Chapter 100: Do you do homework?

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Wen Mi's dining table is small, and when there are more dishes and more people, he feels that he is not enough to sit. He sat next to Ling He, with Wen Lu next to him and his parents opposite.

Even when eating alone in private, Ling Heshi would give Wen Mi some food, and Wen's father and Wen's mother wanted to give Wen Mi some food when they were getting along.

After hesitating until the end, Wen's mother took the initiative to fill Wen Mi with a bowl of soup, and after staring at Wen Mi after eating, Wen's father asked if she wanted to add food.

After dinner, Wen's father and Wen's mother wanted to clean up the table, but when Ling He was a step ahead, a family of four in the living room looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

"It's getting late. Let's go first. Your mother and I bought you some clothes to see if they fit." Father Wen actually wanted to apologize to Wen Mi, but the words came to his lips and looked at the house. Looking at Wen Mi, who was unfamiliar with him in front of him, Father Wen couldn't say anything.

Wen Lu originally planned to stay here and sleep with Wen Mi for one night, acting like a baby to increase his relationship. When his parents left, they just dragged him away.

Wen Lu stood at the door reluctantly, with his hands on the door frame, staring at his parents eagerly, but neither of them noticed him this time.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Dai Yuanqin touched her husband with her arm and motioned for him to speak.

"I talked to your mother, you are right, we really ignored you before." Under the supervision of Wen's mother, Wen's father tried to suffocate a sentence.

"You are so old. The changes we have made may be troublesome to you. We will not interfere with your affairs in the future. You and Ling Heshi will have a good talk, and you must remember that your parents will definitely be you this time. Backing up." Father Wen seldom said such things, even if he hadn't said such things to Wen Lu, who had been doting on him all the time, his face was flushed after just a few words.

"I remember, thank you parents." Wen Mi felt a little bit in his heart. He thought he should make some response, but he tried hard and only answered such a sentence.

"Then we're leaving." Father Wen and Mother Wen left with Wen Lu in a bit of a loss.

Wen Lu turned his head and made a hand to Wen Mi while walking, trying to make Wen Mi feel soft to keep him, but he watched Ling He appear behind his brother and waved to him, resolutely pulled away. His brother closed the door.

When the hateful Linghe, why didn't his brother buy a single bed?

The house immediately became spacious as soon as the person left, and Wen Mi helped Ling Heshi to clean the table together, and he was a little absent-minded.

"Today, Xiao Lu wanted to conceal his injury from my parents, but I still let my parents know. In fact, I want to see if my parents have really changed." Wen Mi thought he would be happy when his parents changed. When they cared about him, he didn't feel very happy, but he was touched when his parents decided not to interfere with him.

"I found out that I don't seem to need the care of my parents anymore. What I really want is not to be restrained by them." In the future, I won't suddenly receive calls from parents to let him go home for dinner regardless of his wishes. Parents said that he can easily manage his time without being unhappy because of family affairs.

Work did not make Wen Mi feel bad. He was mentally prepared even if he was sick or in poor health. His bad mood has always come from the pressure at home and the invisible suppression and neglect. Now this is gone, Wen Mi feels that it has never been It's been easy.

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