Chapter 34: The remaining leather shoes and the disappearing slippers

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On the way back to the ward, it was normal. Wen Mi didn't find any suspicious people, so he left behind the words of pregnant woman Omega.

In the afternoon, Wen Mi wanted to hang water. He wanted Ling Heshi to return to the company, but he refused. Watching the boss work hard in front of him, Wen Mi, the little assistant, was overwhelmed.

Near the end of get off work time, Ling He finished his work, and he went home to change his clothes and bring dinner to Wen Mi by the way. Wen Mi watched the dialog with his eldest brother while waiting for his eldest brother to come over.

Seeing the dusk fall outside, from light to dark, people have not yet come. The gloomy sky rolled up layers of dark clouds, as if it was about to rain, Wen Mi hesitated for a while and sent a message to the eldest brother.

[Wen Mi: It looks like it's going to rain, have you brought an umbrella? 】

It took ten minutes for the news to come back.

[Big Brother: Working overtime. 】

[Wen Mi: If you're busy, you don't need to come here. I will be discharged in two days. 】

[Big Brother: I see. 】

Wen Mi sighed, feeling complicated, a little regretful that his eldest brother came to see him this morning.

Looking out the window in a daze, Wen Mi was stunned when the phone rang. Could it be the eldest brother who sent it?

[Good boss: Have you finished hanging up the water? 】

[Wen Mi: Well, it looks like it's going to rain, or you don't come here, I just have to eat in the cafeteria. 】

Wen Mi saw that the other party was typing, waited for a while and the prompt disappeared, and then Ling Heshi made a call.

"Stay in the ward and don't go anywhere, wait for me to come." Ling Heshi's tone was indistinguishable. Although strong, Wen Mi felt warm when he listened.

There is a person who will come to the hospital to deliver food to him in a rainy day without hesitation and will not be swayed by his words.

Wen Mi recovered from the illness after two days and was discharged from the hospital. On the day she was discharged from the hospital, Wen Mi almost met the pregnant woman Omega. Before people saw them, Wen Mi hurried away while dragging Ling He.

Meng Qing was stopped by Ling Heshi and did not come to see Wen Mi. When Wen Mi was discharged from the hospital, he wanted to invite him to his home. Ling Heshi was susceptible to emotional instability in the early stage. He was afraid that he could not help feeling for Wen Mi for a while. Su was out of control and didn't let Wen Mi come to Ling's house.

Ling Heshi still sent Wen Mi to the door of his house. This time, Wen Mi left while standing at the door watching Ling He, and waited for Wen Mi to close the door when he walked away. He turned around to change his slippers, kicked something under his foot, and staggered, but fortunately he held the shoe cabinet and didn't fall.

After standing firmly, Wen Mi took a closer look. He kicked a leather shoe under his foot. The shoe was very expensive. The oversized shoe size obviously belonged to Alpha. Wen Mi had seen this pair of shoes and had worn it in Linghe. Time on the feet.

Wen Mi turned around and found another leather shoe in the corner. He remembered that when Ling He came to the house that day, he wore these shoes. Wen Mi holding the leather shoes thought of something and opened the shoe cabinet and glanced at it. As expected, the only pair of Alpha-size slippers was missing. Wen Mi was lost in thought. That day when he suddenly fainted Ling He took him to the hospital. In a hurry, he probably didn't even have time to change his shoes, so he put on the slippers he disliked.

The feelings that rushed up for a while were very complicated, Wen Mi couldn't tell what it was, he held his chest as if something was about to rise.

Wen Mi took a deep breath, and finally suppressed the strange feeling. He simply cleaned the room, unknowingly there seemed to be a faint citrus smell in the room.

He was pretty sure that he didn't buy citrus at home, and the citrus candies were also put in the drawer so that no smell would leak out. Wen Mi looked around, and finally found that the smell seemed to come from him.

He sniffed the clothes, it did smell of citrus. When he was in the hospital, the clothes were brought to him by Ling He. Wen Mi had seen citrus-scented laundry detergent at Ling's house. It should be the citrus scent of the laundry detergent.

Wen Mi took a violent sip, which smelled good.

The next day Wen Mi went to work normally, and when he joined the company, he caught the attention of many people. Wen Mi found it strange to look at the work group of the logistics department.

It turned out that Linghe also asked for leave for a few days. Counting the two days last weekend, the two disappeared for five days, just enough to pass the fever period of Omega. The group was asking Wen Mi why he didn't rest for a few more days.

Wen Mi clarified in the group that he was only hospitalized, but no one believed it, because everyone saw the scars on his lips that were crusted, and they were definitely caused by the fever period. Wen Mi had no choice but to close the group. Watching the group was annoying. Wen Mi looked at the circle of friends. Yu Zhi often shared funny stories with her friends. After reading a few articles, Wen Mi suddenly saw Wen Lufa's photos.

The photo was sent on a rainy night. Wen Lu stood in front of a stone lion and posed a pose. Behind him stood a tall Alpha holding an umbrella for him. Alpha did not show his face but the hand holding the umbrella was exposed. A red string carried on the wrist. I've seen Alpha's clothes and Red String Wen Mi. This Alpha should be Wen Duo.

The time Wen Mi glanced at the photo was the day when his eldest brother agreed to see him. The words attached to the photo: Thank you elder brother for giving me an umbrella in the rain.

"Have you had breakfast?" Just as Wen Mi's hands and feet were cold, a warm hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Eat." Wen Mi nodded, took out a handful of citrus candies and secretly stuffed it to Ling Heshi.

"Prepare, Assistant Qi is asking for leave today. You and Assistant Zhou will go out with me in the morning." Ling Heshi learned about the company's gossip from Assistant Zhou when he came. He was afraid that employees would interrupt him after he went out. Wen Mi simply went out with someone.

When people are sad, work can make people forget their troubles. Wen Mi took the job and went to Assistant Zhou to learn about the precautions, and then checked all the materials that need to be prepared. After finishing this, it was time to go out. .

Wen Mi was still going out to work with Ling He for the first time, and it was inevitable that he was a little nervous.

"Don't be nervous, just to inspect for later cooperation, just follow us." Ling Heshi's words eased Wen Mi's nervousness.

"Which company shall we go to?" Wen Mi felt that if he talked to Ling Heshi, he would not be nervous.

"VT Technology."

"?" Wen Mi blinked, "Which one do you say?"

Ling Heshi repeated it again.

Wen Mi fell silent, and his eldest brother worked in this company.

"What's the matter?" Ling Heshi cared about noticing that something was wrong with the little Omega.

"Nothing." Wen Mi thought that he came as Ling Heshi's assistant, and it shouldn't be great to be seen, but he doesn't want to see his eldest brother for the time being.

Not long after the car arrived at VT Technology, a few leaders in suits downstairs from the company came to greet them specially. Wen Mi lay down on the window and glanced and saw a familiar figure.

Wen Duo is among them...

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