. "It's for ASB, we're taking photos of the events to put on a bulletin board and the school website and stuff"

I hope he can't tell I'm lying. I kept my head down, digging through boxes to avoid any sort of eye contact. I think it works because he walks further in and grabs two boxes stacked high on a back shelf.

"Here, this is all the Academy stuff we don't use anymore. We got newer models of pretty much everything, but most of these still work. You'll just need to dig around to find the cameras."

"Thanks, Dad." I smile and he walks out and back into the house.

I grab my backpack I emptied out and start stuffing it with anything I could think of that I might need on this assignment I've given myself. Who needs the Academy? I can do this all on my own! I hope they can't read thoughts, because I still really want to join!

I race back to my room to get ready for school and to dump all the equipment in my attic except a camera, GPS tracker, listening device and key logger. Step one infiltrate Mr. Blackbourne's office and car again! I have no clue how I'm going to accomplish this as he probably stepped up the security since the prank. Maybe I can ask Luke for help again? Or maybe one of the other boys?


Once at school Ms. Johnson our English teacher assigns us a new book to read that depicts a dystopian society. She informs us we will be having a debate in one week as she hands us a list of topics and questions we need to be prepared to address and argue. She informs us we will be doing the project with someone from the other English class taught by Mr. Cameron and that we will each be assigned a partner from their class.

Everyone in the room groans- myself included. I really wanted to work with Kota, Luke or Gabriel. She tells us working with someone outside of our class will give us a different perspective and help us grow our thoughts.

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