Date Night

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The next day Jessica wakes up and sees Gabriella in her bouncer eating bananas and Danny packing.
First she smiles at Gabriella then looks over to Danny and gets a feeling of sadness that makes her want to just burst into tears, but she doesn't want to upset Danny more than he already is.
"Morning Danny." She says in a low voice.
He turns to her and says, "Oh good morning, babydoll. Sorry, did I wake you?"
"No you're good, I just got up... You need help?"
"No, I'm just about finished, thank you though." He zips his bag up then looks at her and smiles.
"What?" She asks with a slight giggle.
"You just look so beautiful with bed head."
She looks down and laughs, "Thank you honey." She looks back up and smiles.
He goes over to kiss her, then gives her a hug and she rests her head on his shoulder.
He rubs her back and says, "Why don't we go out for breakfast?" He runs his hands down her arms and holds her hands.
"Yeah, that sounds nice. Let me just take a shower."
"Alright babe." He kisses her forehead.

She quickly takes a shower and gets dressed then goes down stairs.
"You look gorgeous!" He wraps his arms around her and dips her for a long and romantic kiss.
"Well thank you!" She says out of breath from the kiss while smiling.


They get to the restaurant, Jessica orders French toast, Danny orders an omelet and they order Gabriella fruit and a little side of scrambled eggs.
"So Danny, where are we going tonight?" She rests her chin on her hands and smiles at him.
"We're going to dinner.. And that's all I'm telling you!" He smiles.
She giggles and says, "Alright, so it's a surprise, I get it!"
"That's right!"
"Well okay.. I'm excited!" She says with a huge smile and dancing in her seat.
"Me too, baby girl." He says laughing at how cute she is.


7:00- Sarah and Evan come to pick Gabriella up, "Sarah, can you come up here for a second, please?" Jessica yells from upstairs.
Sarah goes up to her room, "Woah, hello hot stuff!" She says looking at Jessica.
"Thanks." She smiles.
"What wrong? You look nervous."
"That's because I am!" She looks at Sarah with wide eyes while putting her earrings on.
Sarah laughs, "Why?! It's only Danny!"
"I know! But this is the last night we'll be together till like December! I just want everything to be perfect, and I want to get thru tonight without being sad.. I don't want to upset him." She says looking at her with sad eyes.
"Jessica calm down, everything's going to be alright, okay?"
"Yeah, I guess your right... Oh my gosh, why am I freaking out, it's only Danny!.. He's my husband and I should just relax... Oh but Sarah, he makes me get butterflies in my stomach.. Even though we've been together for two years, he still makes me feel like a high school girl when I'm around him!" She smiles and grabs a red lip stain and puts it on her lips.
"Aw Jess, that's great!"
"I know! Ugh I love him so much.. I don't want him to leave.. What if he finds someone else over there? What if he goes and decides that he'd rather be single?!"
"Jessica are you serious? That man loves you more than anything in this world. You and Gabriella mean more to him than anyone on this earth... You're freaking out over nothing, he's gonna go, make the movie and then come back and y'all will return to your normal lives."
"Oh my gosh you're right Sarah."
"Of course I'm right!"
"I was just being stupid. Do you have a gum or something? I feel like I'm gonna throw up!" She holds her stomach.
"Here!" She says giving her a piece of gum.
Now sit down and calm yourself before going down stairs.
"Okay.." She sits on the toilet. "Thank you Sarah!"
"Anytime momma!" She smirks and goes downstairs.

Jessica calms down, sprays herself with perfume then walked downstairs.
Danny watches her walk down the stairs while he holds the baby and it's like the whole world stopped.
"Oh my gosh she's beautiful, how in the world am I going to live without her and Gabby for a whole month?... Calm down Danny, you can't let her see you upset because then she'll be upset... That is the last thing I want to do is make her even more sad then she already is." He thinks to himself.
She gets to the end of the stairs and says, "Danny?" With a smile.
"What? Oh sorry!" He says breaking his trance.
"You just look.. You look so gorgeous!" He smiles and looks at her with love in his eyes.
"Well thank you.. You look very handsome tonight, Danny." She says walking over to him and Gabriella, Danny kisses Jessica then says, "I guess we better go.." He looks down at Gabby and his eyes fill with tears, he was leaving so early in the morning that he wouldn't be able to see her before Jessica took him to the airport.
His lips quivered as tears started to run down his face, "Gabriella daddy's gonna miss you so much.. You be a good girl for mommy, okay? When I get home I'm going to bring you and mommy so many presents, you won't even know what to do with yourselves." He smiles then kisses her and cries harder.
Jessica starts to cry, she turns his head towards her and wipes his tears, then gives him a kiss and lays on his chest, wrapping her arms tight around him.
Sarah watches and tears up.
Jessica breaks the hug and says, "Alright, we better go." And taps Danny on his back.
Danny hugs and kisses Gabriella again then walks out the door and says, "I'll put her in the car seat." To Evan and Sarah as he walks by them.
He buckles her in and says, "Daddy loves you so much Gabriella." With his head right by her.
"Dada!" She says touching his cheek.
Jessica heard her sweet little voice from outside the car and turned to Sarah and cried, "She just said his name Sarah!" Sarah hugs her and rubs her back, "Shhh.. It's gonna be alright Jess." While Jessica lays on her shoulder.
He smiles and a tear falls down his face, he rubs her cheek with his thumb and says, "See you later baby girl."
Jessica kisses her and says, "Be good for uncle Evan and aunt Sarah. I'll be there to pick you up after I drop your daddy off.. I love you, princess!" Then hugs Sarah and Evan, "Call us if you need anything, or if if she's acting up."
"We will, you too have fun!" Sarah say.

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