Chapter 79: Ling Zai Zai who didn't eat chicken chops

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During the lunch break, Wen Mi continued to fight with Yuzhi's emoticon pack. The two of them had already turned the dark history into emoticon packs with each other's previous photos.

Ling He glanced at itching when eating, and wanted to save a little Omega emoticon.

"Tomorrow weekend, go home with me to eat at night?" Ling Heshi peeked and was discovered by Wen Mi. Little Omega turned his hand and blocked the screen of the phone to prevent him from peeping at the screen.

Wen Mi nodded in response, and finally lost the emoji battle because he didn't like taking pictures before, and there were fewer photos than Yu Zhi.

In the evening, the two got off work on time, and stopped by school to pick up Meng Xi on the way back to Ling's house. Meng Xi held a bag of fried chicken chops in his hand, and the car was full of cumin.

"Brother Wen Mi, come here?" Meng Xi leaned between the co-pilot and the driver's seat and asked Wen Mi who was holding the chicken chop, "The new fried chicken restaurant in our school cafeteria has a delicious taste, and we are queuing every day. I finally got there."

After listening to Wen Mi tasted a piece, the crispy skin of the chicken was tender and juicy, it was really delicious.

"good to eat."

"Yeah, I almost didn't want to go home for the fried chicken this weekend." Meng Xi assigned a wooden sign to Wen Mi and shared them together, "But as soon as my dad said you are coming, I immediately abandoned the fried chicken shop."

After Meng Xi finished speaking, he heard his brother sneer.

"The blame can flatter." Ling Heshi interjected in the driver's seat, who hadn't tasted a bite of chicken chops.

Wen Mi listened to Meng Xi and Ling Heshi's quarrel, and sent a message to Wen Lu, telling him that the new fried chicken restaurant in the cafeteria was delicious, and asked him if he knew.

Wen Lu returned quickly. A photo was posted. Three fried chicken bags were placed on Wen Lu's table.

[Wen Luen: Fried chicken legs, fried chicken cutlets and fried chicken nuggets are all here. 】

[Wen Luen: Smelly durian and I showed off his boyfriend lined up to buy fried chicken for him. What's so great about this. I found three Alphas to help me line up and made a family portrait to make him angry! 】

【Wen Mi: ...】

"Oh, I'm done, I'm still thinking about it." Meng Xi squeezed the empty fried chicken bag, and looked at Ling He eagerly, "Brother, do you try it? Brother believes in your cooking skills!"

"I don't even know what the smell is, how can I do it?"

"That's all to blame Brother Wen Mi, I didn't feed you!" Meng Xi even flattered before and immediately shook the pot.

Suddenly, Wen Mi blinked and looked at Ling He innocently.

"I'll fry it for you next time." Wen will also cook to please.

Meng Can't cook Xi issued a request for a meal, and Wen Gang turned his back on Meng Xi's request.

Meng Xi, who had fallen on both ends, shut up.

After a while, Meng Xi came up again and poked Wen Mi's shoulder with his finger.

"Brother Wen Mi, I bought delicious snacks and they are delivering them. When I share them with you, can we write off all the previous things?"

Wen Mi was not angry at first, so he nodded after hearing this.

"I'll divide you this time." Wen Mi poked Ling Heshi's thigh.

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