Chapter 71: This person has two faces

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Finally, Wen Mi locked the box in the drawer, and threatened Ling Heshi to forget this paragraph by entering the house.

Wen Mi unilaterally announced that she would spend three days with Yu Zhi friends. On the third day, Wen Mi was taken to the hospital by Ling Heshi for a gland examination. Yu Zhi was sending messages and chatting with Wen Mi along the way.

The hospital that Wen Mi came to was the one where he was hospitalized last time. He originally thought that he would have to wait for the report to be confirmed after the examination, but it was only the most basic blood test report, and Wen Mi found a change.

He checks every month, and after a long time, he can understand the report. Wen Mi found that the low values ​​of several pheromone items have increased a lot than before. Although they have not reached the normal value, they are also a good sign. .

Wen Mi took a photo and sent it to Yuzhi. Yuzhi sent out several fireworks in a row, with fireworks special effects all over the screen.

There are several important reports that will take two days to come out, but based on several reports that have been published and Wen Mi's recent pheromone smell, little Omega heard the doctor tell him that there is a high probability that the glands started. It has grown normally.

Wen Mi sat there listening to the doctor in a daze, and was unconsciously pinched by Ling Heshi's hand.

After coming out of the doctor's office, Wen Mi found that he pinched Ling Heshi's index finger flushed red.

"I just......"

"Yes, it's true." Ling Heshi watched Wen Mi's loosened hand and put his index finger in his hand again, "I feel pain, I didn't dream."

Before he finished a sentence, Ling Heshi guessed his thoughts clearly. Wen Mi didn't expect that after hearing it so many times, he couldn't cure it. There was great hope that he could hear it again.

Wen Mi was very happy to tell Yu Zhi the doctor's words the first time. After Yu Zhi sent out a few exclamation marks, he came to the new year.

Ling Heshi also saw that sentence, remembering that Wen Mi asked him to help pick up socks when he woke up in the morning. He deliberately picked a pair of red socks in that cabinet, which was festive.

Wen Mi also remembered what happened in the morning, and took a picture of Yu Zhi's red socks.

The fluttering joy of the day when I confirmed the relationship with Ling Heshi resurfaced. Every step of Wen Mi was like stepping on cotton. When Ling Heshi was being led by Ling Heshi, he wouldn't bump into anything because of his distraction.

"Is the barrier taken?"

Wen Mi nodded, and when he looked at Ling He, he took out the barrier agent from his backpack and sprayed him on him. Wen Mi was stunned for a while, and then realized something.

"Did you smell my pheromone?"

When he nodded when he saw Ling He, Wen Mi immediately pulled on the collar and smelled it, but couldn't smell anything. When he glanced at Ling He, he leaned in front of him and sniffed it. He could taste a hint of honey cake.

He could tell that the smell of Ling Heshi's body was slightly different from the blocking agent he sprayed. Ling Heshi's pheromone would be more fragrant, and when he smelled it, he would feel a very comfortable feeling.

Although I can't smell myself, thinking about the doctor's words, Wen Mi is still full of hope, and one day I can smell it.

The two were sitting on the elevator and preparing to leave. At this point, there are many people doing check-ups in the hospital, and almost every elevator is full. They have high floors and there are only a few people inside when they enter the elevator.

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