Ch 5: Mall Adventure

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As I walk across the street back to Kota's house I find them outside already next to what I assume is Victor's car because it wasn't parked here earlier when I was dropping off cookies.  Kota is standing next to Victor talking intently with a smile on his face, while Victor casually leans against his car listening.  I can't tell what the conversation is about but when Victor looks my way his fire eyes increase in intensity and he leans forward off the car telling Kota something.  Kota's head turns in my direction and he gives me a warm smile.

"Sang are you ready for the mall?  We'll be taking my car."

"Yes, I'm ready!  Thank you both for inviting me, I've never been to the mall."  As I say this Kota is opening up the passenger door for me to get in and he comments, "Well this is going to be an adventure."

Once I'm seated and buckled, Kota closes the door and gets in the back seat while Victor gets in the front and starts the car.  As we pull out and start to head down the street I look over at my house and see my mom waving out the window.  I laugh at the sight and wave back.  Kota leans forward in his seat and asks, "Is that your Mom?"

"Yes, I guess she's excited that I'm going to the mall for the first time."

"You both have blonde hair, but you must get your green eyes from your dad"  Kota comments on my mom's blue eyes in comparison to my green ones.

"Ummm, well no..."  I let it linger not knowing how to explain my family situation.  I've never had to tell anyone about myself and I'm not sure how much to divulge given my assignment.  "No, I'm actually adopted."

Victor interrupts the awkward silence that filled the car with a welcomed question.  "So radio, what station?"

"Rock!", Kota exclaims.

"Sang picks, since she's the guest."

"I don't mind rock."

"Sang you don't have to pick rock just because Kota said it first."

"Well it's your car Victor, why don't you decide."

He switches on a classical station and I start to relax and enjoy the music and watch all the scenery and buildings passing by.  I had forgotten how much is out there in the world.  Lots of homes, apartments, rows of shops, dozens of cars lining streetways, all the different plants and trees in the world.  I didn't even get to see this stuff when we moved from our old house to here for my assignment.  My parents had let me stay in the back of the moving van.  Dad through a fit when I suggested it, but I insisted on riding there because I didn't want to have any view of what could be out there.  For some reason I didn't feel any anxiety right now.  Maybe it was because I had my assignment to distract me or maybe it was because I was with Kota and Victor, my new friends.

Snapping back to attention I notice we are getting off the highway.  I hadn't even noticed when we got on.  Victor and Kota must have seen how interested I was in looking at everything on the way because they didn't even make small talk.  

Kota notices that I'm back on this planet and asks, "So Sang, how is it possible you have never been to a mall before?"

"I just never needed to go to one, my parents always bought me what I needed and gave it to me."  Although this is true I don't want to mention the real reason why I've never been to many places; why I never left my house for 5 years.

"Well I know we are here for school supplies, but since it's your first visit to the mall I think we have some things we have to know for your first time.  What do you think Victor?"

"Yes, you need the entire experience if this is your first time.  Lets see...first there's the shopping, we need to visit as many stores as possible.  We have to make a wish at the fountain, everyone does that.  Then there's the play area: balloons, merry go round..."

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