Chapter 22: Derailment scene

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Wen Mi was anxious to explain to Ling Heshi that he just forgot to return it, and didn't think so, but the more anxious he became, the more he was out of control. He always made a typo in a sentence, and after a long time tossing, he finally sent the explanation message. Past.

He stared at the dialog box, one minute, two minutes...

Ling Heshi did not reply.

Is he angry? Wen Mi felt that this was even more sad than being ignored by the family.

Encouraging Yong Wenming to dial Ling Heshi's phone, the beeping sound in his ear continued until he hung up suddenly, no one answered.

Wen Mi didn't have many friends. When he didn't know Ling He, he only felt that the boss was fierce and difficult to get along with. But after a while, he found that Ling He cared about himself. In many cases it was the source of his courage. He didn't want to. Lose this friend.

Wen Mi stopped calling, he wanted to explain clearly when facing Ling He, and Wen Mi immediately went out with the cookies already on the table.


Ling Heshi came out of Meng Xi's room crumpled, and the younger brother behind him took a paper towel and pretended to touch twice on his wet clothes.

"Brother worked hard, I must keep your kind brother in mind."

"It's because the younger brother has a bad memory, and he forgot to tell his father that there is a problem with the shower head in the bathroom, which led to the big brother today to spend precious time helping me fix it."

"Yeah." Ling Heshi returned to his room with a flat reaction.

Meng Xi scratched his head when he heard the door close. His brother was not in a good mood. He must be irritated by the yin and yang when he changed. Obviously, he was well during the meal? Have a fight with Mirae-in-law?

When entering the room, Ling He glanced at the folded blanket on the sofa. Every time Wen Mi came over, he would put it between the two as a dividing line. I don't know if Little Omega's anger has stopped, Ling Heshi walked to the bed and picked up the mobile phone left on the bedside table to take a look.

After a misunderstanding, Ling Heshi breathed a sigh of relief but saw a few missed calls more than ten minutes ago. He panicked for no reason, and hurriedly called Wen Mi back.

After two beeps, the call was connected.

"Ling Heshi!" Wen Mi rarely called Ling Heshi's full name because he was embarrassed, but at this moment Ling Heshi yelled out the three words very naturally.

Little Omega's joyous voice came from the phone, Ling Heshi's heart was hot, and he soon realized something was wrong, Wen Mi's breathing was heavy, and it sounded like he was outside.

"Where are you and what are you doing?"

"At..." Wen Mi gasped, "At your door!"

Wen Mi, who was standing at the gate of Ling's house, coughed twice because he was running too fast, and he coughed twice. He heard a rush of footsteps on the phone, and the door opened soon.

The tall Alpha stood in front of him against the light, two collar buttons were unbuttoned, and the white shirt on his upper body was soaked in water and pressed tightly against the skin, revealing full and powerful muscle lines.

Wen Mi unconsciously looked at Alpha's abdomen for a moment, and then hurriedly looked away. Why did he feel that his legs were soft when he could not smell the pheromone.

"I...I'm here... to explain to you in person." Wen Mi made a draft on the road, but he stammered when he said it. His attention fell on Alpha.

Ling Heshi is really a male god!

"Come in and talk."

It's getting late, Ling Jiaan quietly seems to have rested, Wen Mi followed Ling Heshi's footsteps lightly when he went upstairs, and in bright places, he saw Ling Heshi's clothes messy, his shirt and trousers were stained with water.

The texture lines on Alpha's back made Wen Mi's throat dry, and one inadvertently stepped on the air, and subconsciously grabbed Ling Heshi's pants.

"I'm sorry..." Wen Mi lowered his head and apologized in embarrassment, but did not see Ling He's thoughtful look.

Wen Mi followed Ling Heshi into the room. He stuffed the cookie on Ling Heshi's hand, staring at the lines on the floor and finally explained the matter intently.

"...So I'm not angry, and I don't think you are nosy. Don't get me wrong."

Ling Heshi listened carefully to Wen Mi's explanation while looking at Little Omega. The car of the non-head of the household can't enter the gate. Little Omega appears to be running over the gate, his cheeks are red, and his hair is messy.

After talking for a long time, little Omega may be thirsty, and unconsciously **** his lips. Ling He stared at the moist lips and his eyes darkened, and the breath was filled with a faint bitter taste. Citrus flavor.

"I just showered my little brother, and the phone was in the room and I didn't see your message." Ling Heshi went to pour a glass of water and handed it to Wen Mi, "I'm not angry, I'm just afraid you are angry."

"Don't come alone at night in the future, I will worry about insecurity."

Wen Mi nodded. It feels good to be cared. He just wanted to say something when his cell phone rang. It was his father who called.

Wen Mi and Ling Heshi spoke, and walked to the side to answer the phone.

The room was very quiet. Ling Heshi could hear Wen Mi's father talking on the phone, and the other party seemed to realize that Wen Mi was missing.

It may have just met with family members, and Wen Mi had someone else's pheromone on his body. Ling Heshi silently leaned against Wen Mi, and inadvertently nudged him behind Wen Mi by picking up his clothes.

Although Ling Heshi didn't like his own pheromone very much, the pheromone that was too sweet instantly overwhelmed the pheromone of others in Wen Mi, and Ling Heshi felt relieved.

Wen Mi heard a few words from his father telling him not to be harsh with his little brother, so he lost the patience to continue listening, and found an excuse to hang up.

It was too late today, Ling Heshi asked Wen Mi to stay for one night.

Before going to bed, a familiar boundary blanket was spread between the two people's beds. Wen Mi remembered Ling He had a nightmare. He glanced at each other and moved to the side of the bed for fear of being kicked again in the middle of his sleep.

I don't know if the mood was up and down at night. Wen Mi slept very restlessly. He dreamed that a man was approaching him step by step with a knife. He wanted to run but his legs were tied and could not move, so he swung the knife. The moment he came over, he smelled a strong honey cake smell, and the knife turned into a cake and hit him...

Early in the morning, Meng Xi breathed out from the room. He glanced at the door of the room closed by his brother, a little surprised. Why is his brother still sleeping at this point?

Meng Xi, who was going to go to school by rubbing Linghe, quietly touched it. He gently pressed the doorknob, pushed the door open slowly, and walked in gently.

He smelled the honey cake smell in the room as his brother's pheromone, except that the cake smell was citrus. He felt that the citrus smell in his brother's room was not the same as usual, but it smelled good.

The black-out curtains of the room pulled the room very dark. Meng Xi cautiously walked to the window, counting down to three in his heart, and yelled as soon as the curtains were opened.

"Get up, brother!!"

Meng Xi kept pulling the curtains with her mouth open, staring blankly at the bed where two people were obviously asleep. His brother was holding a slender Omega in his arms, and that Omega was resting on his brother. Body.

Did he hit the scene of his brother cheating? ? ? ?

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