You're okay mommy

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They get back to their hotel after the wedding, Danny takes Gabriella's dress of and lays her down while Jessica lays down in bed still in her dress.

"Aren't you gonna change baby?" Danny asks.
"Yeah.. Just give me a second." She closes her eyes.
Danny lays on the side of her and puts his hand on her stomach.
"Man! Your stomachs tight!"
"Yeah because I'm in the middle of a contraction.. Now don't touch me!" She says trying to stay calm.
"Jessica are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah I just.. I just need some rest."
"Alright but let me help you change so you can be more comfortable."

Jessica sits up so Danny can unzip her.
She stands up letting her dress slip down her body.
Danny hands her a sports bra and shorts.

She goes to the restroom then lays down, while Danny brings her a glass of water.

"Just try to get some rest, babydoll." He kisses her forehead and moves her hair out of her face.

"Thanks honey."

During the night Danny hears Jessica moaning while tossing and turning in her sleep.

"Jessica, are you okay?" He gently shakes her arm.
"No!" She moans.
"Danny I can't sleep!" She says sounding like she's about to cry.
"I'm sorry.  Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Get this baby out of me!" She holds her stomach.
"Jessica you're scaring me!  What should I do?"
"I don't know but Danny I'm scared that the baby's coming!"
"What?!" He jumps up.
"It's still too early though.. He can't come.  Besides I'm the one that told my midwife to go ahead and stay home, I felt that I was okay for a couple days!  Jessica you're such a moron!" She says.
"It's okay baby, it's gonna be okay!  We can't panic!  Let me call Sunshine!" He grabs his phone.
"No it's too late!"
"Well Jessica I don't know what else to do!"
"Just.. Let me just try and get back to sleep.  It's probably just false labor.  If I feel the same in the morning then we'll figure something out."
"Are you sure?"
"Alright, but I'm staying up and keeping an eye on you!"
"No Danny, get some rest."
"I can't, Jessica!"

Danny stays up watching her as she sleeps.

4:30 a.m.
"Ah!" She jerks up and grabs her stomach.
"Jessica!" He runs to her.
"Ow!  Oh fuck, this hurts!" She cries.
"Breath baby."
"I am breathing!" She yells at him.

She grabs a pillow and squeezes it then gets on all fours with her head on the mattress and yells into the pillow.
"Danny my back!  My back!" She says as Danny applies pressure to her back.
She moans in pain waking up Gabriella.

"Mommy!" She says half asleep.
"Go back to bed baby... Mommy's okay."
"Mommy what's wrong?"
"Nothing sweet girl, just go to sleep, okaaaay?" She says that last part in a scream as she gets a sharp pain.

5:30 a.m.
"I think it's safe to say that I'm having this baby, do you want to call Sunshine so we can hurry up and fly her ass out here?"
"This is happening?  Our baby's coming?  Now?!"
"Yes Daniel!  Now call her before I rip your balls off!" She grabs his shirt and pulls him close to her face.
"Alright I'll call!  Why don't you dance?  You said dancing helped you through the contractions at the wedding."
"Yeah okay." Jessica gets her phone out and starts playing music.

Jessica dances then feels a liquid running down her leg.
She gasps and says, "Danny!"
"What baby?"
"My waters breaking!"
"Yeah there's water running down leg, it's not a gush so it's not all broken yet but hurry up and get the midwife on the phone!"
"Holy shit!" Danny stares in disbelief.

While Danny calls, someone knocks at the door so Jessica answers it.
"Hey Jess!  Sorry into wake you but I wanted to say bye before we left on our honeymoon!" Sarah says with a huge smile. 
"Rough night?" She asks as she looks at her messy hair and worn out eyes.
"You have no idea!" She scoffs.
"My water just broke and I'm in labor."
"What?" Sarah asks with wide eyes.
"I'm having the baby."
"Jessica... What?"
"Now?  Here?!  But it's too early.. Yo-you can't!"
"He's ready and I don't think there's any stoping him." Jessica says.

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