Chapter 58: Next time dare

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A blanket line was placed between Ling Heshi and Wen Mi, who had been used to sleeping together before.

It was like sleeping together for the first time, Wen Mi lay there with her hands and feet bound and did not dare to move. Ling Heshi beside her was in a state similar to Wen Mi, and lying there stiffly in her sleeping position.

Since I did not sleep with Wen Lu at night, Wen Mi had to spray some of the honey cake flavor blocker given to him by Ling He to fall asleep. Wen Mi thinks that this bed should also contain Ling He's pheromone, although He can't smell it, but he will feel at ease if he knows it.

This should be the last time I slept with Ling Heshi. Wen Mi wanted to wait for Alpha to take a peek at him after falling asleep, but didn't know that Ling Heshi had the same thoughts as him.

Waiting to maintain a posture, Wen Mi surreptitiously turned over. He didn't notice the extra quilt. When turning over, his chest was pressed to the corner of the quilt.

There was a slight pain in my chest. Last time I slept on the phone, Wen Mi's chest was green. It's almost healed, but things still hurt.

Wen Mi rubbed his chest under the quilt and turned over and saw Ling Heshi who was looking at him with his eyes open.

"Is it uncomfortable to eat too much cake?" When the quilt blocked Ling He, he couldn't see Wen Mi's specific movements, but he noticed that little Omega touched his stomach after eating the cake.

Although Ling Heshi's guess was wrong, Wen Mi felt the feeling of being valued and cared by others, so he responded softly.

"I'll find you a digestion tablet." Ling Heshi said that he was about to get up. Wen Mi didn't want to bother him, and he grabbed the opponent before he even opened his hand.


Wen Mi sat up halfway, and the quilt slid down on his waist. Because he had just rubbed his chest, the button on his chest opened, revealing a small piece of skin.

Ling Heshi, a ghostly messenger, said something.

"Then I will rub it for you?"

"..." Wen Mi's cheeks were flushed, and the fingers of his clothes were trembling slightly when he was so embarrassed that he was pulling Ling He.

"I'm kidding!" Ling Heshi quickly realized that his words were too ambiguous, and gave Wen Mi a room for relaxation under the pretext of drinking water.

After Ling Heshi left, Wen Mi touched his hot face, he almost nodded just now.

When he said that he was far away from Ling He, Wen Mi squeezed his arm, trying to make the pain remind him to be rational, but everyone was in Ling Heshi's bed, there was no reason.

Wen Mi lay down arrogantly, and while Ling He was not there, he rolled to the side where Alpha was sleeping. He buried his head on Ling He's pillow and took a sharp sip. He seemed to smell the honey cake.

Sweeter than the evening cake.

Why Linghe's pheromone smells so good!

When Wen Mi reacted, he had exchanged Ling Heshi's pillow with his pillow, and when Wen Mi wanted to change it back quickly, Ling He came back when the door rang.

When Wen Mi hurriedly lay down with his back facing Ling He, pretending that nothing happened, he could hear his heart beating, would Ling He find that he changed his pillow?

Alpha must be able to smell it?

Wen Mi listened to Ling He when he went to bed. After waiting for a long time, the other party didn't speak. Maybe he didn't notice, maybe he didn't say anything. In short, Wen Mi heaved a sigh of relief.

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