Chapter 91: One left

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Dai Yuanqin came more frequently in the beginning, but later became less frequent. After a month, she came basically every week.

Once Dai Yuanqin came over at a weekend, and when she opened the door she found that Wen Mi was not at home. Ling Heshi was mopping the floor of the living room with a mop. Gradually, Dai Yuanqin's attitude towards Wen Mi and Ling He began to change. Seeing the two get along, they feel quite stable. There is a real feeling that the two will last forever.

That day Wen Mi and Ling Heshi got off work to buy vegetables and went home together. Dai Yuanqin just came here yesterday, and she probably won't be here today, so neither of them had any precautions.

In the evening, the two of them took a bath before and after Wen Mi lay in bed and felt very hot. The two hottest months of summer have passed. His physique should not be hot anymore. Wen Mi thinks that the water temperature in the bath may be high. Didn't care.

The bathroom door was ajar, and Ling Heshi was blowing his hair inside, when he suddenly smelled the citrus pheromone of Little Omega. When it could be transmitted to the bathroom, Ling Heshi paused to blow his head, opened the bathroom door and looked at Little Omega.

The pheromone flavor in the room when the door is opened is very strong, the sourness of the citrus is much lighter than usual, and it is more sweet. Little Omega was lying on the bed playing with her phone, her feet poking out of the quilt, shaking.

Wen Mi's feet are white, toes are round and cute, and they are soft in his hand. Alpha recalled the feeling of playing with it several times, and his fingers felt itchy and moved unconsciously.

The longer he smelled the little Omega pheromone, Ling Heshi became a little impatient, and went to bed after only half-drying his head.

Wen Mi felt the movement around him, and just wanted to share the interesting news he saw with Alpha. Alpha's feet were rubbed against his feet in the quilt, which was very suggestive.

Putting down the phone, Wen Mi agreed to rub his foot back.

Wen Mi is already proficient in helping each other. Alpha is more proficient than him in this matter. He touched his hand along the clothes, pressing on Wen Mi's waist sometimes and lightly.

But no matter how many times he has experienced, Wen Mi can only be kissed by Alpha every time his scalp is numb, his breathing is tight, and his mind is blank.

Wen Mi liked to grab Alpha's hair when she was unconscious. His semi-dry hair was slightly cold, and Wen Mi was a little awake when he was stabbed when he touched it.

Suddenly he smelled the scent of citrus all over the room, and the citrus covered the smell of Linghe's honey cake.

"Does it hurt you?" Feeling the rejection of Omega, Ling Heshi stopped the movement of his hand and pressed it to Wen Mi's ear to ask.

"No, I suddenly smelled my pheromone. It's too strong to smell your pheromone anymore." Wen Mi said softly, acting like a baby with Alpha.

Ling Heshi met Wen Mi's request and made the honey cake taste as strong as citrus. Now the little Omega was satisfied.

The mutually attracted pheromones made AO more emotional when they were together. In short, Wen Mi spent a night that was crazier than usual.

The next day was still a working day, and the alarm was working diligently. Wen Mi touched the tooth marks left by Alpha on his collarbone. The pheromone was too strong last night. Alpha rubbed the back of his neck several times and finally bit him. On the collarbone.

"Get up to work." Ling Heshi was still lying in bed uncharacteristically, Wen Mi pushed him, Alpha didn't respond, Wen Mi glanced at him, and was surprised to see Ling He staring at him with his tired eyes open. he.

Ling Heshi sighed and got up resignedly. The two helped to help a little later than usual. He always noticed that Omega's sleep was not too late, but last night, Omega didn't sleep honestly. He kept covering the little Omega with a quilt.

Ling Heshi didn't dare to turn on the air conditioner for fear that he would freeze Wen Mi if he didn't pay attention. After that, he finally slept for almost an hour when the alarm rang.

Wen Mi had no impression when he heard what Ling He said, but he had never been so dishonest when he slept.

"Maybe too tired." Wen Mi was still lazy and weak.

The two people who were not in the state slowly got up to wash and cleaned the room. As usual, they locked the towels, toothbrushes and other things in the drawer, and put away a pillow, creating the illusion that Wen Mi was sleeping alone.

Today, the two of them were late to go out. They didn't buy the glutinous cakes. There was a traffic jam on the road. They couldn't even make it to the early stall at the company's door. They could only buy two steamed buns that didn't have to wait in line.

When I saw Wen Mi and Ling He eating steamed buns in the stairwell in the morning, the employees underneath discussed whether they were late to get up or are they finally tired of eating buns.

The lunch was very hearty, and Wen Mi ate to support herself and regained her spirit in the afternoon. The mental memory of a person is also good, and Wen Mi is preparing to print the information, suddenly remembering one thing.

Wen Mi didn't use the computer to open the chat box, but poked Alpha with his phone.

[Little Longan:! ! ! 】

[Ling Tiantian: Cat peeks at the emoji package. 】

[Little Longyan: Did we have one useless last night? 】

In order not to have to bother to change pajamas and sheets every time after helping, the two used the contents of the small square bag in that drawer. Wen Mi remembered that they wanted to use it up last night, but it was too late and the last one didn't. Use it to sleep.

[Ling Tiantian: There is one left. 】

[Ling Tiantian: Make it up tonight? 】

[Little Longan: Did we lock the drawer back the rest of the morning? 】

[Ling Tiantian: ...I remember I didn't. 】

[Little Longyan: I don't seem to have it either. 】

[Little Longan:! ! My mother won't come today, will you? ? 】

[Xiao Longyan: She came the day before yesterday, and now she comes once a week, should she be okay? 】

[Ling Tiantian: Take it easy, it should be fine. 】

Wen Mi was flustered, and went to ask Xiao Lu and his eldest brother. They both said that Mom didn't say to come, and there was nothing special at home.

Wen Mi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and began to look forward to returning home from get off work. He thought that as soon as he returned home, he would immediately wipe out the evidence.

Time passed by, and just half an hour before leaving get off work, Wen Mi's cell phone suddenly vibrated, and the caller ID was his mother.

Wen Mi suddenly had an ominous premonition, and his heart was beating suddenly. He took the phone and walked quickly to the stairwell and connected to the phone.

He thought maybe his mother was on the way, then maybe he had time to rush back, maybe his mother called him home for dinner, he couldn't scare himself.

"Mom?" Wen Mi yelled cautiously, then the stairwell door was pushed open, and Alpha's figure appeared in front of him.

When Ling He was around, Wen Mi held his hand and felt the temperature of Alpha's palm.

There was no sound on the other end of the phone, Wen Mi plucked up the courage and shouted again.

After a few seconds of silence, Dai Yuanqin's voice finally came over.

"I'm at your house."

"Did you and him live together long ago?"

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