My little monster

391 24 7

May 29th, one week till Sarah and Evans wedding.

"Gabriella stop throwing things!" Jessica yells after telling her over and over again to stop.
Gabriella grabs her block and throws it at Jessica.
"Gabriella Danielle Huston!" She says in her mom voice while getting down to her level and grabbing her arm
"You need to listen little girl!  If mommy says stop then you stop!  Do you understand?"
"Let go of me!  Off off!" She hangs from her trying to get away.
"That's it, you need a time out." Jessica picks her up and stick her in her playpen.
"No I want out!" She screams, cries and bounces up and down.
She tries climbing out but can't manage to do it, so she hits the side of the playpen until it tips over.
She crawls out, runs to where Jessica is and laughs, "I got out!  I got out!"
"Gabriella, how did you do that?!" Jessica asks shocked.
"Hah! Never mind Go play with your toys until I finish what I'm doing, your daddy will be home in a little while.
"Yay, daddy!" She gets excited.
"Yeah, yay daddy!" She laughs.

A few minutes later Jessica hears glass, she runs to the living room and Gabriella is standing beside a broken lamp.
"Opps!" She looks at Jessica with wide eyes.
"Gabriella!" Jessica whines.
She goes over and picks her up then says, "Gabriella, you know you're not supposed to run in the house.. and you can't be rough with things okay?" Jessica says looking her in the eyes.
She looks around the house trying to find somewhere she could put her.
She sees the playpen tipped on its side and gets an idea.
"Gabriella, guess what!" She smiles.
"What mommy?"
"We're gonna be animals!"
"That's silly!" Gabby laughs.
"It is silly, but it's such a fun game!" Jessica sits her on the ground and explains, "You're a little baby bear in your cage, okay?" She puts the playpen on top of her like a cage.
"Now can you roar like a bear?!" Jessica asks as she hold her hands up like claws and roars.
"ROOOOAAR!!" Gabriella yells and makes a cute face while mimicking Jessica's hands.
"Haha! Yes, very good!" She smiles, "Now you stay in your cage little bear and momma bear's gonna go clean up your mess!" She sighs and walks to find a broom.

Gabriella stays in her "Cage" pretending to be a bear.
"Such a cute little bear!" Jessica says as she sweeps up the glass.
"Ugh, I wish your daddy would hurry up and get home!" She yells as Danny opens the door, "Hello my beautiful ladies!" He smiles.
"Ah, I should've wished for something better!"
"What?" He asks confused.
"Nothing.. Never mind."
"Alright, Fiona." He laughs.
"The boom.. I- never mind! What happened?"
"Your daughter broke the lamp." She says looking at him frustrated.
"Gabriella!" He says as he turns his head towards the playpen.
"Roar! Roar! Daddy, I'm a bear!" Gabriella yells.
"Aw and you're such a cute little bear!" He smiles at her then turns to Jessica and says, "Jessica what the hell did you do?!"
"I had to! She tipped it over and crawled out, she broke the lamp and was getting into stuff she shouldn't be getting into."
"So you put the playpen on top of her?"
"Yes! You try carrying around an extra 35 pounds and running after her all morning!" She gets irritated.
"I know it's hard, I'm sorry." He puts his arm around her.
She pushes him away and says, "Please don't touch me! I'm not mad, I'm just extremely hot right now."
"It's fine. Go and relax, I'll clean this up."
"Thanks." She hands him the broom and goes to put her feet up on the couch.
"I don't wanna be a bear anymore." Gabriella sits down, crosses her arms and pouts.
"Alright then why don't you be an elephant?" Jessica says.

Gabriella played until she tired herself out and fell asleep.
"She's asleep!" Jessica says relieved.
"You know I love my little monster, but she is such a handful!" Jessica says to Danny quietly, trying not to wake her.
"Oh I know! Believe me." He laughs then adds, "She's officially a toddler.. Not the little baby that couldn't hurt a fly."
"Aw! My baby!" She pouts and looks over at her.
"She looks so sweet when she sleeps." Jessica smiles as Gabriella sleeps on her stomach with her but in the air.
"Look at that booty!" She giggles and crinkles her nose.
Gabriella turns over making Jessica gasp and lift her hands while saying, "Oh god! Don't wake up! Don't wake up!"

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