I'm sorry

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Danny is in a meeting and Jessica is at home with both kids by herself.

"Gabriella get off of that!" Jessica yells while holding a screaming baby.
Gabriella continues to climb on everything.
The phone rings and she goes to answer it,

Hello?  Yeah Sarah, I'm gonna have to call you back.
Yes, everything's fine I'm just the leader of a Freakshow and I don't have time to talk, I'm sorry!  I love you, sweetie. Okay buh-bye!

She hangs up the phone and hears something hit the ground followed by a loud scream.
She walks over to Gabriella, "Gabby, I told you to stop climbing on things!" She pulls her up and carries her on her hip.
"Mommy, I hurt myself!" She cries.
"I know you did, but I told you to stop and you didn't listen.  That's what happens to little girls that don't listen." She sits her on the counter to clean her up and put band aids on her knees and arms.

Gabriella's still crying so Jessica says, "Here momma's kisses will make it allll better!" She kisses where she hurt herself.
"You see!" She smiles at her.
"Yeah.  Hold me!" Gabriella holds her arms out.

"Oh you're so heavy!" She picks her up while still holding Isaiah.

Gabriella is still crying a little and laying on her shoulder while Isaiah is hungry so he's screaming.
"Oh god, I need more arms!"

Danny opens the door and chuckles, "Having fun yet?"
"Shut up!" She turns and sits on the couch so she can feed Isaiah and Gabriella can lay on her lap.

"Oh come on baby, what's wrong?" He sits beside her, wraps his arm around her and kisses her cheek.
"Get off of me!" She turns her head to the side.
"Babydoll, what's wrong?"
"I went to hell and back with these kids and you're just gonna walk in here and act like everything's okay?  Ugh, you asshole!"
"Jessie, what did I do?!"
"Nothing, you did nothing!  Just leave me alone!"
"Jessica, tell me what's wrong!"
"Just leave, I'm feeding the baby, you're gonna upset him and I'm sure neither one of them want to hear this!"
"But Jess.."
"GO!" She yells and gives him a hard look.

Danny goes to his "man cave" and watches tv.

Jessica gets Isaiah to sleep then gives Gabby a bottle then puts her down for a nap.
She walks into Danny's room and says, "Hey.."
"Hey." He turns the tv off and looks at her.
"I'm sorry I-"
"No don't, I understand." He cuts her off.
"Danny just let me finish!... I'm sorry that I lost it with you but looking after two kids is a lot... A lot harder than I expected and when I see you happy it makes me want to rip off your balls just to see you in pain."
"I just feel like I'm the one that went through the uncomfortable pregnancy, painful birth and now I'm doing all the work.  Not that you don't help but the kids only want me!  Isaiah's a baby, he's dependent on me, he needs me and Gabriella is just very attached to me right now.. So attached that now I'm nursing both kids."
"So what are you saying?"
"I don't even know.. Oh and I don't want you touching all over me."
"What?  Jessica I always hug you or kiss you, you're my wife!"
"I know but I'm a fucking fat cow and I look disgusting!  The last thing I want is for you to constantly lie to me and say I look good."
"But baby, I'm not lying!" He puts his hands on her waist.
"No Danny stop it!" She punches his arm.
"Get off of me!" She pushes him back.
"Calm down, baby."
"Don't tell me to calm down!"
"Jessica, you're scaring me.  Go lay down and get some rest, I'll watch the kids."
"Don't you fucking tell me what to do!" She yells as her eyes fill with anger.
"For God's sake, Jessie!"
"What?  What, do you think I'm insane?  Have I finally lost it?!"
"No Jessica!  Just calm down!"
"I AM CALM!" She yells waking up Isaiah.
"FUUUUCK!" She screams.
"Don't worry I'll get him!" He lifts his hands and slowly walks away.

"Hey little guy, did mommy wake you?  Oh you're okay!  Yeah.." Danny smiles as Isaiah starts to calm down.
Jessica walks in and sees Danny bouncing Isaiah.
"Danny?" She says in a low voice.
"I don't know what's wrong with me.."
"You're just overwhelmed, babydoll."
Jessica slightly nods her head and says, "I go from being happy one minute, to being sad or angry the next... I think I'm going crazy."
"Oh baby, you haven't gone crazy yet!" He laughs trying to lighten the mood.
"But.. Jessie?"
"... Let's talk..."
He lays Isaiah back down and grabs Jessica's hand then walks her over to the couch.
"Jessica... I think you may have postpartum depression."
"What?  No, I don't.."
"I don't!" She raises her voice.
"Shh!" He touches her leg and tries to calm her down so she doesn't wake the baby up.
"I do not, Danny!" She whispers.
"Well I'm just trying to help you, baby.. All the signs are there and I just want you to start feeling better.. I don't like seeing you like this."
She stares at Danny and her eyes fill with tears.
She throws herself on him and buries her face in his chest.
"Danny I'm sorry!  I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm scared!  I'm just so tired and I don't want you to think I'm a horrible mother!  I love my babies!" She sobs uncontrollably.
He pulls her up to look him in the eyes and says, "Hey don't ever say that!  I know you love them and you are NOT a horrible mother!  You just need some rest." He hugs her and rubs her back.
"I'm.. Sorry.. Danny!" She says unable to catch her breath from crying so hard.
"Stop saying that, don't be sorry." He rubs her back.

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