Chapter 24: Longjing Shrimp

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Tao Cheng rushed to Wanhui from the coffee shop after receiving the call from Ling Heshi. As soon as he walked in, he saw Wen Mi plucked his hair and said something, and then Omega walked away angrily.

"..." A trip for nothing.

Before Wen Mi didn't find it, Tao Cheng quietly left and sent a text message to a certain Ling He who was not in Wanhui but still caring about Wen Mi.

[Husband and quack]

[Orange: Wen Mi took away the popularity. 】

[Ling lonely widow: I'm not here, he's pretty good. 】

When Tao Cheng knew Ling He for more than ten years, she had never seen him care about any Omega so much. Not only did she ask him about Wen Mi from time to time, but now she was afraid of being bullied, so she called him to help.

[Orange: Are you interesting to Wen Mi? 】

[Ling lonely widow: No, he just didn't answer the call and he was worried. 】

[Qi Youzhu: @凌孤孤Do you believe it or not, who disturbed our husband in the middle of the night, just to inquire about Omega? 】

[Ling Guwu: @戚有主 to shoot your scene. 】

[Qi Youzhu: Slightly Slightly]

[Qi Youzhu: @橙子老婆 Isn't it? I'm going to make money. 】

Ling Heshi was on his way to Jiang's family. He looked at the group news and was thinking about what Orange said. Interested in Wen Mi? Probably not, he wanted to be nice to Omega just like his brother.

[Orange: Anything you want lately? 】

While thinking, Ling Heshi received Tao Cheng's private chat. Thinking that he was about to pass his birthday, Ling Heshi sent a watch to link to it.

[Orange: ... cheaper. 】

[Ling Heshi: Did your husband go bankrupt when he bought a diamond ring? 】

Ling Heshi wanted to ridicule a few more words, Tao Cheng suddenly sent a few chat records, the content was typed, only one revealed a familiar portrait and a gift-giving inquiry.

[Orange: Wen Mi wants to give you a gift, and asks me if I have any good ideas. 】

Little Omega actually remembers his birthday! Ling Heshi raised his eyebrows and there was joy in his eyes, and after careful consideration, he returned Tao Cheng's message.

On the other side, Wen Mi, who had just finished eating, received Tao Cheng's suggestion.

"Handcrafted?" Wen Mi liked it when he wanted to make citrus biscuits by himself, Ling He, so he could make some other things.

While washing the lunch box, Wen Mi thought about it. He looked at the lunch box in his hand and suddenly thought that when Ling He said that he loved cooking in the morning, he sent a message to Meng Xi. After getting a positive answer, Wen Mi had a preliminary idea. idea.

After get off work in the evening, Wen Mi did not go home directly but went to the hospital. He had glands hurt twice before and made an appointment for examination. While waiting for the inspection report, Wen Mi went to a pottery studio near the hospital. After a brief look, he reported to the novice class. He planned to make a set of dishes for Ling Heshi.

After signing up, Wen Mi returned to the hospital and got the report. He would come for regular check-ups and met several doctors.

"Doctor Wen, have my disorder worsened?"

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