Chapter 47: Don't want to see

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Wen Mi was stunned and reacted quickly.

"It's mango flavor."

"Go here." Ling Heshi took Wen Mi's hand and decisively led him into an alley.

When Wen Mi followed Ling He, he understood the meaning of this sentence.

"Did you smell his pheromone?"


Alpha's one-word reply made Wen Mi's heart sink. He could smell what the pheromone said, indicating that Wen Lu's pheromone was out of control and entered a fever period.

"Calm down, I brought the inhibitor." Ling Heshi ran towards the direction of the smell, and his calm tone made Wen Mi suppress the panic in his heart. He did not notice that the Alpha body temperature holding him was rising. , The temperature of the palm is very hot.

The two went further and further away. Fortunately, because they were too remote, the pheromone would not cause a large number of Alphas to get out of control. I don't know how long they walked, Ling Heshi suddenly stopped and pulled Wen Mi forward.

At Alpha's signal, Wen Mi walked two steps forward and looked at the alley after turning against the wall. At the end of the narrow and slender alley, there was a lot of construction rubbish. He fell flushed and sat on the dusty ground, leaning against the damp and seeping wall, crying and panting.

The neckline of Wen Lu's clothes was torn apart. Zhu Lin held his mobile phone to Wen Lu when he was far and near, still muttering something in his mouth.

"He is making a video!"

Wen Mi rushed over anxiously when he saw this, and didn't forget to let Ling Heshi call the police now. He ran too fast and didn't see Ling Heshi's alarm number and pressed the correct number three times.

Wen Mi who rushed up wanted to **** Zhu Lin's phone. The other party was obviously defensive. He avoided Wen Mi and put the phone in the inner pocket of his jacket.

Face to face, Wen Mi could see clearly what was wrong with Zhu Lin at this time. The other party's wide-open eyes were covered with red blood, and he opened his mouth and made a heavy "huh-huh" sound. At the same time, he kept swallowing saliva. There is already a feeling in a certain place.

Wen Mi couldn't get the phone and could only take off his coat and wrap it around Wen Lu's neckline.

"Second brother..." Wen Lu held Wen Mi's clothes with blurred eyes and cried and called him, "I'm so uncomfortable... so hot..."

"Xiao Lu is fine, hold on for a while."

While Wen Mi was comforting Wen Lu, Zhu Lin suddenly took out a needle from his pocket and pounced on Wen Mi. Wen Mi noticed, he just needed to avoid it, but at that moment there was a snowflake in front of him. He saw that Zhu Lin's hand was not a needle but a fruit knife. Wen Mi felt the pain of the gland stabbing and froze in place. Can't move.

A crisp sound of glass shattering sounded, and Wen Mi's eyes gradually returned to normal. When he saw Ling He, he buckled Zhu Lin with his backhand, pressed him against the wall, and pressed his elbow against Zhu Lin's back. .

Zhu Lin's face was scratched by the rough wall, but he was struggling but was stabilized by the super-strength Alpha.

"I have inhibitors in my pocket, give your brother a shot soon." Ling He Shiteng could only call out to remind Wen Mi if he couldn't make a move.

In a hurry, Ling He had only time to get the inhibitor. When Wen Mi took out the inhibitor from Ling Heshi's suit pants, he accidentally wiped the back of Alpha, who was wearing only a white shirt.

He heard Alpha let out a low sigh, Wen Mi couldn't think about why Ling Heshi's back was hot, first gave Wen Lu a quick injection of inhibitor, and he took a long breath of relief when Wen Lu became sober. Breathe against the wall.

The recovered Wen Lu was so scared that he held Wen Mi's leg and started crying, crying as he said that Zhu Lin took his photos and videos.

Wen Mi just in case, although he called the police, he wanted to get the phone first. He and Ling Heshi looked at each other and thought of reading Alpha the same way, and then stepped forward again.

With the phone in the inner pocket of Zhu Lin's jacket, Wen Mi looked very excited, and looked at Zhu Lin with sticky eyes, and stretched out his hand to resist the nausea.

"Close your eyes" Ling Heshi warned Zhu Lin with a gloomy tone. With a hard hand, Zhu Lin's face was rubbed against the wall again.

The pain caused Zhu Lin to close his eyes. Wen Mi took the opportunity to try not to touch Zhu Lin and took the phone out of his pocket.

Zhu Lin was so excited that his palms were sweating, his mobile phone was stained with sweat, and his hands became sticky. Wen Mi frowned and wanted to turn on the phone to watch Zhu Lin's video, but heard a rubbing sound. Zhu Lin stared at him, panting and rubbing his lower body against the wall.

Wen Mi's face turned pale in an instant, and he subconsciously hid behind Ling Heshi.

Wen Mi, who was next to Ling He, finally realized that Alpha's body temperature was too high, and he didn't wait for him to speak. Alpha suddenly kicked Zhu Lin to the ground, and then with overwhelming force, he punched Zhu Lin in the face.

After being beaten up, Zhu Lin arched his back and hugged his head repeatedly begging for mercy. Alpha just silently punched and punched. Wen Mi stayed on the spot and looked at Ling He with no expression on his face, his eyes were dull, and he looked like he was really going to kill him. He was willing to give up until he was killed.

There was the sound of police sirens in the distance, the small alley could not be driven into, Wen Mi vaguely heard a lot of footsteps, his reason told him that he could not let Ling Heshi continue, he would really kill Zhu Lin, and this The picture could not be seen by the police.

"Ling Heshi is enough, don't fight anymore." Wen Mi rushed forward and hugged Ling Heshi's arm with all his strength, preventing him from punching. Zhu Lin on the ground was already a little confused and his face was bruised and swollen. One, half of the face scratched by the wall was still standing with fine gravel.

When Wen Mi only stopped Ling He, he didn't notice the soreness of his glands, nor did he smell the thicker honey cake smell in the air.

Ling Heshi's rich pheromone envelops Wen Mi. Wen Mi is stimulated to release citrus-flavored pheromones. The out-of-control Alpha smells the familiar citrus flavor and returns rationally.

"Hold me tightly." Wen Mi heard Ling He's hoarse and low voice, and immediately rushed forward, wrapping his hands around Ling He's waist as he said.

Wen Mi didn't know what had happened to Ling Heshi, only felt that his body was terribly hot, with his head resting on his shoulders, his breathing was anxious and panting, as if he was enduring something.

Although Alpha had a lot of strength to hug him back, it even made his shoulder a little bit painful, but Wen Mi was not afraid. He patted Alpha's back lightly like Alpha had coaxed him before.

"It won't be uncomfortable to pat, just pat..."

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and when the police arrived, Wen Mi knew that Ling Heshi was susceptible.

When the police believed that the pheromone of Wen Lu's fever period had affected Ling He, Wen Mi also thought so, but only when Ling He, who had endured the overwhelming dark thoughts in his heart, knew it best. There was a constant voice in his heart. Stimulate him.

No one is allowed to imagine his little longan.

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