Chapter 56: Filling the cake: it's my fault

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When Wen Mi woke up in the morning, his chest was sore. He was sleeping with his mobile phone and fell asleep unknowingly. The mobile phone fell on the bed. He turned over and slept with the mobile phone for a long time.

During the meal, Wen Duo looked at Wen Mi while rubbing his chest, breathing in pain, and suddenly laughed again, and became expressionless when he was half laughing.

"Wen Mi, did you sleep well?" Wen Duo felt that most of Wen Mi's apology text messages yesterday were gray-haired, and Alpha probably insisted on breaking up, which caused Wen Mi's emotional ups and downs to change suddenly.

Wen Mi stayed up most of the night, and after falling asleep, she pressed her phone again, so naturally she didn't sleep well.

Seeing Wen Mi shook his head, Wen Duo glanced at Wen Luan's room that was still sleeping with the door closed.

"Are you worried about Xiao Lu? Would you like to sleep with Xiao Lu at night?"


Because of Wen Lu, Wen Mi stayed at home temporarily. He didn't want his family to know that he was going to resign, so he planned to move out in a few days and then talk to Ling Heshi about his resignation.

Within a few minutes on the way to work, Wen Mi had to take out his phone and glance at Ling He's reply.

Knowing that Ling He didn't blame himself Wen Mi for finally unloading the burden he had always been. Wen Mi was happy, but when he thought of leaving Wanhui in a few days to leave Ling He, his happiness at seeing the text message faded a lot.

There will be many stall vendors selling breakfast early in the morning on the street opposite Wanhui. Wen Mi smelled the scent of glutinous cakes when he was passing by at work today. He remembered the scene of eating glutinous cakes with Ling Heshi in the stairwell, so he couldn't resist going up to buy them. Up one.

Wen Mi had a very full breakfast, so the glutinous cakes were reserved for lunch. The lettuce leaves in the heated glutinous cake turned black, and Wen Mi didn't know that many people were watching him secretly while he was eating.

In the afternoon, Wen Mi learned from the people in the logistics department that some people broke up with Ling He when he was told that they had not received lunch, so Zhong could only eat pitifully.

"..." Doesn't it seem wrong?

Wen Mi did not pay attention to gossip and left work as usual, but the pottery class had to be postponed again. He had made a few bowls and he could give it to Ling Heshi if he worked hard. It is probably unnecessary now. .

When he arrived home in the evening, Wen Mi was pulled by Wen Duo to talk, caring about his love life. Wen Mi didn't answer well, and finally Wen Duo patted him on the shoulder to make him come back for dinner on Friday night.

"I have a good friend of mine called Qi Ru, you should know that he came to our house for dinner on Friday, and he said he wanted to see my two younger brothers."

Wen Mi opened his mouth. He felt that Wen Duo was going to let him go on a blind date, but the elder brother didn't say directly that he didn't know how to refuse. Wen Mi missed the best opportunity to refuse.

Qi Ru is a Wen Duo high school classmate who has been playing until now, and his elder brother knows his roots and he is definitely not like Zhu Lin. And he heard that his eldest brother had complained about Qi Ru's pheromone fruity Omega before. Even if he was on a blind date, he would not be attracted to him, but he was more likely to be attracted to Xiao Lu.

Wen Mi received a message from Tao Cheng before going to bed.

[Tao Cheng: There will be a special day in two days...]

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