Chapter 48: Caught

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Zhu Lin possesses illegal drugs and intends to commit misconduct to Omega. The police also found the chat records between him and netizens on his mobile phone. His goal is to get the two brothers Wen Lu and Wen Mi.

After in-depth investigation, it turns out that Zhu Lin has a history of harassing former female colleagues and male colleagues, all of which are petite Betas. Originally, Zhu Lin was only scheming towards Wen Mi and Wen Lu, and after touching a nail in Wen Mi, he set the target on Wen Lu. He wanted to get closer to Wen Luen step by step, and it would be best to coax success, but when he played games with Wen Luen, he only liked Alpha's speech, his self-esteem was blown, and he had such an action under impulse.

Zhu Lin's house found a lot of messy things, all of which were bought and didn't dare to use. Many of them were fake. The tube he gave himself was even harmful to the body, so he lost his reason. Ling He did not act lightly. The harmful hormones caused permanent damage to his body. Waiting for Zhu Lin to come out of the hospital and wait for him would be severely punished by the law.

After this incident, Wen Mi stayed at home for three days. Wen Lu was psychologically stimulated when he came back from the hospital. He refused to come out of the room every day. It would be better if Wen Mi and Wen Duo took turns in and coaxed.

"I'm going back to the company in the afternoon. You take good care of Xiao Lu." Wen Duo sat on the edge of Wen Lu's bed, holding a glass of milk in his hand and drank only one-third of the milk, staring sadly at the person who finally fell asleep. Wen Lu.

Wen Mi nodded and stared at the chat box with Ling Heshi. When he looked for Ling He that day, but the other party did not return, Alpha shut himself in the room during the susceptible period. He should have a mobile phone...

"I was wrong about Zhu Lin. I shouldn't force you to go on a blind date. My two younger brothers will have an accident." Wen Duo said with a hoarse voice, not daring to look at Wen Mi, but Wen Mi could feel the guilt in his tone. arrive.

"I misunderstood your boyfriend. He is very reliable. When Xiao Lu is ready, he will take him out for a meal. I will thank him face to face for saving you."

The police did not disclose the identity of Ling Heshi. They were talking about the boyfriend with Wen Mi's family. Wen Duo must have misunderstood that the boyfriend who bit his mouth and the one who uniformed Zhu Lin was the same.

Although he is indeed alone, Ling Heshi is not his boyfriend.

After Wen Duo left, Wen Mi looked at Wen Lu on the bed. After the accident, everyone in his family was with him. In fact, Wen Mi was also a little scared. He could always dream of someone holding a knife at night. He was especially special when he wanted to see Ling He. think.

[Wen Mi: Are you okay? 】

When the message was sent, there was still no reply. Wen Mi squinted on the small sofa in Wen Lu's room for a while, and had a dream in a daze. Mi immediately glanced at the phone and realized that she was just dreaming.

Wen Lu may be at ease because he saw Wen Mi when he was the most dangerous. Wen Lu's bed is a single bed, and the two Omega sleeping together are a bit squeezed. Wen Miming and Ling He have slept in the same bed several times. They should be used to having people next to them, but he can't sleep when the people around him change to Wen Lu.

In the middle of the night, Wen Lu had fallen asleep, and Wen Mi was not sleepy playing with her mobile phone. Wen Mi, who was playing with her mobile phone, suddenly received a call from Meng Xi.

Wen Mi carefully turned over Wen Lu, and quietly ran to the balcony to answer the phone.

I thought it was Meng Xi, but when Wen Mi heard the voice of the opposite person, he realized that it was Ling Heshi's little dad. Meng Qing told Wen Mi that Ling Heshi's mood swings during the susceptible period this time was very high. When he was uncomfortable, he would break things in the room. Once he went to bed, he would constantly have nightmares. He only slept for a few hours in three days.

The family is really worried about Ling He, so I hope that when Wen Mi can come to see Ling He, he doesn't need him to go in, he just needs to talk to Ling He through the door to soothe his emotions.

Wen Mi knew that Meng Qing thought they were lovers, so he hoped that he would soothe Alpha in the susceptible period, but only Wen Mi knew that he and Ling Heshi were fake, and he had no pheromone at all, so it was impossible to soothe Ling Heshi.

Maybe Meng Qing would be disappointed, but Wen Mi still couldn't bear the miss of Ling Heshi, and agreed.

In the morning of the next morning, Mother Wen had just entered the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Wen Mi didn't even eat any food to make them pay attention to Wen Lu and went out in a hurry.

Wen Mi drove back to his rental house. He first went to pick up the citrus chocolate he planned to give to Ling Heshi in a while, and then went to the door to buy the double egg biscuits that Ling He liked to eat. I dared to delay and went to Ling's house.

Afraid that the breakfast would be cold, Wen Mi put the glutinous cake in his pocket and kept holding it.

Wen Mi came very early. Meng Qing was surprised when he saw Wen Mi, and then realized Wen Mi's urgency, so he gave him a grateful hug.

Alpha in the susceptible period is very sensitive to pheromones. The servants of the Ling family are on vacation. Ling Zhangduan and Meng Xi are making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Zub Zai can't sleep well, and he can't eat well. We think of ways to make it for him, but he doesn't like to eat." Meng Qing told Wen Mi his worry about his son.

"Brother Wen Mi." Meng Xi, who has always been energetic, is now also embarrassed, "My brother eats citrus now, but that can't be eaten as a meal."

"I don't know why my brother likes citrus so much. He eats a bunch of citrus every time he is susceptible."

Meng Xi was squeezing citrus juice, and Ling Zhangduan, Alpha, was making cakes with his sleeves rolled up. Look at the citrus peel next to him. It is probably also citrus flavor.

"He really likes the cake at my door. Can I give it to him to try?"

Meng Qing watched Wen Mi take out a pancake from his pocket. The pancake was still hot. This intention made him unable to say anything to refuse, but Meng Qing knew that every time his son was susceptible to something he liked again, it would be difficult for him to have an appetite. , Wen Mi is mostly disappointed.

"I'll take you there." Meng Qing nodded, and while taking Wen Mi to the room dedicated to Linghe's susceptibility period, she thought about how to comfort Wen Mi for a while.

The room was in the corner of the second floor. After Meng Qing brought people there, he left. He reminded Wen Mi that he could not go in. After putting things at the door, he could talk to Ling Heshi through the door.

After Meng Qing left, Wen Mi stood at the door holding the glutinous cake. He hadn't seen him for a few days, but Wen Mi felt a little rusty. He didn't know how to speak, probably because only Ling He knew that they had nothing to do.

"Wen Mi?"

Suddenly a vague sound came from the door, and Wen Mi's eyes lit up and responded in a hurry.

"Ling Heshi!"

"I brought you glutinous rice cakes, do you want to eat it?"

Ling Heshi's voice was not real. Wen Mi heard him say a word, but only one word could be heard clearly.

"I put the filling cake at the door, you open the door and take it in."

Wen Mi stepped back to the side as he said, and after a while the door opened, it was just a crack, and Alpha stretched out a hand and took the cake away from the door. Wen Mi clearly saw a few scratches on the back of Alpha's hand. Was that because Alpha caught it by himself during the susceptible period?

"Wen Mi, did you bring citrus candies?" After taking the cake and the door did not close, Ling Heshi's voice finally reached Wen Mi's ears clearly.

"Bring it!" Wen Mi didn't have much citrus candies. He took them all over. He took a handful and walked over, wanting to give him the citrus candies first, and then give the chocolates to Ling Heshi.

The undefended Wen Mi was at the moment when he put the sugar on Ling Heshi's hand, Alpha suddenly clasped his wrist, too late to take a look at the sugar spilling on the ground, Wen Mi seemed very pleased when he heard Ling He's tail. Said something.

"Caught it."

Then Wen Mi was pulled into a dark room.

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