Chapter 8: Eat fish for brain

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A tall figure stood there at the entrance of the private room. Alpha was tall and straight, with three-dimensional and deep facial features, and the sharpness between the eyebrows and the eyes was matched with a black suit. The whole person was impersonal, but what was undeniable was the charm of mature men. , Enough to make countless Omega excited.

And beside the Alpha man stood a slender Omega. Omega looked neat and clean, with slightly longer hair, but he felt like a well-behaved person.

Alpha and Omega are intertwined, obviously they are a couple.

Ling Heshi, the number one on the Alpha male **** list, the president of the business giant Wanhui, such a character appeared in their ordinary classmates, and there was silence in the private room.

"There is a traffic jam on the road, it is late." Ling Heshi spoke casually, his gaze swept across the crowd, and at a glance he saw the A-O sitting in the middle position pasted together.

"Go, let's go in and sit." Ling Heshi grabbed Wen Mi's hand, and took the distracted little Omega to sit next to Ke Mu.

It wasn't until the two of them were seated that someone called Wen Mi, and everyone responded that the Omega next to Ling Heshi was actually the sick Wen Mi on their mobile phone.

Before Wen Mi and Ling Heshi came in, they saw a picture of themselves in the group. This angle was obviously taken without his knowledge. The door of the private room was not closed tightly. Wen Mi also heard everyone talking about him. He was about to say something to alleviate his embarrassment, when he was suddenly pulled in by Ling Heshi when his hand was hot.

When he saw Ke Mu again, Wen Mi recovered, his youthful affection had long since lost his warm temperament, his face was still the same, but his eyes were covered with a layer of gauze, so chaotic that he couldn't see clearly.

When Ke Mu saw Wen Mi who was different from the photo, when he looked at Ling He next to him, he greeted him with a far-fetched smile on his face.

"I don't know what the relationship between President Ling and Wen Mi is..."

Ke Mu asked everyone's voice. At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Wen Mi. Wen Mi, who was being followed, was uncomfortable. He hadn't figured out how to answer yet. Ling Heshi's hand moved strongly from his fingertips. Passing through, then Ling Heshi's hands with interlocking fingers were raised.

The answer is self-evident, and consistent with everyone's guess, the two are in a relationship.

At this time the waiter came in and asked if he wanted to start serving dishes.

Thinking of the limelight overshadowed by Ling Heshi, Ke Mu gritted his teeth: "Aren't you a new batch of red wine, open two bottles."

"Did you read it before entering the door? A bottle of that batch of red wine is worth tens of thousands."

"Senior Ke, you spent money today."

When he returned his attention to himself, Ke Mu was finally satisfied. When he deliberately glanced at Ling He, the other party was pouring juice for Wen Mi without concern.

Tao Shijin, who had not spoken at this time, finally suppressed the jealousy in his heart, put on Alpha's favorite sweet smile, and talked to Wen Mi.

"Wen Mi, congratulations, I thought the company's rumors were all fake."

Wen Mi didn't want to pay attention to Tao Shijin, sitting there sipping juice, Tao Shijin didn't care to continue talking.

"I used to think that Wen Mi you prefer A Mu's type." Tao Shijin took Ke Mu's arm and secretly leaked a trace of pheromone on her boyfriend.

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