Chapter 52: Feeling extremely disturbed

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Alpha, who was in the susceptible period, missed his sweetheart extremely, and waited for almost a day without waiting for Omega's reply. Alpha couldn't sit still, and tentatively called Omega.

After several beeping sounds on the phone, no one answered it. Just as Ling He was about to give up, the call was suddenly connected.

A male voice that obviously didn't belong to the little Omega sounded, Alpha's joy only lasted for a second, and his possessiveness swept across the sky.

"Brother Wen Mi is not here for the time being, you can tell me what you can do, and I can tell him when I eat hot pot with Brother Wen Mi later."

Although he had only met once, Ling Heshi still heard that the person answering the phone was Ye Gaozhuo, an Alpha who had an intention on Omega.

Little Omega will eat hot pot with an Alpha who has bad thoughts about him the next day after watching him?

Ling He's desire for destruction was about to move, and dark thoughts flashed through his head uncontrollably one after another. He wanted to tie Wen Mi back so that his whole body was stained with his pheromone from the inside to the outside, thinking He made little Omega's legs so soft that he couldn't walk, and his voice was so dumb that he didn't want to talk, and he could only see him in his eyes.

When Meng Xi, who had just returned from school, was standing in the living room drinking water, he suddenly smelled his brother's pheromone. After drinking the water, Meng Xi immediately saw his brother appear at the top of the stairs.

Ling Heshi, who didn't say a word, had a dark face, holding the car key in his hand, and walked towards the gate without squinting.

"Brother, why are you going?" Meng Xi hurriedly rushed to stop his brother, but his brother seemed to see through his mind, his legs were moving fast and eagerly, and all he heard was the sound of closing doors. , After Meng Xi chased out, only the **** of the car was driving away quickly.

Ling Heshi's susceptible period would only be in the house even if he went mad again. Who would have thought that Ling Heshi would run out by himself this time, Meng Xi exclaimed that it was bad, and hurriedly notified Dad.

The reason is too late to suppress the irritability of Alpha in the susceptible period. Ling Heshi's head hurts and swells. He cannot control himself. On the one hand, he knows that his susceptible period needs to stay at home and everything should pass. I'll solve it later, but on the other hand, he desperately wants to see Little Omega. He is not allowed to eat with other Alphas. He wants to ask if Little Omega likes him like the citrus pheromone that hooks him.

Emotional loss caused Ling Heshi's pheromone to be continuously released. Alpha pheromone would affect the innocent Omega. Ling Heshi had to endure severe head pain and restrain the pheromone from being released. Alpha endurance reached its limit. , Ling Heshi's eyes went dark, and he suddenly remembered the kidnapping case that year.

The kidnapper's punches and kicks vented his anger, dirty words insulted, and the faint scent of citrus that made him forget the bad air around him.

It seems that there is another person beside him, who is it?

Ling Heshi regained his sight when he was suffering from a splitting headache. A dilapidated van drove in the opposite direction and hit him head-on without slowing down. Ling Heshi swiftly hit the steering wheel, but his physical condition prevented him from reacting in time as usual. , Did not completely avoid it.

The van hit the back of Ling Heshi's car, and rammed into the car behind. After Ling Heshi was hit, he drove the car and ran into the thick tree trunk on the side of the road.

The huge impact caused the airbag to bounce out. Ling He was hit with his head. Before he lost consciousness, he remembered something. He was not the only victim in the kidnapping case. There was another person beside him who secretly stuffed him with a yellow orange. Orange Citrus's little brother...

Soon the ambulance and police car rushed towards the accident section.


When Wen Mi was washing his hands, it suddenly occurred to him that he could invite Xiao Lu's roommates to dinner. He was thankful to them for helping Xiao Lu bring fake notes so that he would not have to eat with Ye Gaozhuo alone.

The money Wen Mi transferred to him by Ling Heshi before will return it to him when he plans to resign, because Wen Mi usually does not save as much expenses as before. After resigning and changing jobs in the future, it will definitely not be as much as Wanhui's. Gan Shou was about to check the balance of his bank card, and when he touched his empty pocket, he remembered that he had left his cell phone to call roommates.

After returning to the dormitory, Wen Mi invited everyone to eat together, but he did not expect that several Omegas were not available, and Wen Mi was taken out of the dormitory by Ye Gaozhuo, who took the initiative to help him with the book.

It seemed that he could only have dinner with Ye Gaozhuo. Wen Mi sighed secretly. Hearing Ye Gaozhuo talking about school fun, he wanted to make it clear during the meal, so that Ye Gaozhuo would not be bothered by him. Expected.

After making up his mind, Wen Mi did not reject this meal anymore. When he arrived at the school gate, Wen Mi found that Ye Gaozhuo had already called the car. Gentleman Alpha drove him the door and signaled him to go in first. When Wen Mi lowered his head to get into the car, his heart hurt suddenly, and his figure flickered to hold the door in time.

"What's the matter?" Ye Gaozhuo asked concerned.

Wen Mi shook his head and got into the car, but somehow he became very flustered as soon as he sat down. He always felt that something bad had happened, and he was fidgeting.

"Motion sickness?" Ye Gaozhuo said and opened the window to make Wen Mi more comfortable.

Wen Mi had cold hands and feet, sweating on his back, and buttoned his coat button a little irritably. He had never felt this way before. In order to divert his attention, Wen Mi played with a mobile phone.

Seeing Wen Mi opened the game, Ye Gaozhuo raised his mouth with a relaxed tone.

"Just now when you were washing your hands, someone called you, and it rang too long. I was afraid that it would be too late to give it to you, so I just picked it up."

Just as Wen Mi quit the game and wanted to take a look at the call log, he heard Ye Gaozhuo ask in a joking tone.

"You work in Wanhui, so is it Ling Heshi who commented on popular sentiment A, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, Wen Mi also clicked on the call log, and he saw the call log with Popular Love A ten minutes ago.

"What did he say?" Wen Mi asked aloud to Ye Gaozhuo emotionally.

Ye Gaozhuo saw Wen Mi like this for the first time. He was very jealous that Alpha could easily attract Wen Mi's attention. Is that mask man so good?

"He didn't speak, he hung up after listening to me."

"What did you say?" Wen Mi unconsciously held the position of his heart with his hand. He was very flustered. Alpha in the susceptible period was easily stimulated, and yesterday the two of them...

Seeing Ye Gaozhuo not speaking, Wen Mi didn't notice that he was almost shouting and asking what he was saying.

Seeing that Wen Mi was about to lose control, Ye Gaozhuo felt that such an Omega was very strange, and honestly repeated his own words.

Wen Mi was stunned. He had an extremely bad feeling. This feeling reached the extreme after being unable to make a call to Ling Heshi.

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