Chapter 46: I am with Wen Lu

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Wen Mi lived in Ling Heshi's house for a week, except for occasionally receiving Zhu Lin's friend request, but no one saw him again.

After staying for a long time, Wen Mi feels sorry, but watching friends add Wen Mi from time to time, she is afraid that Zhu Lin will not give up. Just when Wen Mi was thinking of an excuse to go to the pottery class after get off work, he received a call from his dad, calling him to go home for dinner, saying that Xiao Lu missed him.

Xiao Lu miss him? Wen Mi felt that this reason was very suspicious, so he rejected it. Who knows that not long after hanging up, Xiao Lu called again and said that he hadn't seen him for a long time. After making sure that there were no messy blind dates and Zhu Lin, Wen Mi decided to go back and have a look.

Ling He was not relieved, and personally sent Wen Mi back.

"Tell me when you get home." The car stopped on the street opposite Wen Mi's house. Ling Heshi wanted to send people up, but saw that Omega was embarrassed, so he didn't speak.

Wen Mi nodded, and looked back before crossing the road into the community. The car was still parked on the opposite side. Although he couldn't see Ling He in the window, his instinct told him that Ling He was looking at him.

Alpha Wen Mi was less resistant to going home. As soon as he entered the house, everyone did not greet him enthusiastically. Wen Mi looked around, and he was relieved that he did not see a stranger, and sent Ling Heshi the news that he was home. .

Wen Mi poured a glass of water and heard the sound of Xiao Lu playing games in the room, didn't he say that he missed him?

"Xiao Lu ended so early in class today?" Wen Mi asked Wen Mi who was cooking in the kitchen.

"He said that the professional teacher changed the course temporarily to add another course tomorrow, and he will be back." Mother Wen handed the cut fruit plate to Wen Mi, "Go and send it to Xiao Lu, and you two will eat together."

Wen Lu likes to play games, and he doesn't care about anything. Wen Mi went in and sat aside and watched him play for a long time. He didn't mean to talk to him at all.

Wen Mi didn't feel weird either. Wen Lu called him home and decided what he was going to do. Wen Mi was eating fruit while playing with his mobile phone. Wen Lu is used to playing games with others and is accustomed to being coquettish, but he is arrogant to each other when playing games today. Wen Lu rarely does this in front of Alpha. Wen Mi wants to play games with Wen Lu should be a beta.

Just thinking that Wen Mi had received news from Ye Gaozhuo, Ye Gaozhuo rarely sent any messages since last time.

[Ye Gaozhuo: I don't know if I should tell you something. 】

[Wen Mi:? 】

[Ye Gaozhuo: I ran into your brother having a meal with a Beta who looked at already working, and heard from my roommate that I often saw him take your brother out during this time. 】

Wen Mi read the news and then looked at Wen Luan, and couldn't help asking.

"Xiao Lu, have you been very close to a Beta recently?"

"Nothing, don't think about it, I must like Alpha." After Wen Lu finished speaking, he didn't know what the people in the game said. After finishing the game, Wen Lu went to find another Alpha to take him.

Wen Mi still knows Wen Luan. Since childhood, he only liked Alpha, and probably wouldn't be with Beta. It is estimated that which Beta likes Xiao Lu is chasing him, Xiao Lu treats others as fish in the fish pond.

Wen Mi has talked about Wen Lu several times, but they are not taken seriously. Wen Mi thinks that the Beta in society is different from the student Beta. In case he feels that he is being played with, he wants to do something with him, Wen Mi wants to wait until Wen Lu finishes the game He talked about it.

Although it is estimated that it is said in vain, what should be said is still to be said. Wen Mi sighed and came out of Wen Lu's room.

Wen Mi went back to the room and looked at the closet. He didn't know what clothes he threw out last time. Anyway, he came back, and he wanted to bring some more clothes back.

Wen Mi heard the door opening when she was packing her clothes. He thought it was Wen Duo who had come back from get off work and didn't pay attention. After going out, he realized that Wen Lu had answered the phone and went out, and could not even come back for dinner.

"This little Lu can't fall in love, right?" Mother Wen muttered.

Wen Mi wondered if Wen Lu would go out with that Beta? Wen Mi sent a message to Wen Lu and asked, but no one answered.

Wen Lu was slow to reply to the news. After more than ten minutes, the phone rang. Wen Mi thought it was Wen Lu and took a look at the news. He flicked his hand and dropped the bag with his clothes on the ground.

When Mother Wen came out of the kitchen, he only saw clothes scattered on the ground, and Wen Mi was no longer there.

What Wen Mi received was not Wen Lu's reply, but an added message from a stranger.

Remarks from the other party: I am with Wen Lu, Zhu Lin.

Wen Mi passed the application of his friend and asked him where he was. Zhu Lin sent an internet cafe to locate him. Wen Mi called Wen Lu while running downstairs. No one answered. Wen Mi immediately called Wen Duo and no one answered.

Now Wen Lu's safety is the most important, and Wen Mi can't care too much. When he was about to call the police, he saw a familiar car parked on the opposite side of the community.

Ling Heshi is still there!

Little Omega felt uncomfortable every time he went home. Ling Heshi had planned to wait for Wen Mi to leave, so the car had been parked there, waiting while working. Suddenly someone knocked on the window, Ling Heshi looked up and saw little Omega's anxious face, and hurriedly opened the car door.

"Wen Lu was taken to the Internet cafe by Zhu Lin, I can't reach him."

When Wen Mi reported the address to Ling He, he told him what happened while rushing to the Internet cafe.

"I originally wanted to call the police, but I was afraid that what he did to Wen Lu would have a bad reputation for Omega." Wen Mi knew that Xiao Lu loved face, and he couldn't contact his elder brother but could only call the police. Fortunately, he saw Ling. It is much easier to have an Alpha in the crane time.

The Internet cafe is only two kilometers away from the residential area. Ling Heshi drove very quickly and arrived in less than a few minutes.

Wen Mi hurriedly got off the car and ran into the Internet cafe, and asked Wen Lu and Zhu Lin at the front desk.

"They seem to have got off the plane a few minutes ago and left." The little girl at the front desk noticed that Beta had a stark look at Omega, and paid attention. "I heard them chat that Beta seemed to take him to the nearby Luohua Hotel for dinner."

Ling He, who parked the car while talking, also rushed over. Alpha walked in a hurry without wearing a mask. The girl at the front desk was caught off guard when she saw Ling He's face, and she stammered.

"Go to... the hotel... there is no one in the back alley... you can find it."

"Thank you." Wen Mi ran out when he finished pulling Ling He.

There are basically many alleys in the old community here. Wen Mi and Ling Heshi passed through the two alleys and couldn't find them.

[Wen Mi: Where did you take Xiao Lu? 】

[Wen Mi: Talking? ? 】

[Wen Mi: I'm going to call the police, you should know how long Beta will be sentenced for forcing Omega! 】

Wen Mi contacted Zhu Lin and did not reply. Just as Wen Mi was so anxious to ask him what you want, Ling Heshi held his mobile phone.

"What is the smell of your brother's pheromone?"

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