Chapter 9: Little Omega can still talk in sleep

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When Wen Mi ate the fish that Ling He gave him, there was an extra piece just after eating. Seeing that half of the fish was about to be eaten by herself, Wen Mi hurriedly stopped.

"I want to eat something else..."

"The last piece."

"..." Xingba.

The relationship between Wen Mi and these college classmates may not have been familiar to him and Ling He, plus the stomach was put on before going out, Wen Mi was full without eating much.

He sandwiched an unknown pastry while eating slowly while looking at Ling Heshi. Alpha's profile is well-defined and looks very handsome from any angle. Wen Mi looked at it for a while, buckled the tablecloth with his fingers, and whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Don't hang up your phone on purpose."

Wen Mi now knows that Ling Heshi's response to him was not deliberately tricking him. Such a series of actions were obviously to support him, otherwise the big boss did not do well on weekends, so he came to pick him up and accompany him to dinner.

"Let's not take this as an example." Ling Heshi took a sip of juice in a good mood.

After drinking for the third round, everyone discussed that they were going to leave. Wen Mi planned to leave, but the zipper on his jacket got stuck, and he became anxious when he thought that Ling He was still waiting for him.

"It's over, I just asked the waiter that he said our account hasn't been settled." The news brought by the beta who came back from the bathroom caused everyone's dissatisfaction.

"Damn, didn't Ke Mu just ask for a treat?"

"Forced to pretend to him, in the end he didn't pay, he is a real dog."

"Don't say that, everyone, maybe you forgot just now."

"The average person in this restaurant is more than 1,000. The wine he ordered adds up to more than 100,000. Who can afford it? It's better to go to the hotel for a regular meal."

"Call Ke Mu quickly."

"If it hit, the grandson won't pick it up."

In the noise, Wen Mi seemed to hear Ling Heshi's voice.

"I come."

Before Wen Mi could react, Ling Heshi had already leaned in front of him, bent over and carefully helped him close the zipper.

"Let's go, it's too messy and too noisy." Ling Heshi held Wen Mi's hand as he did when entering the door, half hugged Omega in his arms, and stopped slightly when he walked to the door of the private room.

"I'll take it for this meal."

When everyone looked over, they only looked at the corner of the expensive suit.

It was dark when I came out of the restaurant, and the wind blowing in the summer night was also warm. Wen Mi felt that the temperature was just right, but for Alpha, the temperature was still a bit higher. When Wen Mi looked at Linghe, the other party was looking at Linghe. Somewhere in a trance, I don't know if it was a glimmer in the eyes of the street lamp Ling He.

Wen Mi looked in the direction that Ling He was looking at. There was a small stall across the road with the old woman's hand-made popsicles written on a small wooden board.

Ling Zai Zai wanted to eat popsicles.

Wen Mi tilted his head and smiled, pulling Ling Heshi's sleeve.

"I'm out of paper towels, I'll go to the opposite side to buy a pack."

Wen Mi needs paper for a cold. Ling Heshi nodded without thinking: "I'll drive the car here."

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