Chapter 33: Alpha does not need to rest

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Wen Mi covered the quilt and calmed down for a while. The pillow suddenly shook. Wen Mi touched his mobile phone under the pillow.

Wen Mi didn't receive any news for just one night, the news just now was sent by the eldest brother.

[Big Brother: Still in the hospital? Caught a cold again? 】

How did the eldest brother know he was in the hospital? Wen Mi glanced at the call log and found the phone number he had called to his eldest brother yesterday. Was it from Ling Heshi?

Wen Mi replied, and after a while, Wen Duo replied.

[Big Brother: Which hospital? I'll see you after get off work. 】

It seems that Big Brother hasn't cared about him for a long time? Wen Mi wanted to say that there was no trouble, but faintly wanted his elder brother to care about him. Although he felt a little bit hypocritical, Wen Mi still sent the address of the hospital.

After Ling Heshi settled the matter, he carried the heat preservation box and entered the ward, and saw little Omega holding the phone with a look of embarrassment, as if he was struggling with something.

"Are you hungry, eat something first?"

It was almost noon, and Wen Mi was really hungry only when he woke up. He put down his phone and glanced at the insulation box.

"Little dad heard that you were in the hospital, and he cooked it specially. He wanted to come, but I stopped. You haven't rested yet. I don't want you to be distracted."

Ling Heshi's clothes were the same as yesterday. When he stretched out his hand in front of Wen Mi, the back of his hand was green, and he could still see a small needle eye. He didn't know how much Ling Heshi was busy all night.

"Would you like to squint on the sofa for a while?" Wen Mi worried about Ling Heshi's body, fearing that his susceptibility period would affect his emotions.

"Don't worry, I'm in good spirits." Ling Heshi said this meaningfully, and then handed Wen Mi a clean spoon.

Wen Mi always felt that Ling Heshi had become a little weird, and looked very gentle, but the messy hair and the black green right now gave people a sense of laziness and unruly, giving people a strong feeling.

Meng Qing made porridge. It is best for people who are sick. Wen Mi took a sip, his lips were prickling and painful. He reached out and touched it, and his brows were tight with pain.

"You bit it yourself."

"..." Wen Mi didn't remember the process, but he knew he bit himself hard.

I don't know if Wen Mi hadn't eaten breakfast. After eating a bowl of porridge, Wen Mi was still not full. When he glanced at Ling He who was eating citrus, he lowered his eyes and looked at each other in embarrassment. He couldn't speak for a long time.

Ling Heshi received a message from the little Omega. It was obvious that the two were less than one meter apart in front of him. What did the little Omega want to say?

[Little Longyan: Look at my ID. 】

Wen Mi's net name is Wenfubao. Ling Heshi understood it. He stuffed the remaining half of the citrus to Wen Mi and helped little Omega out of the bed.

"Go to the hospital cafeteria to eat more?"

Wen Mi followed Ling Heshi out a little bit.

This hospital is not the one that Wen Mi often visits. It is a private hospital. He lives in the Omega area. As soon as Wen Mi comes out of the ward, he sees several Omegas with big bellies.

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