Chapter 83: Don't know

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In the not-so-spacious kitchen, Meng Qing was cutting vegetables, and Dai Yuanqin was processing fish in front of the sink.

Wen Mi looked at the kitchen worriedly, afraid that his mother would say something to Meng Qing. Meng Xi on the side only felt that since Aunt Dai came here, the atmosphere at home was a bit solemn. Seeing Wen Mi's appearance, Meng Xi was also a little nervous.

"Brother Wen Mi, isn't your mother cooking bad?"

"..." Wen Mi's nervousness was completely dissipated by Meng Xi's words, a little bit dumbfounded, "No, she cooks well."

"Huh? Then don't worry too much about Wen Mi, my little dad is familiar with him, and he will quickly get acquainted with anyone. They will get along very well." Meng Xi guessed the reason for Wen Mi's nervousness and never thought about it. Some people will be dissatisfied with his brother.

Wen Mi couldn't explain it, so he nodded. He wanted to go in and help, but there was no room for a third person in the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Meng Qing and Meng Xi said the same, self-cooked and enthusiastic. While cutting vegetables, they asked Dai Yuanqin if they needed side dishes. Originally, Dai Yuanqin was only planning to bring the fish over, so he talked to Wen Mi by the way. After seeing Meng Qing busy in the kitchen, he somehow started handling the fish. Now that Meng Qing asked, Dai Yuanqin simply wanted to make the fish directly.

"Stew some tofu fish soup, Wen Mi loves it."

Meng Qing glanced at the cut tomatoes on hand. Originally, he planned to make a tomato egg soup. Now let's change it to scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Meng Qingying thought of Wen Mi while cutting the tofu into pieces. He remembered that Wen Mi had a mediocre response to fish soup when he came to the house for dinner, not like a fish soup.

Dai Yuanqin prepared the fish for boiling, but it was the first time for her to use Wen Mi's stove.

"This is old, you have to keep pressing it."

Meng Qing stepped forward to help and caught fire easily. Although he was also the first time, Wen Mi had taught him before. But Dai Yuanqin didn't know. She looked at Meng Qing's proficiency, as if she came often. No outsider who was a mother was familiar with her son's home.

"Our family can cook, except for my youngest son. Don't think he is Alpha but he is the best in our family's cooking skills." It's rare to see her future relatives, Meng Qing praised her cubs and earned money. good impression.

"It's just that he is on a temporary business trip, otherwise he can still make dinner for us." Meng Qing didn't know Dai Yuanqin came over after dinner, and asked her whether the food was salty or sweet.

Dai Yuanqin stewed the fish soup and listened to Meng Qing's words, as if he was very satisfied with his family's Wen Mi, and could not see a trace of mind.

The fish soup was simmering on the stove, and Meng Qing started cooking on the other stove. Dai Yuanqin also wanted to show off, but he had no place.

"Wen Mi, the soy sauce is gone, is there a new one at home?"

"Yes." Wen Mi took out a new bottle of soy sauce from the locker and sent it over.

"Is this brand recommended to you by Heshi?" Meng Qing took over the new soy sauce, his family used this brand.

"Yes, he said that was good when he went to the supermarket that day." Wen Mi was a little uncomfortable when he heard Meng Qing not calling Ling He.

"Your brand is a bit salty."

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