Chapter 10: Who won't withdraw the news yet

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Wen Mi couldn't remember when she fell asleep at night, but faintly smelled a sweet smell, like a small cake just out of the oven with a thick layer of cream on it.

When Wen Mi woke up, the sweet cake smell seemed to be a dream, and there was only a faint citrus smell in the room.

He took out the cell phone from the quilt that he forgot to put back on the bedside last night, and his friend Yu Zhi sent several messages.

[Cheese Peach Peach: Ah! Milk tea has been in the susceptible period these few days, and I haven't seen the group! ! 】

[Cheese Taotao: What happened, I didn't understand what they were talking about in the group. 】

[Cheese Taotao: Are you bullied by those two fools? I will ask my milk tea to book air tickets right away, and I will kill you to take revenge! 】

Seeing the news from a friend, Wen Mi could think of Yuzhi's frying hair, fearing that he had actually booked a ticket, Wen Mi hurriedly replied.

【Supply and fullness: Don't be bullied, don't worry, cats are more than heart emoticons. 】

Yu Zhi responded quickly, sending several messages in a row. Wen Mi didn't have time to reply and played a video call. Wen Mi is still sitting on Ling Heshi's bed, so he talked to Yu Zhi and waited a while before talking to him.

After comforting Yu Zhi, Wen Mi glanced at the time, and it was actually half past nine. He looked at the empty place beside him, and didn't know when Ling He woke up.

There were clothes of his size on the sofa. After Wen Mi changed clothes and washed, he hesitated in the room for a while before daring to go out.

[Wen Mi: Is your little dad and big dad at home? 】

[Big Boss: I'm out on a date. 】

Really affectionate, Wen Mi sighed, and finally walked out of the room with a sigh of relief.

"Sleep soundly?" The door of the room near the stairway opened. Ling Heshi wore light-colored casual clothes and leaned against the door frame.

"Smell the sweet smell of cake." Wen Mi was not completely awake as soon as he woke up, and when he heard Ling He's question, he immediately remembered the scent he had smelled in a daze.

Ling Heshi was stunned, a trace of guilty conscience appeared on his face, and then he thought of something, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Auntie is baking a cake, it seems that the smell is floating in when I walk in and out."

bake! Egg! cake!

Only these three words remained in Wen Mi's eyes.

Little Omega's eyes lit up, her pink lips were slightly open, and she looked longing, weirdly cute.

The skin of the small longan was broken, revealing the sweetness inside.

Under Wen Miqiyi's gaze, Ling Heshi made a sound that sounded like a natural sound in Omega.

"Would you like to taste it?"


Wen Mi searched the kitchen all the way to the kitchen, looking at the golden and round honey cakes with the sweet fragrance of butter just out of the oven, Wen Mi took one in one hand under the loving eyes of his aunt.

"How about the chiffon cake made by Auntie?" Ling Heshi still remembered Wen Mi eating dessert in the coffee shop. Little Omega seemed to know this kind of way and liked it very much.

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