Chapter 38: Come pick me up quickly

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The next day Wen Mi went to work with a sweet honey cake flavored blocking agent.

The breakfast stalls are all queuing at this point, and Wen Mi swiped his phone to pass the time when he was in the line. As soon as he opened the circle of friends, he saw Wen Duo spit out.

It should be that the company's colleagues were blocked. He complained that the leader had a one-day exchange department experience, and sent him to the logistics department for one day, wasting a day of work but still having to hand in on time.

Wen Mi's hand while sliding the screen paused. This was Ling Heshi's handwriting.

"Xiao Wen is still the old rule today?" The aunt who sells the cake enthusiastically talked to Wen Mi.

"Twice! The second double egg double loin!" Wen Mi sent a message to Ling He when he said that, telling him that he had brought him glutinous cakes for breakfast.

"Is it for the boyfriend last time? Your boyfriend is really appetizing, but Alpha is like this." The aunt said that her hands were very swift, and she quickly made the two of Wen Mi's. .

The staff on the 18th floor of Wanhui heard the voice of the stairs at the beginning of the shift this morning. One or two quietly walked over and took a look. There were windows in the stairwell, and they were chatting with Mr. Ling and Assistant Wen while holding a cake. eat.

This matter spread throughout the company in just one morning.

Wen Mi is in a good mood. The slippers and chocolates he bought for Ling Heshi are expected to be delivered today. He waited for a long time for the chocolates and bought three boxes in one go. If Ling Heshi likes him, he can pre-sell again next time.

After get off work in the evening, Wen Mi went to the pottery class to learn how to make bowls, and when the course was over, he stopped by to get the express delivery.

Wen Mi bought two pairs of slippers. One pair was pure black according to Ling Heshi's request, and the other pair was randomly selected with a horizontal stripe. They can be used next time when Yu Zhi and his Alpha come.

When he took a picture of the slippers and sent it to Ling He, when he didn't tell Ling He about the chocolate, Wen Mi planned to give it to him when the bowl was made.

For a few days, Ling Heshi only showed up at the company in the morning and no longer at the company in the afternoon. Moreover, when Ling Heshi went out without an assistant, everyone felt strange and came to Wen Mi to inquire.

Wen Mi contacted Ling Heshi every day, knowing that he was susceptible, because he was not sure about the time just in case, so he worked from home in the afternoon. Wen Mi didn't know that after he answered his colleague's question, he was sitting more firmly in everyone's eyes as the future boss.

On Friday afternoon, Ling He had to go to the hospital for a follow-up visit. Wen Mi fainted last time when he was affected. Ling Heshi was not relieved to let him come to the hospital for a follow-up visit.

Naturally, Wen Mi did not refuse the paid inspection. After having lunch with Ling Heshi at the company at noon, they went to the hospital together.

It has been two hours after a set of inspections. After Wen Mi saw Ling He sitting on a chair in the waiting area, she didn't know how long she had waited for herself.

"You're so fast." Wen Mi thought he would end earlier than Ling Heshi.

Ling Heshi's motion of handing water paused, and he was a little dissatisfied with what little Omega said just now.

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