Chapter 30: Tea exchanges between Alpha

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After eating breakfast, Ling He took Wen Mi to prepare to go to Ling's house. Ling Heshi drove by himself. As soon as he got into the car, Wen Mi saw him adjust the width of his seat.

Paying attention to Wen Mi's sight, afraid of being caught by the little Omega, Ling Heshi, who wanted face, silently adjusted his seat back.

"It's been a long time, I'll try to see if it works."

Wen Mi nodded without any doubt about Ling Heshi's words. He went out in the morning just to have breakfast. There were only two citrus candies in his pocket that he hadn't finished eating yesterday. He took out one and ate the other one by himself. Ling Heshi.

"I seem to hear your phone rang a few times while eating. Maybe someone is looking for you in an urgent matter." Ling Heshi took the candy and glanced at the phone that Omega put in his pocket, remembering the news that he had accidentally glimpsed, and deliberately reminded him. .

Wen Mi's cell phone was placed on the table during breakfast. He didn't notice whether it was ringing or not. When Ling He said this, he took it out and looked at it. Sure enough, he saw a few unread messages.

The news was sent by Ye Gaozhuo and asked him to watch a movie today. Ye Gaozhuo would often send him messages, sometimes saying good morning and good night, and sometimes sharing photos of meals with him. Wen Mi remembered Wen Lu's remarks yesterday, and he wondered if Ye Gaozhuo was interesting to him.

"Who is looking for you? You seem to be upset, so you can talk to me." Ling Heshi looked at the road ahead and said as if he cared about his friends.

Wen Mi thought that although Ling Heshi was a bachelor, Alpha should know Alpha best, so he told Ling Heshi about the matter and his own guesses.

"Then do you like him?" Ling He, who seemed to ask casually, held the steering wheel tightly, and his back was straighter than before, but Wen Mi didn't notice.

"I don't like it." Wen Mi's very affirmative tone made Ling Heshi let out a sigh of relief, not even supporting his stomach.

"If you feel distressed, you can use me to suggest him." Ling Heshi Yuguang glanced at Wen Mi, and the little Omega stared at him intently, listening to him.

"For example, you can go back to him. You have made an appointment with your boyfriend for dinner, so you don't have time to watch a movie. If he is not interesting to you, it is best. If it is really interesting to you, he knows that he can give up."

Wen Mi felt that Ling Heshi made sense, so he went back to the past according to what he taught.

[Ye Gaozhuo: Is Brother Wen Mi's boyfriend the Alpha who invited me to drink milk tea last time? 】

[Wen Mi: Well, it's him. 】

[Ye Gaozhuo: No wonder he seemed to be very hostile to me last time. He must have regarded me as a rival in love, but we have only known each other soon. 】

[Ye Gaozhuo: Brother Wen Mi, your boyfriend is very possessive. Will he restrict you from making friends? Can we still chat with friends in the future? 】

When the intersection was waiting for the green light, Ling Heshi saw Wen Mi's mobile phone receiving one message after another. Wen Mi didn't know how to reply, so he read it to Ling Heshi.

"..." I have never seen such an Alpha of green tea.

"His pheromone really doesn't taste like green tea?"

"He said he tastes oatmeal..."

After the end of the red and green, Ling Heshi gave Wen Mi a reply.

[Wen Mi: My boyfriend will not restrict me from making friends, but he is jealous, saying that now Alpha has many methods of chasing people, and he is afraid that I will be deceived. But the Alpha people around me are pretty good, so just pay attention to the relationship. 】

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