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Once they got in the car Danny said, "I can't believe you did that."
"Did what?"
Danny looks at her like she's crazy and says, "What just happened like two minutes ago!  Jessica you were slapping her ass!"
"Ah, shut up!  It's not a big deal!" She moves her hand for him to leave her alone.
"Now take me to breakfast before we head home.  I need coffee and two ibuprofens!" She runs her hand thru her hair.
"Where do you wanna go?"
"Just go to Denny's." She leans back in her seat and closes her eyes.

Danny pulls into the Denny's and they get out.
They walk in with the clothes they were wearing the night before, Jessica's makeup was still slightly smudged and they both had messy hair.

"I can't believe how out of hand things got last night.  I mean, I felt like I was twenty years old again!" Jessica says before sipping her coffee.
"I know, we haven't been that wild in a while."
"It was fun, but I do miss my babies."
"So do I.  I just hope they're better today.. I can't take the screaming right now!" He grabs his head.
"Oh I know!" She chuckles.


When they get home they see Isaiah asleep in the playpen, George past out on the couch and Gabriella on top of him with one of Jessica's red lipsticks.
"Gabriella Danielle!" Jessica says making her turn sharply towards her.
"Ah!  Mommy!" Her eyes widen.
"What are you doing to uncle George?"
"Uh.. Nothing!"
"Gabriella, are you telling stories?" Danny asks.
"No daddy, I not." She nods.
They laugh and Jessica says, "Gabby you put makeup all over him!"
"I making him pretty, mommy!"

Jessica takes the lipstick from her and says, "With my favorite lipstick!" Then looks at George and says, "Haha!  But it's worth it, good job, Gabby!" She high fives her then kisses her.

"George!  George!  We're home." She shakes him.
"Huh?!  Oh!  Hey, I just rested my eyes for a second." He smiles and doesn't realize he has makeup on his face.
"How were they?"
"They were great, Isaiah wouldn't eat at first but then I put on one of your movies and he was fine."
"Aw my baby!" She brings her hands to her chest.

"So how did y'all's night go?  You both sounded pretty waisted last night."
"I can barely even remember when we talked to you." Danny says.
"Yeah, it was.. Crazy, I'll just say that much." She giggles and looks at Danny.
"Alright I'm out!" George stands up and lifts his hands.

He grabs his jacket and Jessica says, "Oh wait George, you have a little somethings on your face."
He wipes the corner and asks, "Better?"
"Perfect!" Jessica smiles.


Isaiah wakes up after Jessica gets out of the shower.

"Hi baby boy, it's mommy!" She says in a cute voice.
Isaiah gets excited and starts baby talking.
"Awe you're so happy to see me, aren't you?" She picks him up.
"How's mommy's boy?  Hmm?  How's mommy's beautiful boy?" She holds him then kisses his cheek.
"Can you say mama?  Huh?  Mama!" She smiles.
Isaiah makes a "Mmm." Sound but doesn't say the full word.
"Oh you're so close!  You'll be talking in no time, baby boy!" She bounces him then plays with his thick dark hair.


Two hours later.

"You bitch!" George texts her.

"What did I do?!"

"I went to two stores and the dry cleaners before I went home and saw myself!"

"Haha!  I'm sorry, I just thought it'd be funny for your to see your nieces' masterpiece when you got home.. I just didn't know you were gonna go all around town that!"

"Oh Gabby and I will get you back, don't you worry!"

"Don't you dare!"

"Just watch your back, sis!"


As Jessica holds Isaiah Danny goes up to her.

"Hey Jess, my agent called and they want me to go to Texas for a small part in a movie."
"Aw that's great baby!  But when you left the first time, I found out I was pregnant with Isaiah and the last time I thought I was pregnant... Honey you're never leaving out of town again!" She laughs.
He laughs and she says, "I'm just playing!  You go and we'll be fine."
"Well, I wanted to make it a family trip.  The rodeo is going on in Houston and you know Gabriella would love to see all those animals."
"Awe that does sound fun!" She smiles.
"So can we all go?"
"Yeah!  We can all go!"
"Yes!  Thank you, Babydoll!" He kisses her cheek.
"Did you hear that Gabby?  Mommy said you can go! 
"Yay!  We gonna see the horsies!"
"You already tole her about it?" Jessica chuckles.
"I had too.  She was my back up plan if you said no."
"Your backup plan?"
"Yeah.  Gabby, show mommy our plan."

"Okay daddy!" She smiles then throws herself on the ground and crawls to Jessica.

"MOMMY!  PLEASE LET US GO WITH DADDY TO TEXAS AND SEE THE HORSIES!  PLEASE MOMMY!  PLEASE!  Me and Zaya wants to see all the am-in-allsss!  We'll be good babies, mommy please!" She begs with a fake cry and clings to her leg.
"You're quite the actress, Gabriella!" She laughs.
"Thanks!" She looks up and smiles as she's still grabbing her leg.
"She really is though!" Danny laughs.
"I a good actress!  I'm a star!" She stands up and lifts her hands then wiggles her little fingers in the air.
"Yes you are baby!" Jessica smiles and pokes her stomach.
"She's so like you Jessica, it's not even funny!" He smiles.
"Isn't she?  Good girl, Gabby!" She puckers her lips and gives her a kiss.

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