Let it go

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The next morning Jessica woke up and the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was Isaiah just barely waking up.

"Well hey, buddy!  You slept through the whole night, didn't you?" She smiles.
She kisses the top of his head then stands up to go upstairs and change him.

"Ew, you stinky stinky boy!" She scrunches her nose and makes a face as she changes his diaper.
"Oh you're such a good boy for not peeing on momma this morning!" She says in a cute voice and smiles at him.

She walks past her bedroom and looks in.
She giggles when she sees Gabriella laying across Danny's chest with her hand on his face.

She walks in and taps Danny on the leg until he wakes up.
"Huh? What the hell?" He looks confused as he sees Gabriella laid out across him.
"How?" She laughs.
"I don't know!" He chuckles.
"She was a rough sleeper last night though, she was kicking me, punching me and even hogged the covers... I thought I was sleeping with you!" He laughed.
"Hah! Ass!" She knees his leg.
"I'm playing! Well anyway, I don't wanna wake her but I also don't wanna lay here until she wakes up."
"Just push her over, I'm sure she'll be getting up soon anyway." Jessica says looking at the clock.

Danny rolls Gabriella off of him and covers her with a blanket then looks at Isaiah who is being nursed.
"Good morning, little guy!" He kisses his head.
Jessica looks down at the baby and smiles, "He slept thru the whole night, Danny! I know it may have just been a one time thing but I'm still happy!" She giggles.
"That's great, babydoll. Hey listen.. I'm sorry about last night."
"Forget it.. I over reacted, if I didn't want you going then I should've said something."
"No, but I should know better."
"You should.." She teases him with a smile.
"Ah baby! Come here!" He grabs and kisses her.

"Good morning!" Gabriella says almost singing the words.
They break the kiss and Jessica says, "Good morning, my gorgeous girl!" With a smile.
"Hi mommy!"
"Morning, Gabby.. You tried to kill me last night, didn't you?" He jokes and laughs.
"Daddy!" She laughs.
"I hungry!"
"Okay, do you want daddy to make you some breakfast?"
"Umm.. No, I'll take Num Nums!"
"Haha, that wasn't on the menu!" Jessica jokes.
"Num Nums, please!" Gabriella gives her a cute smile.
"You little brat!" Jessica laughs.
"Well let's go downstairs, your brothers finishing up."

Jessica burps Isaiah then calls Gabriella over.
"Alright Gabby, Bon Appetite!" She pulls her boob out.
"I'll take some of that!" Danny smirks.
"No! Bad daddy!" Gabriella puckers her lips and points her finger at him with the other hand on her hip.
"Yeah, bad daddy!" Jessica laughs and points.
"Sorry!" Danny plays along and lifts his hands in defense.

While nursing, Gabriella climbed all over Jessica and all over the couch.
"Ouch! Gabriella, you're gonna rip my nipple off!" Jessica says which makes her laugh.
"Oh is that funny? Is mommy losing a nipple amusing to you?" She laughs.
Gabriella bites her then laughs historically.
"OW! Gabriella, that hurt!"
"What happened?" Danny yells out.
"She bit me!"
"Gabriella!" Danny gasps.
"I'm gonna take Num Nums away from you if you're going to act like that!"
"No! No! I sorry!" Gabriella pats her boob.
"Hah! Alright then."

Gabriella plays with Lola while Jessica and Danny eat breakfast.

"I'm exhausted, Danny!" Jessica grabs handfuls of her hair with her elbows on the table.
"I know.. It's been crazy around here and you've handled it all like a pro, babydoll." He smiles.
"Oh Danny!" She scoffs.
"Well you have! Babe, I couldn't do it.. I mean just nursing two kids at the same time seems like a tough job... You're amazing, babydoll."
She smiles and he reaches over and rubs her cheek with his thumb.
"I love you, Ms. Lange." He smiles.
"I love you too, Mr. Huston." She bites her lip and he leans in for a soft kiss.

Suddenly they hear glass followed by a little voice saying, "Opps!"
Jessica lets out a small chuckle and looks down, making Danny's lips rub against her nose and forehead.
She puts her forehead on Danny's chest and says, "Oh Gabriella!" With a tired laugh.
"Don't worry, I've got it.  Finish your breakfast."
"Thanks, babe."
Jessica takes a few bites then hears the baby crying.
She goes to stand up but Danny walks past her and says, "Stay.  I've got him." Lifting his hand and motioning for her to stay put.

Danny tries calming him down, he stops crying but he's still a little fussy.
"You don't have boobs, daddy!" Jessica giggles.
"Here, give him to me." She smiles and holds her arms out.

Danny washes the dishes and cleans up the kitchen.
"Daddy!  Daddy!" Gabriella pulls on his leg.
"What baby?"
"Put Elsa on!"
"Put Elsa on?  Okay, I'll put Elsa on!" He picks her up and kisses her cheek.

Danny puts the Frozen DVD in and Gabriella sits down quietly to watch it.
"I've seen this damn movie so many times and I hate it, but it keeps her quiet so I'm fine!" Jessica chuckles.
"I know what you mean!" Danny laughs.

Gabriella replays "Let it go" over and over again as she sings and dances to it.
The first couple times Jessica and Danny watched her with smiles on their faces but after what felt like the twentieth time, Jessica was pulling her hair out and Danny felt like he was going insane.
Suddenly they hear a knock on the door.
Danny gets up to answer it and it's George.
"Look it's uncle George!  Uncle George is here!" He says relieved then hugs George.
"Hah, uh hi Danny.." George says looking confused.
"Unkie! Unkie!" Gabriella runs over to him."
"Oh thank God, George!" Jessica lets out a sigh of relief.
"What?" George laughs and picks up Gabriella.
"How's my favorite niece in the whole wide world doing?!" He kisses her cheek.
"Your little niece has been a terror lately." Jessica says.
"Mommy hit me.." Gabriella pouts.
George gasps and holds her even tighter.
"Jessica why would you do that?!"
"She pinched the baby's ear till it bled, George!"
"Gabby!" He gasps as Gabriella just looks down.
"Awe.. But how could you hit this precious little thing?"
"Oh please!" Jessica rolls her eyes.
"Well come on Gabby, let's go play upstairs with your toys!"

"Danny since she's going upstairs can you turn this off? If I have to listen to Elsa sing one more song I'm gonna shoot myself!"
"Funny.. That's what I thought during Freakshow!" George turns and says.
"You ass!" Jessica grabs a stuffed animal that was on the couch and throws it at him.

George played with Gabriella for hours, he just loved that little girl.

"Where's Gabby?" Jessica asked as George walked downstairs alone.
"Oh she's worn herself out, so she's napping in her crib."
"She's napping?" Jessica asks surprised.
"In her crib?" Danny's eyes widen and his jaw drops.
"Hah.. Uh yeah, why?"
"George, she hasn't slept or even napped in her crib since I had the baby. She's been so whiny and mean too."
George laughs and says, "It kinda reminds me of another little girl I knew... She was cute like Gabby.. As a matter of fact she looked just like Gabby and when her little brother came home from the hospital she realized she wasn't the baby anymore and started acting out. She made her brother's ear bleed too!" George gives her a cheeky smile.
"Oh George! I know what you're doing..." She cracks a tiny smile.
"I went through the exact same thing as Gabriella and I acted out in the same ways, but now that I'm the mom it just seems so much harder."
"Well it is harder when you're the one that has to deal with them 24/7! How do you think mom felt with four?"
"I know, I know... Thank you George."
"No problem sis.. That's what little brothers are for... To snap their big sister out of it when they're about to go nuts!" He chuckles.
Jessica scoffs and hugs him.
"Now please tell me that you came here to tell me you're staying in Nola." She asks.
"No I'm going back to Minnesota tomorrow.."
She looks up at him with sad eyes and asks, "What?" In a hurtful voice.
"I'm just kidding! I'm moving to Nola!" He laughs.
"Ah! Are you serious, George?!" She hugs him tight and jumps up making him hold her.
"Yeah! But my lease on my apartment is up so I have to stay here.."
"Oh thank God!" Jessica and Danny both say in relief while Jessica lays her head on him.

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