Chapter 103: (End) Little acne expert

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In the quiet isolation ward, Wen Mi's citrus pheromone and Ling Heshi's honey cake pheromone are fused together.

Ling Heshi hugged Wen Mi, and Alpha could feel that Omega's body temperature was gradually rising, and his breathing began to heavier.

"Bite me, it's so uncomfortable." Wen Mi leaned on Ling Heshi weakly, and the honey cake smell that he breathed in every time he breathed in seemed to relieve his discomfort, and it could relieve the desire that he brought more and more severe afterwards.

He couldn't satisfy him just relying on Wen, he still wanted a deeper integration.

"It may be a little painful, bear with it." Ling Heshi pulled away the hair blocking Wen Mi's glands, and touched the scar with his fingers.

"Would you like me with my back facing you." Although he hopes to be marked, Wen Mi is a little scared when the matter comes. He feels that the posture of the two is inconvenient for Alpha to speak.


After re-adjusting his posture, Wen Mi faced the white wall of the isolation ward. The white wall was dazzling, and Wen Mi simply closed his eyes. After losing his vision, Wen Mi can capture every movement of Alpha, even the severity of breathing.

Alpha put one arm around his waist, and one hand opened his hair. When Alpha's lips touched the glands, Wen Mi knew how unbearable the place was. At that moment he was electrocuted. The ground trembled.

At first it was just a light grinding and it was very itchy and numb. He could smell the honey cake taste becoming more sweet. Just when he was about to indulge in it, the glands suddenly hurt. As the pheromone is slowly injected, the glands begin to Soreness. The restlessness in Wen Mi was soothed by the pheromone, he could not tell what it felt like, it was as comfortable and warm as being in a hot spring.

But as the injection time became longer, Wen Mi couldn't help making a sound that would only be made when the two were intimate. With a soft waist, Wen Mi leaned back and completely collapsed in Alpha's arms.

Even when he knew that the person behind him was his favorite Linghe, but Wen Mi still had a discomfort of being invaded, and was afraid of wanting to escape. Then this feeling only lasted for a while, and soon the monstrous comfort came back. Up.

After Ling Heshi's mark was over, Wen Mi couldn't recover. He stared at the white wall blankly, with physiological tears on his face that were too irritating.

Wen Mi opened his mouth, but there was no sound from his throat, but Ling Heshi re-adjusted their postures as if telepathically.

Being hugged face to face by Ling Heshi, Wen Mi finally felt comfortable, and he fell asleep without knowing it.

It was the next day that Wen Mi woke up again. He was living in a normal Omega single ward, and he didn't have a water needle in his hand. Except for some swelling of the glands, Wen Mi didn't feel any discomfort.

"Brother Wen Mi!"

"Second brother!"

Meng Xi and Wen Lu shouted at the same time, and Wen Mi blinked at them.

"Don't you have to go to class?"

"It's the weekend today." Meng Qing's voice sounded, and Wen Mi realized later that it was the weekend.

"My brother guessed that you woke up at noon. I just went back to make lunch for you. I knew I would let him stay for a while." Seeing Wen Mi looking around as if looking for something, Meng Xi quickly explained.

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