Chapter 65: Not bad now

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Wen Mi didn't go home all night, and received a call from Wen Lu early the next morning, asking him if he was living with Ling Heshi.

Wen Mi listened to the sound from the kitchen with sleepy eyes and firmly denied the cohabitation.

Over there, Wen Lu didn't know how to get up so early, Wen Mi glanced at the time before getting up. After waking up, Wen Mi changed his clothes and went out of the room to take a look. Ling Heshi was making omelettes in the kitchen.

"Did you sleep last night?" Wen Mi glanced at the empty teapot, worried about Alpha's rest.

"I slept for two or three hours." Ling Heshi was still handsome and energetic, and he couldn't see that he only slept for a short time at night.

After breakfast, the two of them went to the company together. The office had clean clothes. Ling He changed his clothes, and no one could tell that Mr. Ling, who was devoted to work, stayed up all night.

All morning when Ling He was busy, there was a meeting in the middle, and when he finished eating at noon, Wen Mi urged Ling Heshi to take a lunch break.

Alpha took a nap on the sofa, and Wen Mi sat on the swivel chair at the desk while shaking and playing with her mobile phone. Yu Zhi came again. It was a screenshot of a ticket change. It was a silent threat. Wen Mi sneaked over in advance without telling who the other party was.

Wen Mi and Yu Zhi said that Ling He was busy with work recently and only slept for two or three hours last night. He is now taking a lunch break to make up for it. Coming in advance will disrupt work arrangements, and there is no time to come out and invite him to dinner.

Yu Zhi had no choice but to give up, and let Wen Mi wait for two days to meet.

Wen Mi returned the news of Yu Zhi. Hearing Ling He's phone on the coffee table shook the screen and looked at it ten minutes before the end of the lunch break. Wen Mi dispelled the idea of ​​getting up to read the news while calling Ling He.

Ten minutes passed, Wen Mi called Ling Heshi, and Alpha, who had just woke up, squeezed Omega's face and got up to go to the bathroom to wash his face.

"Your phone rang just now, someone should be looking for it."

"Please help me to see the password for your birthday." Ling Heshi went out after speaking. Wen Mi glanced at the phone on the table. The last time he was in the stairwell, Ling He directly gave him the unlocked phone.

this time......

Wen Mi thought that now he was Alpha's real boyfriend, and there was nothing wrong with looking at the phone, so he entered his birthday and unlocked the phone.

"Husband and Ling are not widowed?" Seeing the group name with the news, Wen Mi faintly guessed who it was. He clicked in to see the members of the group. It turned out to be Tao Cheng, Emperor Qi, and Ling Heshi's small group.

When the actor in the group, Aite Linghe, asked him to fall in love, he should bring people out to have a meal together. In this way, he has a reason to ask for a few more days off and be able to accompany his wife again.

Wen Mi smiled, thinking about the time he met with King Qi, it was indeed like what he would say.

The group opened, Wen Mi happened to see the content of yesterday's chat, and Ling Heshi secretly took photos of him still showing affection in the group. Wen Mi subconsciously wanted to save the screenshot, but later realized that this was not his phone.

Before Alpha came back, Wen Mi wanted to delete the screenshots. As soon as he closed the group, he saw the chat box at the top of the list. The profile picture was extremely familiar. He just changed a fat Q version of the bee photo the day before yesterday.

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