Chapter 67: That might be a bit small

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Little Omega took the initiative to invite, if Alpha had a tail, it should have been up to the sky, but Ling Heshi's performance was calm and calm, and he did not let the little Omega snoop out the ecstasy in his heart.

I drove from the hotel to Wen Mi's house in two or three minutes. As soon as I entered Linghe, I smelled the honey cake-flavored blocking agent in the room. There were two pairs of Alpha-size slippers in the shoe cabinet, both of which belonged to Ling Heshi, and Alpha picked a pair and walked in.

Wen Mi collected clothes on the balcony. Several clothes were hung on the two-square-meter small balcony. The Alpha-sized pajamas were attached to the Omega-sized t-shirts. The big and small clothes were dangling in the air with Wen Mi's movements.

When Ling Heshi walked to the balcony, Wen Mi was holding a pile of clothes and came out. When Ling Heshi took the clothes, one piece slipped from the clothes and fell to the ground.

The two looked at it at the same time, it was a piece of black four-corner cloth.

The atmosphere was a little frozen, and after a moment of silence, Ling Heshi picked up the piece of cloth.

"Is it a bit...bigger for you?"

Wen Mi flushed with shame, and when he heard Alpha's words, he couldn't wait to lie down on the bed and hide himself in a quilt.

"Yes...Yes...I bought it for you." Wen Mi stammered to explain this piece of fabric, and privately helped Alpha buy underwear. He wanted to give Ling Heshi with his pajamas when he took a bath, who knew Will encounter such an embarrassing scene.

Wen Mi bit his scalp and finished speaking, but he ran into Alpha's eyes with a smile that was not a smile, and suddenly his eyelids twitched.

"That..." Ling Heshi deliberately stretched the tone, "That might be a bit small."

! !

Little Omega must have been molested. He blinked and looked at Alpha, who was playing gangsters without drinking alcohol. Suddenly the alcohol came up and he yelled.

"I haven't seen it again! Of course I don't know!"

After shouting, Wen Mi ran out immediately, leaving Alpha with a shocked look holding a pile of clothes in the room.

Standing in the living room, Wen Mi, whose face was blushing, touched his hot face with the back of his hand. He heard Alpha's chuckle in the room and couldn't help covering his face. What was he talking about just now? ? ?

Please take a look!

Knowing that little Omega was regretting infinitely, Ling Heshi didn't tease him anymore, and said that he took the clean pajamas and underwear into the bathroom.

Wen Mi drank a few sips of warm water and gradually calmed down. As long as Ling He didn't mention him, nothing happened!

When the decided little Omega went to the closet and gave Ling He a clean quilt, Yu Zhi called as soon as the bed was made.

"Xiao Wen Mi guess what I'm doing?" Yu Zhi was obviously too alcoholic, and began to speak with big tongues.

"Eat supper? Drink beer?" Wen Mi glanced at the time, saying so, but felt that Yu Zhi should not be able to get out of bed now that Yin Zhen was jealous when he was parting.

"You guessed it wrong, I'm waiting for my milk tea to take a bath, hehehehe." Yu Zhi smiled not devilishly but a little rippling.

Wen Mi was stunned. He can listen to this?

"The couple's suite booked by milk tea, don't say that the equipment in this shop is really good, you and we will love you in the future, it should be our warm private love A, you can come to experience the experience in the future." Yu Zhi finished speaking. Then shouted Yin Zhenxi to hurry up.

Wen Mi was holding his head, thinking that the bottle of red wine he drank at night was too strong.

At this moment, Wen Mi called when he heard Ling He in the bathroom.

"I ran out of shower gel."

"I'll get it!" Wen Mi remembered that he had forgotten to change it, and when he was about to get it, he heard Yu Zhi's laughter coming through the phone very penetratingly.

"It turns out that Wen Mi is waiting for someone to take a shower, so I won't bother you."

Hearing the "beep beep" when the phone was disconnected, Wen Mi wanted to order a bowl of sober soup for Yu Zhi from the hotel.

Wen Mi bought the shower gel a long time ago and used it as a spare. Now that he took it out, he remembered that it was bought at a discount, so he didn't pick the taste. This bottle of shower gel is milky.

Ling Heshi who smells like milk? It doesn't look good on the surface, but the honey cake with milk is quite delicious.

When Wen Mi sent the shower gel to Ling He, he stood at the door for a while, and there was only the sound of water, and Alpha should have accepted it.

At night, the lights in Wen Mi's room were turned off, and the thin curtains were drawn but could not cover the moonlight. The cold moonlight was shining in the room, and Wen Mi could clearly see Ling Heshi's face through the moonlight.

There were two people with two small quilts, and Wen Mi could feel the arms attached to Ling Heshi through the quilt.

The same shower gel used by the two of them, Wen Mi didn't know whether it was the smell on his own body or the smell on Ling Heshi's body, the mellow milk scent filled the space between the two.

"Not sleepy?" Ling Heshi's body temperature is high, but because Wen Mi is physically weak, neither the air conditioner nor the fan is turned on in the house. He sleeps with his favorite under the quilt. Ling Heshi just came out after taking a shower. A thin layer of sweat.

"I kind of want to smell your pheromone." Wen Mi grabbed the quilt, and touched the head of the bed with the other hand, looking for a blocking agent to spray and smell it.

"You don't need to take a blocking agent." Knowing what Wen Mi was going to say, Ling Heshi said before him, "As long as you want to smell it, you can definitely smell it."

After Ling Heshi finished talking, Wen Mi really smelled a faint smell of honey cake. At first it smelled faint, like a honey cake that had just been embryonated, but gradually the taste became stronger and stronger, as if witnessing the cake being baked. process.

Originally, Wen Mi liked to smell Linghe's sweet and sweet pheromone, but now the taste was mixed with milk, and Wen Mi couldn't help but breathe. When he reacted, the tip of his nose was already close to Linghe's. At the neck.

"I thought you were going to bite me."

Ling Heshi's tone was teasing. When Wen Mi hadn't retreated, Ling Heshi suddenly turned around and lay on his side facing him. The two of them were very close, and the exhaled heat sprayed on each other's faces. Get closer and you can kiss each other.

For some reason, Wen Mi felt that the honey cake taste suddenly seemed to be added with cream, and it became incredibly sweet. It made him wonder if the lips of Linghe were also sweet?

Wen Mi took the initiative to kiss, but when the lips were pressed together, the initiative was changed to Ling He Shina.

The sound of gasps and kisses intertwined in the dark night, dyeing the cold moonlight with heat. Unknowingly, Linghe's quilt was kicked to the end of the bed, and Wen Mi's quilt was messy covering the two of them, cold and hot. The body was close together, and gradually Wen Mi's body temperature rose to the same temperature as Ling He.

The honey cake flavour and citrus flavour blended together in the room, and Wen Mi also had the experience of helping each other with Alpha for the first time.

The concentration of the pheromone reached its extreme, and the taste faded quickly. The lights in the room were turned on. Wen Mi changed into a clean pajama with bright red eyes, while Alpha took the set he replaced with a little Omega. His pajamas went into the bathroom.

In the early morning, the house returned to calm, only two steady breaths sounded, the curtains used only for decoration were still drawn, but there were more shadows of large and small clothes freshly dried on the balcony.

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