Bedtime Story

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Jessica wakes up and takes a shower, she comes out in a big comfy robe and her hair in a towel. She calls Danny to say good morning, then heads to the living room,

"Mornin' Jess! Did you sleep well?" Kathy asks "Like a baby!" Jess replies.

"Okay, so today we are going to breakfast then the SPAAAA!" Sarah says excitingly.

"Oh yes! I've been needing the spa!"

They get ready and head out.

They have a lovely breakfast, then when they get to the spa they have some much needed massages, manicures and pedicures.

Relaxing, Jessica saying "Oh gosh this is the life! Thank you girls so much!"

After the spa they have lunch,

Today is a pretty chill day. After all the relaxing at the spa all everyone wants to do is go back to the hotel and take a nap.

When they wake up from their nap they're hungry "Let's order pizza!" Jess suggest.

"Hey guys while we wait for the pizza I'm gonna go call Danny" she says as she walks to the other room.

Danny answers,



"Aw, my sweet baby girl! How's your day going?"

"Amazing! We had a delicious breakfast, went to the spa then came back to the hotel to take a nap and now we are waiting for pizza! What are you up to tonight?"

"That's sounds nice! The guys just told me they were taking me out tonight, I don't know where were going. I can't wait to see or to touch you babydoll, it's killing me!

"I know me too baby, but just one more day and we'll be in each other's arms!"

"I can't wait.. Say... Uh where are you right now?"

"In my room...why?"

"Are you alone?"

"Yeah!" She says in a exciting tone

"Well since we're both alone... Why don't we have a little bit sex?"

"Ah yeah okay let's do it! What would you do to me baby? If you were with me right now...what would you do?!"

"I would put my hands on your waist and kiss you softly, working my hands all over your sexy curvy body, I'd nibble at your ear and kiss you down your neck, running my fingers through your hair, I kiss you again, only this time.. Deeper and longer. I would take your dress off revealing your beautiful naked body, you'd wrap your legs around me and I'd carry you to our bed and set you down. I suck on your toes, I'd kiss you up your legs, stomach and breast, sucking on your nipples you start to moan. I know you want me and God knows I want you but I want to tease you a bit more. You spread your legs to make room for me, I touch you everywhere avoiding your clit, you beg me... Please Danny please give it to me!!"

Jessica giggles and says "Woah, Danny your story is making me horny... Continue!"

"I lightly lick your bulging clit in circular motions, you throw your head back and your back arches "Oh Danny! Harder faster!" You say. I grab your hips, you press yourself closer to my face. I stick my tongue up your pussy, you grab the bed sheets making a fist. I go faster and faster, harder and harder... Your breathing becomes quicker, you scream "Oh Danny! I'm gonna cum!" You let out a loud moan and scream, you cum on my face. I lick you up...and baby you taste so sweet."

"Oh fuck Danny that was great! I want you so bad right now!"

"Are you still alone?"

"I am."

"Touch yourself"

Jessica laughs "Okay!"

"I'll do it too, just close your eyes and listen to the rest of the story."

"With your cum still on my lips, we both sit up and share a deep and intense kiss. You whisper "I want you inside of me Danny..cum inside of me!" Your legs wrapped around my body, I stick my long hard cock in your pussy and we both are in sync pounding onto each other"

"Oh God! Keep going Danny!" Jessica says as she is about to cum.

Danny continues the story, his voice begins to change, you can tell he is about to cum as well.

"You scream my name, I scream yours, your pulling my hair, I'm grabbing your back, you bite my neck then throw your head back and let out a grunty moan. Your boobs bouncing in my face we both cum, we throw ourselves on the bed and fall asleep in each other's arms."

"Oh god! Oh god! Oh Danny!" Jess cums.

At the same time Danny cums.

"Oh fuck! Oh Jessie! Ah ah!"

"That was the best bedtime story ever Mr. Huston!" Jessica says while catching her breath.

"Haha, just wait till you get home!" He says

"Hey Jess!! Pizzas here!!" Kathy yells.

"Oh damn it, the pizzas here... I guess I gotta go. Well I've had a wonderful time talking with you Danny!"

"Me too! You enjoy your pizza Ms. Lange. I love you!"

"I love you too! Have fun going out tonight!"

"Will do babydoll, goodnight!"

"Goodnight, sweetheart!"

Jessica washes her hands and goes to eat.

She walks in still looking pink in the face and flustered.

They look at her and wonder what she was up too "Uh Jess, what were you doin'?" Kathy asks.

"Just talking to Danny...why?"

"Oh silly me...I know what you were doing!" Kathy says laughing and giving her a wink.

"Jessica looks down and laughs "He was just telling me a bedtime story" She says biting her lip and giving her a wink back.

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