Chapter 32: Which big brother?

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The driver went downstairs and called Ling Heshi. When Ling Heshi felt that something was pressing on his chest, he was awakened by the phone ringing. He first smelled the rich pheromone in the air, and when he opened his eyes he saw Wen Mi lying on his chest with only half of his face exposed.

Little Omega's complexion was pale and bloody, and his brows were furrowed, biting his lip as if uncomfortable.

The heart in Ling Heshi's chest was beating violently, and the brain stopped working for a moment.

"Wen Mi!" Ling Heshi yelled as she hugged Wen Mi and rushed out of the room.

Alpha ran down the stairs very quickly. Wen Mi gradually regained some consciousness. He woke up from Ling Heshi's arms with half-opened eyes, feeling that he was in the air, and subconsciously wanted to grasp Ling Heshi's collar, but he I was dizzy and feverish, and my fingers were motionless.

"Ling Heshi...what's wrong with me?" Wen Mi's voice was very small, even before Ling Heshi's breathing was loud, but Alpha still heard Wen Mi's words clearly.

"I'm so dizzy... I have no energy..."

Ling Heshi tried his best to keep the little Omega as steady as possible while comforting him.

Wen Mi felt that there were so many mosquitoes in his ear that he couldn't hear what Ling Heshi was saying, but Alpha's tone was very gentle. He knew that Ling Heshi was coaxing him. It seemed that someone was doing this when he was uncomfortable a long time ago. Coaxed him.

When is it? After the gland was cut with a knife, the elder brother clutched the back of his neck and tried his best to comfort him and divert his attention. At that time, the elder brother should be as gentle as Ling Heshi now.

Wen Mi could not perceive the existence of the body, and his thoughts drifted away intermittently. He remembered that when he was five years old, he sneaked out and got lost in a playful manner. He saw a big brother who was dragged into the car near the hospital and wanted to call for help. It was discovered.

He and his elder brother were taken to an abandoned warehouse. The warehouse was filled with moldy and rotten food, and the smell of rust and rotten food was everywhere in the breath.

That kidnapper is a lunatic Alpha. He would beat them to vent when he said something he didn't understand. That elder brother would always protect him, but his eldest brother was very uncomfortable and kept running a fever...

and after......

A man who looked very elegant came over. He said something to the madman. The madman took out a knife to cut off his elder brother's hand...

The pain of the knife piercing the glands swept through again.

In the car, Ling Heshi half held Wen Mi and patted his back lightly. He had already notified the hospital, and the driver was rushing towards the hospital. I don't know what the little Omega dreamed of, and bit his lips. Only when he patted his back did little Omega feel more comfortable, and stopped biting his broken lips.

"Big brother......"

"Who?" Ling Heshi leaned down and listened to Wen Mi's murmur.

Big brother? Is it Wen Mi's eldest brother? Ling Heshi didn't think it was, but he was also afraid that Omega really missed his eldest brother, so he took Wen Mi's cell phone and dialed the number of the eldest brother.

"What's the matter so late?" Wen Duo on the phone didn't get through after a long time, and said in an angry tone.

"Wen Mi is not feeling well and is on her way to the hospital." Ling Heshi's movement of patting Wen Mi with his hand was still gentle and careful, but his face turned cold.

"Who are you? His boyfriend?" Wen Duo, who was dating outside, gave his girlfriend a wait gesture, "Wen Mi is often sick, so please take care of him. I'm not free today. I will see him tomorrow."

"Which hospital are you going to go to, I..." Wen Duo was hung up before speaking, and he frowned a little displeased.

"What's wrong? Is your brother sick? Why don't you go see him, we'll make another date." Knowing that her new boyfriend is a younger brother, the girlfriend asked thoughtfully.

"It's okay. He is often sick. It is estimated that his boyfriend made a fuss. We bought the movie tickets and don't waste it." Wen Duo narrowed his displeasure when facing his girlfriend.

"But isn't your brother Omega? It's not safe to be alone in the hospital. His boyfriend doesn't know if it will be..." Wen Duo's girlfriend is an Omega. She thinks about if she goes to the hospital if she gets sick, only Wen Duo will be with her. She must be upset about her family.

"He won't. His boyfriend is probably a beta, and even Alpha can't do much to him." Wen Duo didn't want to mention Wen Mi, "Okay, let's leave him on our date."

When the girlfriend saw this, she didn't say anything any more, but she was surprised that her boyfriend loved Wen Lu as if he didn't care much about this younger brother.

On the other side, when Ling He was angry with Wen Duo, he was easily pulled into the blacklist. Now he is sure that when his brother is like this, he will definitely not be the one that Omega will call when he is uncomfortable.

When he calmed down, Ling Heshi dragged the person out of the blacklist.

Wen Mi only remembered that Ling Heshi hugged him downstairs. When he woke up, he found that he was already in the hospital. The curtains in the single ward were opened, and the sun came in, shining on the basket of fresh citrus by the bed, and the scent of citrus covered it. The smell of disinfectant water in the hospital.

Is this one night has passed?

Wen Mi looked over at the sound of the door opening. Ling Heshi was holding a stack of bills in his hand, and was cautiously pushing the door open as if he was afraid to disturb him.

"What's wrong with me?" Wen Mi's throat was dry, and his voice was a little hoarse.

On the wet eyes of little Omega, Ling Heshi read out the report sheet on his hand.

"...Actually, my pheromone out of control has affected you." Ling Heshi's tone of voice was apologetic. His pheromone suddenly worsened the pheromone disorder of the little Omega. If a normal Omega received a large amount of Alpha pheromone, The fever was induced, but Wen Mi had no pheromone and couldn't balance his pheromone, which led to sudden syncope.

Ling Heshi said while passing Wen Mi a glass of warm water. Wen Mi drank the water and her throat became comfortable, and the faint **** smell in her throat disappeared.

"I heard Meng Xi say that you were yesterday..." Wen Mi paused for a moment and remembered something, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, "It should be the day before yesterday. He said that you were out of control of the pheromone in the car, and in just one day you were out of control. Don't check it?"

"After the inspection, the susceptibility period is advanced, and the early pheromone is easy to get out of control." Ling Heshi did not tell Wen Mi, he asked the pheromone expert to help Wen Mi to conduct a comprehensive inspection, and the report has not yet come out.

Alpha is irritable and irritable in the early stage of the susceptible period, and it will also cause pheromone to lose control due to various reasons such as emotions. Wen Mi thinks that Ling He should have not rested before losing control. I guess I didn't sleep well again, and was about to ask Ling Heshi to go back to the rest meeting when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Ling Heshi is not in the company on working days. Assistant Zhou has to ask him to deal with it on business. Ling Heshi smiled at Wen Mi and rubbed his hair.

"I'll be back in a while."

Wen Mi watched the people leave, reached out and touched the place where Ling He had touched his head, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if he felt a little dizzy.

It must be that his pheromone disorder hasn't healed yet, Wen Mi thought so, and glanced at his palm.

"!" He didn't wash his hair all day and night, his head! It's already oily!

Ling Heshi just rubbed...

It's shameful, I don't have the face to see that I haven't rested, I still have dark circles under my eyes, but I'm still handsome.

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