Chapter 85: Alpha has to coax

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Wen Mi, who had the news when he saw Ling He the next day, maintained a good mood for most of the day.

Until the video call with Ling Heshi was finished at noon, he received a message from Xiao Lu, saying that it was for him to go home for dinner at night.

Didn't Dai Yuanqin just visit him yesterday?

Wen Mi hasn't reconciled with Wen's father, so he doesn't want to go home for dinner, because he is afraid of eating and breaking up unhappily. He wanted to make an excuse not to go back, but before he had time to say, Dai Yuanqin made a call again in person.

On the phone, Dai Yuanqin did not give Wen Mi a chance to refuse, and even told him to come back early, but Wen Mi could only go home after get off work.

Wen Mi will be paid within two days, thinking about buying something to go back, his dad will at least look better. So Wen Mi went to Tao Cheng's coffee shop to buy some small cakes. Tao Cheng was in the store this time, but Wen Mi rushed home to chat only briefly.

Wen Mi bought some more fruits at the door of his house, and even spent a huge sum of money to buy a durian weighing six kilograms.

Durian revisited Mi with a lot of things in her hand. The owner of the fruit shop saw that Wen Mi was an Omega and had a lot of things. Anyway, he lived in the nearby community, so he borrowed a small cart for Wen Mi.

Wen Mi took a photo and passed it to Ling Heshi.

[Little Longan: Fruit picture.jpg is almost home and sigh, the cat is crying. 】

[Small Longan: Durian smells stinky and expensive, and the wallet is empty. 】

After being spoiled for a while at Alpha, who was temporarily unable to see the news, Wen Mi pushed things back home calmly.

Six catties of durian felt more presence than Wen Mi. As soon as Wen Mi entered the house and did not speak, Wen Lu and Wen Mu came out after smelling it.

"Wow, such a great and fragrant durian!" Wen Lu ran over first and took away the durian that exuded a mature fragrance.

"Is there enough money to buy so many things?"

Wen Mi took the things down, and was a little surprised that Dai Yuanqin would care about whether he had enough money. In the past, he bought too many things, so he might mutter not to spend money.

"Enough, and salary will be paid soon." Wen Mi watched as Wen Lu took the durian into the kitchen and started to open the durian. Wen Mi noticed that there were several stainless steel basins in the kitchen. In addition to the durian smell, there was a salty fragrance in the room. .

"Brother, the durian you bought is really good. The meat is very high!" Wen Lu yelled while driving. He was too excited to be stabbed by the durian and suddenly shouted.

After hearing the sound, Dai Yuanqin hurried over and took a look.

After taking everything down, Wen Mi glanced at the kitchen. Wen greedily looked at the unfinished durian. Seeing that there was nothing serious, he said to return the cart.

When Wen Mi came back, he saw a pair of Alpha-size men's leather shoes in the shoe cabinet, and Father Wen was back.

"How did you make so many pickled cucumbers and sour radishes?" Father Wen's voice came from the kitchen.

"Wen Mi has nothing in the refrigerator, so I'll make something for him and take it home."

"He chose to go outside and suffer, and you will not appreciate him if you feel bad about it." Obviously Father Wen was still angry.

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