Chapter 62: He is the luckiest

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Wen Mi didn't want Ling Heshi to come but didn't know what to say. He couldn't think of a good excuse. Wen Mi could only tell her mother Ling Heshi came to eat.

Dai Yuanqin immediately notified Wen Duo and Wen's father to let them come back early to meet Wen Mi's boyfriend.

Before leaving, Ling He sent Wen Mi a message. People in the car Wen Mi didn't want to send messages to disturb him, so he could only walk around the room with some anxiety.

In contrast, Wen Lu was very excited, pulling Wen Mi to go downstairs to pick up someone. After a while Wen Duo came back, he glanced at Wen Mi suspiciously.

"In love so soon?"

Wen Mi nodded, Wen Duo wanted to ask a few more questions, and after thinking about it, he went to Qi Ru first. Before, I even vowed to Qi Ru that he didn't have a boyfriend. In just two days, a boyfriend suddenly appeared. Wen Duo felt very strange.

"Mom said your boyfriend is that Alpha friend?"


"Don't you like Linghe time? You have been empathizing in just a few days?" Wen Duo said this in a ridiculous tone. He was also very curious about Alpha who saved his brothers. Who made Wen Mi This puts aside the admiration for popular sentiment A.

"Huh? Second brother, when you like Linghe? My friends like him. I used to like him, my good friend Qi Yingdi who later liked him, but Qi Yingdi is married, and my male **** is now that very hot draft. C position!"

Speaking of the male **** Wen Lu couldn't stop, excited and energetic, Wen Mi looked at it and felt that Wen Lu was recovering well, and he might be able to go back to school soon.

Wen Duo often heard Wen Lu say these things, and he could also chat with him a few words. Wen Mi couldn't understand the line of sight and kept looking at the turning place in the distance. It didn't take long for the car he was familiar with to appear.

Ling Heshi first found a place to park, and after getting off the car, he carried a lot of gift boxes from the trunk. When Wen Mi wanted to come forward to help, he was stopped by Ling Heshi's gesture.

Wen Duo and Wen Lu who were chatting noticed Wen Mi's small movements and looked at the parking space not far away.

Alpha is tall and tall, wearing a tailored black suit, and has an unforgettable face. In the night, Alpha's brows and eyes are slightly drooping and appear indifferent and arrogant, but when he sees the little Omega he likes, those are all gone and only infinite is left. gentle.

"Brother, is that Ling Heshi?" Wen Lu pulled Wen Duo's arm, staring dumbly at the face that he had only seen on the Internet and on TV.

"It should be." The shock on Wen Duo and Wen Lu's faces were exactly the same.

Ling He met Wen Duo and Wen Lu when he walked over and greeted them naturally.

"I..." When Wen Mi glanced at Ling He, he pulled his sleeve nervously and introduced, "My boyfriend, Ling Heshi."

In the elevator, Wen Mi and Ling Heshi stood together. When Wen Lu kept looking at Ling He, the expression on his face was easy to guess, and he was still immersed in the handsomeness of popular sentiment.

Wen Duo is different from Wen Lu. The expression on his face is very serious. After a few glances at Wen Mi and Ling Heshi, the solemnity between his brows deepens.

Mother Wen was busy in the kitchen. Hearing the sound of opening the door, she hurried to the door to greet her. She couldn't say anything when she saw Ling He's face when she was prepared.

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