Chapter 84: Welcome to Cha Gang

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Wen Mi looked back as if he was aware, and saw Dai Yuanqin standing by the window and talking on the phone, not looking very happy. Wen Mi started to lose consciousness while washing the dishes. He was afraid his mother would be upset that Meng Qing and Meng Xi were eating at his house.

"Wen Mi." Hearing Meng Qing's voice, Wen Mi realized that the bowl in his hand was not facing the faucet at all.

"What's the matter? Are you worried about your mother? Let me leave the bowl, what do you have to say now." Meng Qing has heard a few words from Ling Heshi, and has been with Wen Mi for so long, and he knows a little bit. The situation in his home.

After seeing Dai Yuanqin today, Meng Qing also noticed that the relationship between mother and son was not very close. Thinking about the relationship between the two and Wen Mi's gland damage, Meng Qing couldn't restrain Wen Mi's guilt.

Wen Mi didn't notice the change in Meng Qing, and after listening to it, he went to Dai Yuanqin.

In the past, Dai Yuanqin had just hung up the phone, and Wen Mi glanced at the note. It was his father who called.

"Did your dad urge you to go back?" Wen Mi still knows his dad. He is the only one at home. His mother has been out for so long, so he must be worried.

"I don't care about him, I'll stay for a while and go back." Dai Yuanqin looked at Wen Mi, the original thin pointy chin seemed to be rounded, "Is he gaining weight?"

"Brother Wen Mi has gained three or four catties!" Meng Xi heard the conversation between the two and leaned forward and said, but because the mother in front of him was Brother Wen Mi's mother, Meng Xi didn't say that this meat was raised by his brother's hard work. of.

In Dai Yuanqin's impression, Wen Mi always keeps his head down and has no sense of existence. Every time he sees it, he wears loose casual clothes. He doesn't look thin, but his chin is pointed, and he can feel that his arm is very thin when he grabs it.

Now I have a fleshy chin and a rounded chin, and my clothes are not always the same. Maybe my body is sprayed with perfume and sweet, and my whole person has changed a lot unknowingly.

Seeing Meng Xi who was chatting with Wen Mi and bringing chicken chops, and Meng Qing who was helping to wash the dishes in the kitchen, Dai Yuanqin had already finished the draft for Wen Mi and Ling Heshi to break up, but now she can't tell how.

Wen Mi's house is very small and old. Dai Yuanqin has never been here a few times. They were persuaded by their parents a few times, but after Wen Mi didn't listen, it was fine. Now stand here and take a look at Meng Qing and Meng Xi. All he wore was brand-name, so the wealthy family of Ling He must have lived in large villas.

Seeing that Wen Mi lives in such a shabby place, Dai Yuanqin now realizes that with hindsight, she can't hold back her face. She wondered if Meng Qing felt that she, a mother, was not responsible for her children?

"Wen Mi, you still want to change..." Dai Yuanqin subconsciously wanted Wen Mi to change his house when he thought of this. When he saw Meng Xi on the side, he immediately realized that he shouldn't mention it now.

"What?" Wen Mi looked at the mother Wen who had stopped speaking in doubt.

"Change clothes, the meal is dirty." Dai Yuanqin scanned a stain on Wen Mi's clothes and found a reason to prevaricate the past.

"I don't change it now. I changed it when I took a shower at night." Wen Mi looked at the time after saying that there was no message when Ling He was past eight o'clock.

"Mom, you can go back soon, otherwise Dad will worry about you."

Dai Yuanqin stayed there and didn't know what to say. She looked at the house and was afraid of hearing something from Meng Qing, so she nodded and left.

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