Chapter 51: Ye Gaozhuo with Wen Mi's phone

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Pheromone of honey cake flavor? Wen Mi rubbed his eyes and repeatedly confirmed that he had clearly seen every word sent by Ling He.

Isn't Alpha's pheromone smell of white sandalwood? Ming Ming said it publicly in the interview?

Wen Mi recalled that he had smelled honey cake when he got along with Ling Heshi more than once. He rarely smelled pheromones, so he hadn't paid attention to it. So, didn't he smell the information of Ling Heshi so many times? Vegetarian?

After knowing it, Wen Mi realized that when he visited Alpha in the susceptible period, the honey cake smell was so strong that he almost lost his sense of smell. I am afraid that when he kissed Alpha, his body must be covered with the pheromone of Linghe. .

Wen Mi hugged the coat in his arms. Alpha pheromone had been stained on it. Although the smell was gone for a long time, holding the clothes was like holding Alpha.

Little Omega replied to the message in his heart.

It's sweet, I like it very much, and I want to smell it again.

But even if he likes Wen Mi again, he has made a decision and he wants to resign.

In the early morning, Wen Lu couldn't afford to get up and wanted to go for a walk early, so he went out with Wen Duo to buy something and come back earlier.

Wen Mi seemed to smell a familiar smell in his sleep, he opened his eyes suddenly, remembering something, and immediately turned on the phone and took a look. The news that Ling He sent late at night was true, he was not dreaming.

"Brother got up to eat." Wen Lu cried out, poking his head by the door frame when Wen Mi stared at the phone in a trance.

Wen Mi responded and sniffed. He seemed to smell the honey cake, but the smell was a bit strange. Wen Mi felt that he cared too much about the message from Ling He, and his psychological hint felt the honey cake smell.

When he left the room and saw the honey cake on the plate on the table, Wen Mi knew that he had smelled it right.

"Xiao Lu said that you dreamed of calling honey cake in the morning. Just now we went downstairs and saw that the bakery was closed, but there was an old woman selling at the stall, so we bought some. It's definitely not as delicious as the bakery, but it can be solved. Relieve greed." Wen Duo also adjusted his hair in a formal suit, looking very energetic early in the morning.

The honey cakes bought at the stall were dark in color, not soft enough in taste, and not authentic enough, but Wen Mi didn't waste it at all. He ate them all while holding his stomach.

Wen Mi intends to resign, and he shouldn't have the chance to smell such good-smelling pheromones in the future, so he is reluctant to waste it.

Wen Lu took a few days of leave. The doctor suggested that he stay at home for a while. Omega's long-term sick leave needs to go to school. Wen Duo's leave is over and Wen Mi can only go to school.

After lunch, Wen's mother accompanied Wen Lu at home, and Wen Mi went to Wen Lu's school with the supporting materials.

Wen Mi was not in a high mood. When he arrived at school, he went directly to the dean's office. Seeing that Wen Lu's parent was also an Omega, the dean asked an Alpha student to help run errands. Wen Mi got the leave slip without delay.

Wen Lu asked his roommate to help with the leave slips to show to the teachers in each course. Wen Mi took the leave slips and prepared to go to Wen Lu's dormitory.

Walking halfway, Wen Mi received a call from Wen Lu, saying that he wanted to eat barbecue rice from the cafeteria and asked him to take a copy back.

Wen Mi planned to buy some fruits for Wen Lu's roommate, so he bought them along the way. There are not many people in this canteen, and Wen Mi can easily find the barbecue rice window that Wen Lu said.

There were three Alphas standing in front of the window. Wen Mi didn't pay attention at first, and when he walked over, he saw that one of them was actually Ye Gaozhuo.

"Brother Wen Mi!" Ye Gaozhuo's eyes lit up and he greeted Wen Mi enthusiastically. The two Alphas beside him immediately cast a curious look at Wen Mi when they heard the name.

Seeing Ye Gaozhuo Wen Mi a little embarrassed, he nodded, not knowing what to say.

"I heard that your brother has asked for leave. Is he okay?" Wen Mi didn't speak, but Ye Gaozhuo was able to find a topic.

"It's okay..." Wen Mi thought of something, and decided to thank Ye Gaozhuo. "You told me that last time, thank you."

"How about I invite you to have a meal with your friends."

Wen Mi wanted to invite Ye Gaozhuo and his friends to thank him for telling himself about Xiao Lu and Zhu Lin, without having to dine with him alone.

"Okay, does Brother Wen Mi have time today?" Ye Gaozhuo asked with a smile.

"I went to Xiao Lu's dormitory and it was all right."

"Then I will send Brother Wen Mi."

He wanted to eat together for a while, but Wen Mi didn't refuse. He walked toward the dormitory and sent a message to Wen Lu that he bought the barbecue, but it was too late for him to have dinner.

After sending a message, Wen Mi turned his head and found that only Ye Gaozhuo was left beside him, and his friend was gone.


"My friend said he had an appointment to play basketball and they all left." Ye Gaozhuo saw Wen Mi's doubts and rushed to explain.

"How about Brother Wen Mi asking me to eat hot pot?" Ye Gaozhuo asked again before Wen Mi could speak.

"Okay." Wen Mi didn't expect that he and Ye Gaozhuo would eat alone. For a while, he couldn't figure out how to solve this problem, so Wen Mi had to respond first.

Omega dormitory would check the bed from time to time at night. After entering the dormitory, Wen Mi first gave Wen Lu's dormitory slip to his aunt. The aunt saw Ye Gaozhuo next to him as Wen Lu's parent and asked him to sign and register.

Wen Mi just wanted to ask him to wait downstairs, but Ye Gaozhuo had already signed it, and Wen Mi had to hold back the words.

Wen Lu and her roommates get along well. Several Omegas all asked Wen Lu with concern. Although Wen Mi said that Wen Lu was fine, they were worried that they could not contact Wen Lu. When they saw Wen Lu, they called Wen Lu with their mobile phone. After Wen Lu, let Wen Lu talk to his roommates.

Wen Lu couldn't come to school for several days. Wen Mi planned to take Wen Lu's book back. A few days later, there was a layer of dust on the book. After Wen Mi wanted to wash his hands, he found that the faucet in the dormitory bathroom was broken. .

"The dormitory tells that it can only be repaired. Brother Wen Lu, please go to the public restroom on this floor."

Wen Mi nodded, did not let Ye Gaozhuo follow.

After Wen Mi left, several roommates told Wen Lu that his brother was going to bring him the book back, and Wen Lu called out on the phone, and hung up without saying a few words. After the call, several Omega looked at Ye Gaozhuo who was standing at the door.

The handsome and sunny Alpha made them gossiping about his relationship with Wen Mi. Before asking a few words, a cell phone ringing suddenly sounded. Everyone looked at each other and found that it was Wen Mi's cell phone.

"Wen Luan's brother hasn't come back from washing his hands? I'll go and give him his mobile phone." Omega said with Wen Mi's mobile phone.

"Brother Wen Lu's call remarks are quite interesting. Popularity A. When I saw this, I thought of Ling He. I felt that the caller must be a handsome guy."

"I'll pick it up." Ye Gaozhuo took the phone away just as Omega was going out to give it away while teasing.

When Wen Lu was there, they had heard that Ye Gaozhuo liked Wen Mi, and maybe they were gossip in the relationship, so the Omegas didn't think there was anything wrong.

So in the eyes of the Omegas watching gossip, Ye Gaozhuo answered the phone.

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