Chapter 11: He will pick me home in a while

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Because of the gossip between Wen Mi and Ling Heshi in the company, every department was very enthusiastic about Wen Mi when he sent the documents. He was not used to such social interactions. He had to be busy with work as an excuse. Each department never stayed more than five hours. minute.

Soon there was only one document left, and this one had to be sent to the logistics department.

From the moment he got out of the elevator, Wen Mi felt very familiar with the air-conditioning at different temperatures in the logistics department and other departments.

"Isn't this our Xiao Wenmi, because Mr. Ling is not here, so I think of us?"

"That's not it. Before, President Ling didn't see Wen Mi for lunch with us, but now when President Ling is on a business trip, he asks us for lunch."

"Wen Mi, aren't you a little bit too much to look down on friends?"

"But if my boyfriend has Mr. Ling's color, it's normal to Qingyou."

After a group of people teased, Wen Mi didn't know who answered, and they all laughed.

Wen Mi scratched his head embarrassedly, found an empty seat to sit down and catch the fish, and chat with the big guy.

While chatting, someone asked about Wen Mi's classmate meeting. It turned out that Tao Shijin had mentioned it several times in the company before the classmate meeting, which was equivalent to the fact that people didn't come to work this week after the end of the class.

"I thought she would definitely come over on Monday to show off his wealthy boyfriend." The speaking station of Rong Shuzi was next to Tao Shijin, who was deeply poisoned by the opponent's Versailles all the year round.

"What will happen to your classmates Wen Mi? Tao Shijin didn't reveal a word, and once he posted something in his circle of friends. Men liked the new and disliked the old and deleted them in seconds. In my opinion, they broke up 80%."

Tao Shijin's popularity in the logistics department is not good. Everyone, I guess every sentence. Wen Mi wants to use Tao Shijin's character to save face. He will never take the initiative to tell others about the shame of his classmates, or tell others about him and Linghe. .

Wen Mi thought about the reunion, and if he really wanted to say it, there was a kind of deliberate show off, so he found a reason to go back to the eighteenth floor.

The big boss is not there, and the recent atmosphere on the 18th floor is very relaxed. When Wen Mi came back from get off work, everyone was chatting gossip and didn't notice his presence. Wen Mi sat at the workstation with a candy, and listened with his ears upright.

"Emperor Qi was photographed and suspected of having a candlelight dinner with the top-ranked little O. Is this really a fake?"

"No way, when we attended the wedding of Emperor Qi, Mr. Ling's expression was obviously very happy. No matter how you look at Mr. Ling's friend, it won't be scum A."

"Xiao Zhou is right. After the wedding, Emperor Qi has never had a scandal. His outside partner has been well protected, and he didn't even reveal his name. How could he suddenly cheat? The paparazzi must be made up."

"Brother Zhao, you are not right to say that. There has been no scandal before, and now it has been photographed suddenly, maybe it is true."

Wen Mi rarely pays attention to the gossip news in the entertainment industry, but it is not a secret that Emperor Qi and Ling are always good friends, so Wen Mi also knows something about Emperor Qi.

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