Chapter 16: Super handsome der

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Ling Heshi did not have the same knowledge as the sick Wen Mi. Seeing that little Omega was wiping the tears on his face, he was breathing desperately, and he turned his head and smiled.

Wen Mi didn't pay attention to Ling Heshi secretly laughing at him. When he was held by Ling Heshi just now, there was always a sweet and fragrant honey cake smell. He wanted to smell it more and he withdrew from his arms but couldn't smell it.

When Wen Mi calmed down, Ling He took someone to the hospital to hang water.

In the middle of Ling He, he went to notify his assistant to cancel the meeting. By the way, when he returned with a cup of hot water for Wen Mi, he found the little Omega who was hanging water from time to time to take a peek at the Black Forest cake in the hands of the kid on the opposite side.

Ling Heshi stood and watched for a while, this little Omega was sick and had a good appetite.

Wen Mi's cold symptoms were relieved immediately after the water was over. When the two went back, the car was on the way back to the company. Wen Mi, who thought he was going to go back to work, looked at Ling in surprise when he saw the luxurious Ling's villa. Crane time.

"Do you think I want to send you back to the company?" Ling Heshi asked casually, only to find that Wen Mi's expression was indeed like this.

"..." In the eyes of little Omega, he was actually the face of a vampire capitalist?

Ling Heshi's expression at this time was really scary, but after seeing his Alpha at a loss, Wen Mi was not so scared, and even read out the other party's psychological activities at this time.

"Boss, you are really good!"

Ling Heshi had a feeling of being sent a good person card inexplicably, but seeing the sincere smile on Omega's face, he accepted this compliment.

As soon as Wen Mi followed Ling Heshi into the door, he received a warm hug from Meng Qing.

Wen Mi sat at the dinner table under the warmth of Meng Qingxihan. The rich dishes, including fish and meat, were placed on the table, except for a special lunch in front of him.

The millet porridge is served with crisp and refreshing side dishes, and there is also a bowl of syrupy eggs next to it.

"Zizai informed me that it is late, you can only make these first. You can get a bit of work first, and I'll let my aunt make you a nourishment meal in the evening." Meng Qing sat aside distressedly, Wen Mi heard from the side. Ling Heshi made a "hiss" sound, which should have been kicked by his little dad again.

Wen Mi is both funny and touched, and the family is quiet, but others take good care of him.

After eating lunch, Wen Mi measured her body temperature and took medicine, and slept in Ling Heshi's bed.

The fresh citrus flavor was mixed with the faint honey cake flavor. Wen Mi was wrapped in a quilt, remembering that all she wanted after being trained in the stairwell was just such a warm room, so wept again.

When he was crying this time, someone softly coaxed him, and Wen Mi slept with contentment smelling the good smell of the room.

When I woke up, it was dark. Wen Mi was sitting on Ling Heshi's bed. The mobile phone on which was on showed several unread messages. His father urged him to apologize, some colleagues in the logistics department asked him about gossip, and Zhou Greetings from Ye Gaozhuo, who I knew.

Wen Mi wanted to be self-willed, so he pretended that he didn't see anyone and didn't reply.

He didn't expect that he would miss dinner as soon as he woke up. After leaving the room, Wen Mi only saw Ling Heshi standing in front of the living room window.

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