Chapter 77: Yes deliberately

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Seeing Yu Zhi's news, Wen Mi clicked on a hot search.

Someone posted a video of Ling Heshi's unloading a muscular man's arm on the Internet. Many office workers in the community where Wen Mi lived rented an apartment. The transportation is convenient and the rent is not expensive. These people usually use a lot of short videos, with different angles and different lengths. 'S video was posted online.

The longest part of the video started with Ling Heshi blocking in front of Wen Mi. Because the longest and most complete shot, the amount of reposts and comments are rising rapidly.

Because Ling Heshi has always insisted on bachelorism, Wen Mi is afraid that the two people's concern about exposure will cause netizens to scold them. Wen Mi was mentally prepared and opened a comment.

To his surprise, there were not many comments scolding them, and most of them were calling for their husbands.

Well, really handsome!

There are also people who call that the male **** is finally in love, waiting to break up and marry me.

Breaking up is impossible!

Wen Mi replied one by one in his heart. He found that when Ling He was single, many Omegas had long been heartbroken. Moreover, the popular sentiment A has been low-key and there is no exposure. Apart from Wanhui's work trends on the Internet, there are very few Ling Heshi privates. Photo, it's rare to see Ling Heshi's dynamic video on the Internet, and Omega's screenshots and P pictures are all high.

[Cheese Peach Peach: Have you seen it? ? 】

[Food and clothing: I am watching. 】

[Cheese Taotao: I'm so ridiculous, I want to say that anyone who dares to scold you, I will fight him for three hundred rounds. As a result, there are some sisters who praise you for being a big fan. 】

[Cheese Taotao: When they were curious about how you hooked up to Linghe, they also praised you for being brave in the face of muscular men.]

[Cheese Taotao: Screenshots, screenshots, screenshots, and someone from your company broke the news that you are sweet, and Ling Heshi brings lunch boxes with you for lunch every day, and eats biscuits with your stairwell in the morning. 】

When reading the comments, the bottom of the pot came up, and Wen Mi was dragged by Ling Heshi to make him step back to prevent being scalded.

"What are you looking at, so fascinated?" When Ling He stayed beside Omega and was ignored, he asked clearly jealously.

Wen Mi licked his lips and handed the phone to Ling Heshi silently.

When Wen Mi was observing Ling He, what was different from him was that Alpha flipped over casually, his expression was not very solemn, and the corners of his mouth would rise slightly when he saw it.

After flipping it for a while, the smile in Alpha's eyes expanded a little, and Wen Mi looked at it curiously, and saw an enlarged face on his phone screen.

Wen Mi is very familiar with that face. Every time he looks in the mirror, he can see this face in the mirror. It is a screenshot. He poked his head out from behind Ling Heshi and said to the muscular man with fire in his eyes. Are you worthy too?

Then the screenshot was enlarged and made into an emoticon package. Does the word match you too?

"..." Wen Mi's face didn't know if it was smoked by the heat of the hot pot or it started to become hot and red with shame.

"Don't watch it." Wen Mi snatched his hand back, fished out a spoonful of cooked lamb and gave it to Ling Heshi.

It didn't take long for the two to eat hot pot, and the photo was posted on the Internet again, and Wen Mi didn't know anything about it. After eating, Wen Mi went to a pharmacy and bought a mask for Ling Heshi to wear.

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