Chapter 28: It's delicious sweet tofu

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Before Wen Mi lowered his head, he was grabbed by his arm and pulled to the dining table to sit.

When he looked at Ling He with a fierce face, he was looking at Meng Xi who winked at him.

what's the situation? Wen Mi was a little confused. He wanted to talk to Ling Heshi, but the fierce face of the other party made Wen Mi afraid to speak, so he set his sights on Meng Xi.

"You guys are coming to eat too? What a coincidence." Mindful of the fierce Alpha on the side, Wen Mi lowered his voice unconsciously.

"Brother Wen Mi, on you..." Meng Xi continued after glancing at his brother, "You smell of white tea a little bit strong."

While talking, Meng Xi secretly knocked a message under the table to remind Wen Mi.

[Meng Xi: Brother Wen Mi, why are you all the pheromone flavor of other wild Alpha! ! My brother is so angry that he is about to breathe fire! ! 】

And even after tracking this kind of thing, Meng Xi silently added a word in his heart.

Wen Mi was stunned when he heard Meng Xi's words, and then the phone on the table turned on, and Meng Xi's dialog box popped up. While Wen Mi looked at it, Ling Heshi glanced quietly.

"Is it the smell of white tea?" Wen Mi couldn't smell anything. He was never curious about other people's pheromone smell, but Shi Yuan was his favorite cousin so he wanted to know, he was embarrassed to ask in person. So I asked Xiao Lu.

Xiao Lu said that it was white tea. When Xiao Lu finished speaking, he whispered a few words with the elder brother beside him. The eldest brother also agreed that it was white tea.

It was clearly Ling Heshi who was angry, but he watched Wen Mi suddenly become depressed. The brothers looked at each other and didn't know what was wrong.


Wen Mi fell into the memory and suddenly heard Ling Heshi's voice, and the other party brought the steak in front of him.

The steak drenched in sauce is neatly cut, and you can see the full juice and clear lines on the cross section of the steak. You can feel the taste of the steak just by smell.

"I haven't moved." Seeing little Omega staring at the steak, Ling Heshi explained again.

"I didn't mean that!" Wen Mi hurriedly shook his head, but when he saw Ling He, he returned to the state of being silent and stern.

Wen Mi didn't know how much pheromone was on his body, but he didn't want Ling Heshi to be angry, so he simply took off his coat. He wore a long-sleeved T-shirt with a large neckline, and when he lowered his head to eat a steak, he would reveal the clear line of his collarbone.

Ling Heshi was really angry, but when he saw that Little Omega was sad, he was inexplicably distressed first. Counting the time he entered the hotel, he was sure that Wen Mi hadn't eaten well, and subconsciously wanted to coax Little Omega to eat. He finally restrained himself from being too enthusiastic. Back in the angry state just now, he didn't expect that when he saw Wen Mi's neckline, Ling Heshi couldn't help but linger on it.

When the phone rang, Ling Heshi reluctantly looked away and took a look.

[Smelly brother: Where do you see your eyes? Not promising! 】

"..." Ling Heshi glared at Meng Xi, and the little kid didn't think the excitement was too much.

When the brothers looked at each other, Wen Mi quietly took out two chocolates from his pockets, and sneaked out his hands from under the table to Ling Heshi. After blindly touching his hands, he immediately stuffed the chocolates with him, and then quickly withdrew his hands. .

Ling Heshi felt the shape of something in his hand and guessed it was citrus-flavored chocolate. He cocked the corner of his mouth triumphantly toward his brother and then looked down. His smile froze at the corner of his mouth. Ling Heshi smelled the chocolate covered with a layer of chocolate. Pheromone taste of white tea.

He couldn't lose when he was facing Meng Xi's noodle Linghe, he just opened the chocolate and tasted one. The rich and sweet citrus flavor is accompanied by the mellow chocolate, but Ling Heshi didn't find it delicious, even thought the chocolate was too bitter.

Wen Mi blinked when he looked at Ling He as if asking if it was delicious.

"It's delicious." Ling Heshi said against his will.

"Then you won't be angry?" Wen Mi's long raised eyelashes trembled, Ling Heshi's anger was also trembled, and he nodded subconsciously.

Meng Xi, who had witnessed the entire transformation of Ling Heshi, silently changed his brother's remarks to the silly Alpha in love.

Wen Mi glanced at the lobby from time to time while eating. He was afraid of being seen by relatives. Ling Heshi saw through Wen Mi's mind and accelerated the speed of eating. When they both finished eating, Meng Xi was still eating the pudding slowly.

"Eat quickly." Ling Heshi urged.

"I don't." Meng Xi stunned back habitually.

"Then you check out." Ling Heshi just finished speaking, and Meng Xi stuffed the remaining half of the pudding into his mouth with a spoonful, his cheeks bulged high.

"Playing," Meng Xi said slurredly.

When Ling Heshi checked out, he ordered two small cakes, one for Meng Xi and the other for Wen Mi.

Meng Xi took the cake to the co-pilot, and wittily opened the baffle to give the couple behind him plenty of privacy.

"Go back with me?" Seeing the little Omega sitting in his car with someone else's pheromone, Ling Heshi quietly left the pheromone on the cake box and handed it to Wen Mi, "Open it." Up."

"I'll go back to myself today." Wen Mi still has a pottery class in the evening. He couldn't tell Ling He, he planned to surprise him.

The cake is a rose-shaped mousse. It is very small and delicate. Wen Mi can't bear to take a bite and a half. He just eats it in small bites. The rose is filled with blueberry sauce. Wen Mi tasted the sweet and sour taste, but he seemed to faintly ate it. Arrived the honey cake flavor.

When a mousse was finished, Wen Mi found that the car had a lot of honey cake smell. He sniffed the aroma of honey cake made by aunt Ling Heshi's family.

Smelling too much, Wen Mi touched her hot cheeks, and her mouth was dry.

The car stopped downstairs at Wen Mi's house. Ling Heshi asked Meng Xi and the driver to wait in the car and sent Wen Mi up.

Old buildings are often decorated by residents, and new doors are being installed on the first floor. Two masters stood on the floor and littered a few wooden boards, blocking more than half of the narrow road. Wen Mi walked carefully on his side and just walked over. After two steps, he stepped on a long screw without paying attention, slipped his feet, and fell into Ling Heshi's arms before he could react.

Ling Heshi held on to the railing with one hand, and the free hand firmly encircled Wen Mi's waist. Ling Heshi had a touch of woody perfume and honey cake smell. The mixture of the two is not unpleasant. Wen Mi hurriedly wanted to withdraw to stand firm, but as if drinking wine, his feet were a little soft, and he just stood up straight and fell back.

"Is the tofu of Popular Love A delicious?" Ling Heshi chuckled lightly. After holding Wen Mi steady with both hands, he took Omega's hand and led him up the stairs.

Wen Mi kept his head down and said nothing. If it was sweet tofu, it would be delicious.

He didn't know if he had a sweet longan in Linghe's eyes, or the kind of small longan that was peeled and covered with honey.

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