Chapter 94: Hand in salary card

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Wen Duo and Wen Lu were still standing in the room. Dai Yuanqin, who was stabbed to the point of pain, couldn't help but became angry.

"I will help you clean up the room. I'm afraid that you won't be able to eat or get enough nutrition. I will make dinner for you. You will have to work here after you are busy. At the end of the day, you can't get a good one. When you said that, when did you become so ignorant? !"

Father Wen supported Dai Yuanqin, patted her back and soothed a few words, then pointed at Wen Mi and cursed the white-eyed wolf, turning his elbow away.

"Mom, I rarely work overtime in the company. I have more than enough time to cook and clean up the room after I get home from get off work. Moreover, after being with Ling Heshi, he will cook for me every night. Enough."

"A long time ago, when I didn't fall in love with him, my mother didn't come to help me clean up the house, and didn't make dinner for me. Everything started that day when you met Meng Qing."

"I am very grateful for your relationship with me, but you have never asked if this is what I want." Wen Mi was ready to live alone the day he moved out. In addition to being in need of saving money, It is a little sad for a person to be sick at the time, and he is usually at ease by himself. He was prepared to suffer the suffering of living alone, so he never complained.

"Before I met Ling He, I never thought about falling in love, let alone marrying a Beta. I am not in good health. I know it myself. I just want not to drag you down, so I make money and save money, hoping to get sick in the future. You don't have to spend any money when you are in the future, and it doesn't add to your burden."

"Dating in love... You said I am not a normal Omega, I am not good enough for Alpha, I can only be good enough for Beta, and I think I can't even match Beta's body, so why would Beta choose me."

Wen Mi feels guilty to his parents. He has always remembered the experience of seeing doctors when he was a child. But his parents' years of depreciation and invisible suppression made him sensitive to low self-esteem. The family's neglect made him want to escape. He made himself by escaping. Be happy and hope to reduce the pressure on parents by working hard.

Wen Mi's words made Wen Duo a little emotional. He never knew that Wen Mi had such a negative thought before. He often heard his parents say that Wen Mi was not a normal Omega, but he never realized that this would change Wen Mi. To be so unconfident.

Dai Yuanqin and Wen's father looked at each other. They didn't understand that it was just a few words that could make Wen Mi think so much.

"You are purely fanciful, we don't mean that. You just have a weak tolerance. It is normal for us as parents to say that you are very good. Wen Duo and Wen Lu are good. Why do you think so?" Father Wen has always been dignified and accustomed. Now, I rarely communicate with Wen Mi. The relationship between the two has been estranged for a long time. At this time, I don't feel much, and I just feel inexplicable about Wen Mi's thoughts.

"Dad, you and mom have never scolded me, of course I was fine..." Wen Lu forced a low voice, and saw Father Wen stare at him, and hurriedly hid behind Wen Duo.

"You just force your thoughts on me. You never care if these are what I want or if I am really happy. I don't remember my preferences or care about my thoughts. What you care most about is gentleness and gentleness. Duo."

"When I moved out, my dad only felt that I couldn't keep my face, and people outside would gossiping, and never thought about why I moved out. Because I feel depressed, I am not happy, and I always live under your unconscious verbal suppression and ignorance. , So I want to escape."

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