Chapter 101: Shouldn't take the courier

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It may be the first reason. Wen Mi took a day off but still couldn't get enough energy when he went to work. After a cup of coffee, Wen Mi still yawned.

After lunch, Wen Mi slept in Ling Heshi's office. Alpha saw that the lunch break was about to end, and went to make Wen Mi a cup of tea to refresh her in the afternoon. When Alpha returned to the office, little Omega's alarm rang, but little Omega slept soundly and was not affected at all.

Ling Heshi waited. The alarm sound was not very loud, but he could definitely wake up the sleeping Wen Mi, but today it was very abnormal.

Thinking of Wen Mi's work in the morning, Ling Heshi turned off the alarm to let Wen Mi sleep more.

Wen Mi didn't expect him to wake up from this sleep, and only half an hour before leaving get off work. He sat on the sofa awkwardly, staring at the clock on the wall of Alpha's office, squeezing his arm hard, it hurts, not dreaming.

"Why have I slept for so long?" Wen Mi muttered to herself. Ling He had a meeting in the afternoon, which would be out of the office. The office curtains were pulled, Wen Mi pulled the blinds aside and looked outside. There was half an hour left to get off work. Now she might be teased when going out. Wen Mi plans to wait in the office until she gets off work.

After sleeping for so long, Wen Mi was not so languid, but he found that his breathing was not very comfortable, and a familiar feeling made him feel that he was about to catch a cold.

[Little Longyan: I woke up, did you turn off my alarm? 】

[Ling Tiantian: The alarm has been ringing for a long time, and if you are too sleepy, there is no reaction at all, so you can simply get more sleep. 】

Wen Mi rang the alarm in a puzzled place and listened. He didn't wake up even after it rang?

Ten minutes before the end of get off work, the meeting at Linghe was over. The two returned to Wen Mi today. Before, Wen's father and Wen Lu brought a lot of vegetables. They should hurry to eat. It won't be a long time.

Listening to Wen Mi's nasal voice, he asked Wen Mi to take medicine when he arrived home in Linghe to prevent the cold from getting worse.

"Is there anything you want to eat at night?" Ling He drove the refrigerator to calculate the dinner menu.

"I want to eat small crispy pork." Wen Mi lay on the sofa, pinching his breathless nose. He has no appetite, but if it is small crispy pork, he can eat it.

There are everything at home, except for the ingredients for the small crispy meat. Ling Heshi went out to buy it alone, while Wen Mi waited at home alone.

Wen Mi felt hot, but he had cold symptoms and did not dare to turn on the air conditioner. He was too hot and could not breathe smoothly. Wen Mi gradually smelled a scent of citrus, and then he realized that it was his pheromone.

[Wen Luen: Brother, brother, can I go to Cengfan today, I promised a good little crispy meat. The cat kicks the hand emoticon pack. 】

Although Wen Mi was uncomfortable, he thought that Ling Heshi happened to be making small crispy meat today, so he asked Ling Heshi.

[Wen Mi: Ling He said that the small crispy meat is full. 】

[Wen Lu: Good! I'm coming soon! Never stay overnight! 】

Wen Lu's words are nice, anyway, waiting for him to eat and drink, and then play tricks, maybe his brother will let him live.

Waiting for Wen Mi to receive the courier pickup code, Ling Heshi finished eating the citrus chocolate, and he newly grabbed it. Although it was hot outside, the ice pack would be sent by that store, but after two or three days, the ice pack had melted prematurely.

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