Chapter 63: Aren't you jealous

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Ling Heshi's words are for this, Wen's father and Wen's mother are not good to say anything, just at this time Wen Mi came over with the fruit plate, Wen's mother changed the topic and talked about other things.

The existence of Ling Heshi made everyone uncomfortable, and planned to leave after eating the fruit Alpha. Wen Duo sent Ling Heshi downstairs instead of his parents. Wen Mi wanted to follow but was secretly stopped by Wen Duo.

Seeing the two of them leaving, Wen Mi ran to the balcony to take a look. He could vaguely see Wen Duo and Ling Heshi standing in front of the car for a while. There should be a chat.

At this time, Wen Duo downstairs was talking to Ling Heshi about Wen Mi, to be precise, it was Ling Heshi's first mouth.

"Wen Mi didn't tell you about his glands? It's normal, he doesn't like to mention it." Wen Duo sighed, remembering some things from the past, "Since you said you are serious about Wen Mi, Then it's okay to tell you this."

"Wen Mi was playful when she was a child, and she ran out to play with the little boy in the neighbouring building several times while her mother was not paying attention. Sometimes she stayed at other people's house for one night. As a result, she went out for two days and went home and injured her glands and her neck. After a lot of blood shed, I came back and said that I was going to play with friends, but I was kidnapped."

Speaking of this, Wen Duo smiled twice.

"This kid makes excuses and talks nonsense. Our family usually abducts him. Besides, Wen Mi is a little grey on his body, only the gland is injured. It must be playful and scratched the gland and dare not tell the truth. It was said that there was an older brother who was kidnapped with him, and he couldn't say what he was called. Besides, he was kidnapped. If the kidnapper didn't call, he still put the kid back."

"Later, our family went to find his good friend. The family members said they didn't know anything because they were afraid of the responsibility. Later, I heard that his glands could not be cured, so they moved out."

"Wen Mi refused to tell the truth, and his parents could only admit that they were unlucky and took him to see the doctor. Later, he guessed that he knew that the glands were not going to be good or naughty, so he began to become so introverted and not talkative. Character."

Wen Duo found that Ling Heshi's expression became gloomy and a little sad after he finished speaking. When he wanted to spy a few more minutes, Ling Heshi returned to his previous normal appearance.

Wen Mi watched on the balcony for a long time, and when Wen Duo came back, he leaned forward and asked him what he had said with Ling He.

"You and Ling Heshi have a very close relationship? Seems to know each other for a long time? I want to know what we say, so I won't say it." Wen Duo knocked Wen Mi's head twice, punishing Wen Mi for not listening to him. talk.

Seeing Wen Duo refused to say, Wen Mi had no choice but to wait for Ling He to get home before asking him.

Wen Lu wanted to come up with a few gossips, and as soon as he grabbed Wen Mi's arm to pull him back to the room, Wen Mi was called away by his parents.

Wen's father and Wen's mother were still uneasy after hearing what Ling He said.

"Wen Mi, I heard from Mom that you just talked about your relationship and you didn't have a deep relationship. You found a reason to break up earlier. If you are ordinary people, you honestly find a beta. If you think Qi Ru is not bad, I will let your brother match up. Ling He is not appropriate."

"Your mother is right. You see that you are not only good at your academic qualifications, but are comparable to other Omegas. In the future, if he gets tired of breaking up, he is still a bachelor. How can you find popular affection in the eyes of others?"

Wen's father and Wen's mother, you and I said, before Wen Mi answered, we started to discuss how to find a reason to break up.

"Parents, I won't break up." These words were in Wen Mi's expectation. No matter how many parents, they might not believe them. So Wen Mi continued calmly, "I understand your concerns, but I I will only marry what I like, and I would not just find a suitable beta without Ling He, let alone Qi Ru."

"You are right. Omega like me can't be compared to me. When Ling He did not show up, I was prepared to be alone. In fact, everyone is the same. Can other betas accept me? Can you guarantee that you won't break up after talking?"

"So parents, leave me alone, I will live a good life without causing you any more trouble."

Wen Mi uttered what he had kept in his heart for a long time, and ran back to his room under the stunned eyes of his parents.

The next day, except for Wen Lu, everyone else didn't sleep well. Wen Mi noticed that his parents seemed to be angry with him, so he talked to Wen Duo before going to work and asked him to help tell his parents that he moved back to the rental room at night. Living.

In the morning, Wanhui employees saw the same dark circles on the faces of Mr. Ling and Assistant Wen, and they talked a lot.

Wen Mi sat in Ling Heshi's office and ate beef patties made by Meng Qing.

"What did my brother say to you yesterday?" Wen Mi asked Ling Heshi before having a fight with his parents last night.

"Let's talk about your gland injury." Ling Heshi looked at Wen Mi with guilt in his eyes. He didn't know that little Omega would have experienced that way after he escaped.

Wen Mi's eating beef patties slowed down obviously. He didn't like to mention that. He was telling the truth but no one believed him. At that time, he was checked in the hospital every day. He heard many doctors regretting words and saw his parents help him. I was sad and was helpless by his parents to reprimand him for being so naughty.

"That...actually it was not what they said." Wen Mi squeezed the cake and didn't want Ling Heshi to feel that he was so stubborn that the injury would affect the whole family.

"It may not be easy to believe, but what I said is true..." Wen Mi was still young, and his memory of the time was a little vague. I remember the latest is that the knife still protected him from beating him. Elder brother.

"...I soon ran into an old grandmother after I separated from that brother. She had bad eyes and didn't see the blood on my neck. She thought I was lost, so she drove me to the main road, and then I got into a taxi driver. Seeing that I was young and injured, I contacted my parents for me."

"They all think I lied, and they have checked whether kidnappings have occurred, but none of them. And that brother has always protected me very well. Only the glands are injured. My parents thought I was picking up a knife by myself. Yes, I accidentally got it."

"I know this is a bit weird, if you don't believe me..." Wen Mi was hugged by Ling Heshi before he could understand it.

The beef patties on his hand rubbed past the Alpha high-end suit, leaving a trace of oil stains.

"I believe it, I believe everything you say."

Sorry, Ling Heshi apologized from the bottom of his heart. At that time, the kidnapper committed suicide and he was seriously injured in a coma. Dad suppressed the matter and did not let the media know about it, so Wen Mi's parents did not find out these things.

"Can I touch that?"

"... Hmm." Wen Mi knew what Ling He asked when he agreed. After agreeing, he felt Alpha touch the scar of his gland very gently across the hair.

"It must be painful."

"It doesn't matter, that brother is also very hurt. I saw that the kidnapper saw him guarding me, deliberately kicking his joints and kicking him in the stomach..." Ling Heshi hugged him tighter when Wen Mi spoke. He didn't want Ling Heshi to feel so sorry for him, the atmosphere seemed heavy by him, so he deliberately joked, "That brother looks pretty handsome."


"Aren't you jealous?" Wen Mi wiped the oil marks on Ling Heshi's shoulder, and the more oil he wiped, he withdrew his hand in a jealous manner.

"Then I'm jealous."

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