Ch 20: How Do You Spell Trouble?

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I'm sitting in the kitchen where my parents are all staring at me in silence. The silence is making me panic more than just getting my punishment over with for the date I just went on. Dad's rubbing at his scar and I know he does that when he's thinking. Mom looks upset, but she seems calm...maybe she's okay with me dating, but just wished I had told her first? I couldn't have told her first because I didn't even know it was a date until I was in Gabriel's car!


Uh oh! No nicknames-this is serious.

"Yes, Dad?"

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

I don't like that question. What am I supposed to say when I didn't know I was doing anything wrong! They definitely don't want to hear me say that though, I may not have had such a normal life so far, but I'm not stupid!

I look down at my hands clasped in my lap, I decide to go with the easiest response hoping to get this conversation over with, "I'm sorry" I tell them in a whisper.

"Pooh Bear, we just don't understand how this happened. I thought we did a good job of taking care of you."

"Yes, Babykins, how did this happen? We've given you lessons and you're such a smart girl how did it come to this?"

I look up at them a little confused, "I don't know" I tell them, because I really don't know how to explain not being aware of going on a date until the last minute.

"Can you imagine how we felt when we got a call from your teacher?"

That's how they found out? Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green where the only teachers who saw us. Why would they care if I'm out on a date? Why would they call my parents!?!?!

Now I'm shaking, not because I'm afraid of the repercussions of going on a date without asking my parents first-I'm shaking out of anger that my teachers would feel they have the right to call my parents over this!! Do they not like Gabriel? Do they think he is a bad influence?

I look up at my dad and he has been relatively quiet this entire time. He uncrosses his arms to run his hand through his slicked back hair and gives a frustrated sigh. I don't want to see my parents disappointed so I put on a brave face.

"It won't happen again. I promise" I tell them looking into each of their eyes so they know I mean it.

"You got that right! We don't want to get another phone call from your teacher telling us you've failed a quiz again or a test or assignment or anything."

Wait. Hold up.

They're talking about my quiz not the date I just got back from with Gabriel! Although I still don't know how I failed, I'm relieved this isn't about my date.

"I honestly don't know how I failed, I studied and when I was answering the short essay questions I knew the answers. I'm not sure what happened, but I promise it won't happen again. I'm going to tutoring once a week."

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