Chapter 2: I'm not worthy of the handsome beta

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After a breakfast, Wen Mi's blood trough was mostly empty. After she was forced into the car by Meng Qing, Wen Mi smiled on his face in the first second, and immediately lost his smile in the next second, like a salty with no dream Yu collapsed on the co-pilot.

After only getting along with the boss for a day, he actually learned to change his face in a second.

Wen Mi's brain was empty and he stared blankly at the strange scenery outside the car window. He didn't realize that this was the way back to the company until a familiar coffee shop appeared in his eyes.

It turned out that today is a working day, Wen Mi blinked his eyes sore because of not getting a good rest, and sighed silently. It's really difficult for social animals.

Soon the car stopped at the company door. Wen Mi got out of the car, but found that Ling He did not get off. After thinking about it, he walked around the driver's seat and opened the door just as soon as he raised his hand.

A thick ink color settled in the bottom of Ling Heshi's eyes, and he almost didn't engrave the word irritability on his face. Wen Mi took a step back subconsciously, wondering how he upset his boss.

"Go to work?" Ling Heshi stared at Omega with no blood on his face for a while.

Ling Heshi's tone was cold, and Wen Mi didn't even notice that it was a question, so he nodded affirmatively.


Ling Heshi frowned, and he still insisted on going to work even though he was sluggish. Want to draw his attention?

When he saw Ling He, his face became more and more ugly. Wen Mi pretended to work a lot and stepped into the company first.

Looking at Omega, who couldn't wait to go to work, Ling Heshi's eyes narrowed slightly, and the gloom between his eyebrows darkened. He returned to the car and drove the car into the underground garage, who was only planning to come back to get a document.

When Ling Heshi appeared in the office, he glanced at Wen Mi's desk, no one was there.

"What about others?"

Assistant Zhou, who was behind Ling Heshi, reported the itinerary, and stopped, then paused: "Didn't you say to take a day off for Wenmi?"

"He does not need."

Ling Heshi retracted his gaze and continued to walk forward. Assistant Zhou nodded and took notes, and then reported the previous words.

Wen Mi of the Advanced Company from Lingheshi subconsciously went to the logistics department where he had previously worked. The logistics department has an easy job and little work. The employees are all Omega. Everyone has a good relationship. When Wen Mi appeared, they all greeted him.

"Wen Mi! Are there any secret photos of the big boss, let us see!"

"Don't say that, the boss is very handsome and handsome. If you find that Wen Mi is secretly shooting, he will definitely get angry."

"I'm kidding, but the boss is really handsome. I even voted for the boss on the Men's God List."

Several people were joking, Wen Mi stopped walking towards his work station, and then he remembered that he was now Ling Heshi's assistant and had been promoted. His office should be on the 18th floor instead of here!

Without waiting for his colleague to finish speaking, Wen Mi hurried to the elevator.

Finally on the eighteenth floor, Wen Mi sat at his new desk before breathing well, he heard Assistant Zhou telling him to be late this month in a cold office tone.

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