Livin' the dream

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A week later Sarah and Evan are getting ready to leave on there honeymoon and everyone's else has already headed home.
"I love you so much! Call me, okay?!" Sarah says.
"I will and I love you too! You two have fun and bring home a baby!" Jessica winks.
"We'll try!" She laughs.
"Bye Gabriella!" Sarah gets on the ground to hug her.
"Don't go!" She grabs onto her. 
Oh I'm sorry sweetie!  We'll be ack before you know it though, baby girl!" She kisses her cheek and rubs her back.
"Bye Isaiah!" She kisses his head but leaves him with Jessica so he won't start crying.
"Say bye aunt Sarah!" Jessica says in a baby voice.
"Aww!" Sarah pouts and puts her hand on her chest.

After they leave Jessica's holding Isaiah and says, "You're one week old today, aren't you?!  Yeah, one week ago today you came into this world in a very unexpected way!" She giggles.
"Hah!  Who'd ever thought one day you'd be giving birth in the middle of an island in the Bahamas?!" Danny laughs and rubs her arm.
"I know right!" She raises her eyebrows.

A while later she's holding him and crying while looking down.
"Honey why are you crying?"
"I wanna go home!" She sobs.
"I know sweetie, we're going home in just a couple days."
"But I wanna go home now! I'm sick of this hotel! I miss my Lola!" She cries harder where she can't even catch her breath.
"Baby calm down, you're gonna make yourself sick! I'll see if I can find a sooner flight but I think they're all booked."
"Oh.. Thank you Danny.."
"You're welcome babydoll. Now give him to me and you get some rest."
"Alright." She gives him Isaiah and goes to lay down.

Gabriella lays down right beside her so that her body is touching Jessica's, with her bottle in her mouth.
Jessica puts her arm around her and kisses the back of her head.
Gabriella reaches up and taps Jessica's face with her little hand.
Jessica laughs, hugs her tighter and closes her eyes.

Danny, now the only one up, walks to the bed and watches his girls sleep like the Angels they are.
Gabriella cuddled in Jessica's arms with her bottle thrown to the side and dried milk on her face.
"Hmh! They're so cute!"
He hears Isaiah making cute baby notices, "Well hello Isaiah! How are you?" He picks him up.
"Your Mommy's asleep so hopefully you're not hungry!" He kisses his head.
"Oh my gosh.. My little boy! How did this happen?... Well I know how this happened obviously but.. God! How did your mom and I manage to make a beautiful blessing, TWICE!" He smiles.
"I love you so much son.. I can't wait till we play ball outside, I can't wait to coach your football team, teach you how to ride a bike, teach you how to treat a woman... You and me will be bros for life!" He laughs and gives him a little fist pump.

He talks to him a while and Isaiah was content.
Then he started to get a little fussy.
Jessica sits up with her eyes half closed and messy hair.
Danny smiles then says, "Uh-oh! Boobie time!" He holds him up.
Jessica smiles then lets out a small giggle, "Bring him here!" She reaches her arms out.

Jessica pulls her boob out and sticks her nipple in his mouth.
Isaiah goes to town and she looks down smiling at him.
"My boy!" Danny smiles.
"Hah.. Yep! Just like his daddy." She says rubbing her finger on his cheek.

Later that day Isaiah was extremely fussy and Gabriella was in the middle of a tantrum.

"BUT I WANNA GO HOME!!!!" She screams.
"Gabriella daddy tried but there isn't another flight, we'll be home in two days." Jessica says as she stands and bounces Isaiah.
Gabriella cries louder and Danny picks her up, "Gabby calm down!  They're gonna kick us out of here!"
"But I miss Lola!  I wanna go home!" She cries as she starts to kick Danny and punch her tiny fist into his arm.
"Gabby stop beating up your daddy!" Jessica yells.

Meanwhile NOTHING is calming Isaiah down.
"Please stop crying!  I don't know what you want!  I tried feeding you, I changed your diaper, I'm holding you so you feel safe but you won't stop crying!.. I just don't know what to do!" She sits down on the floor and cries.

Danny puts Gabriella down and she cries louder, "I thought you wanted me to put you down!" He yells.
He picks her back up and she sticks her nails in his face.
"Oh so you just want to hurt me, is that it?" He grabs her hand and turns his face away from her.

They hear a knock on the door.

Danny goes over to answer it with Gabriella clawing his face while screaming and Jessica crying on the floor with Isaiah in her arms screaming his little head off.

"I'm sorry but if you guys don't keep it down, we're going to have to ask you to leave." The hotel manager says.
"I'm sorry, we'll try and keep it down."

The manager looks over Danny's shoulder and sees Jessica, "New baby, huh?"
"Yes.." Danny answers with a worn out face and voice.
"I understand, and I'm sorry.  My wife and I just had our second child as well and our daughter did not take it lightly, she acted up so much after my wife had our son, it was a nightmare!"
"So this is normal?"
"Oh of course!"
"When will it end?" He grabs his shirt and looks desperately into his eyes.
"Hah!  The moment you take your last breath!  But it will get easier.. Just hang in there my man." He pats his arm then says, "Congratulations on the new baby... And for being married to Jessica Fucking Lange, you lucky bastard!" He chuckles.

Danny closes the door and scoffs, "Hah!  Just livin' the dream, baby." He smiles at Jessica but she looks at him with a miserable face and tears all over.

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